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w?; For the ifl, Needeth it proof, That men will fin a- gainfl Confcience, and be carelefs to keep a good Gon- [cience ? 111, I would pofe, put you to it, and ask you, Mic- a!, is there fin in you, or not ? And, if fin be in you, then lure Confcience is offended. adly, I would ask you, Is there not fin againft Light ? Did ye never that which ye knew to be fm ? Do you not know fornication, drun- kennels, tipling, _lying, swearing, vanity of thoughts, idle words, negle& of prayer, want of ferioufnefs in ir, &c. to be fins ? And do you not often go about duty, know- ing yourfelves to be under the guilt of thefe fins ? idly, I would ask, Sin ye never againft canvi&ions of your Con- - jcience ? according to that word, Rom. i. ult. Who know ing the judgment of God, that they who commit fuch things are worthy of death, yet not only do the fame, but have plea= lure in them that do them. Will any of you dare to fay, but that you have been convinced, that drunkennefs,. and tipling, or the like was a fin ? and yet ye have gone on in it over that conviction. 4thly, Have you not been challenged for fin ? and yet ye have gone over the belly of thefe challenges of Confcience, even when it bath been prefently flinging for fuch a fin : And, on the contrary, when Confcience bath been putting at you, and pushing you to fuch and and Poch a duty, not Paying, It is no time now to put it off, and shift it ; yet, have not thefe fuggeflìons and challenges been flighted, and thefe pufh- ings to duty, (mothered, and the Spirit grieved ? 5thly, Have there been no engagements fometimes come under, to abflain from fuch and fuch a fm, and to perform fuch and fuch duties ? and have not all thefe engagements been bro- ken ? Even merely natural men have come this length, as to to come under fuch engagments, who yet have Hidden back from them, and violated them grofly. óthly, Have ye not had your own kind of fpiritual exercifes ? your out - criyings under the fenfe of fin, and apprehenfions of wrath, in fits of ficknefs, or under hard and heavy crol- fes ? and yet, norwithftanding, have you not continued in the fame fins ? And, if all thefe be clear, can ye deny . that ye have finned againft Confcience? Or dare ye fay, That ye have endeavoured to keep a good Conience in H4 all