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x ermon 5, their grace and virtues : Whereas this is the genuine,.and kindly ufe that all fhould make of them, to be watchful to walk in fear, and to take heed left we alto fall, confder - ing, that, if it hath been done fo in the green tree, what may we fear who,in comparifon, are but dry trees, if the Lord thall leave us (as juftly he may) to follow our own counfels? It would become us. to wonder that we go not wrong and further wrong, and to look well that we be not vain of our own handing. The ad ufe ferves to teach us, that we fhould not take every thing robe right, whereof for the time we may have a fort of perfwafìon, neither that which many good peo- ple may think to be right: God bath given us another Mould rule, that be looked to and walked by, as fove- reign, and infallibly regulating, according to which we fhould regulate our own, and the Confciences and pra- es of others. Therefore, idly, Learn hence, fo much the more accu- rately and exa&ly to put every thing to proof and trial, that we may fee whether it be fo in very deed as Confci- ence di&ateth. By all means let Confcience be laid to the rule of the word, let us betake ourfelves and our Con_ fcience, to the law and to the teflrmony, and if it fpeak not according to trefe, it is becaufe there is no light in it; at leaf in fo far. And, if even believers may thus err and miftal {e, O how much more and more fadly may others, who fleep on in their fecurity, without fear of being mif, taken and of going wrong in matters of greateft and molt Jailing moment, let be in leffer ones ? putting nothing fe- rioufly to the trial, and will yet not withtlanding boaft ofá, good Confciençe. The 4th ufe ferves to teach believers, and all of you, that ye have need to walk near God, and in dots and con - ltant dependence on bim ; not limply lipping: or trufting to your own counfel ar Confcience, but to him for dire- &ion and guiding. The 5th u,:e ferves to exhort believers to be very thankful, and to take it for a great and fingular mercy, when their Confcience challengeth them for fin, and Ib ikes in clots with that which is the Spirit's work, fohn 6. S, ¡ Will (faith Chrift) fend the Spirit' and he fball