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oernzon 6. all things ? I grant that people fall into fin divers ways: Some fall out of informity, and through the force and vi- olence of temptation, and a great fpeat, and high fpring_ tide (as it were) of corruption, giving them no leave to adviü ; as it was with Peter: Others fin prefumptu- oufly, as thefe did who are fpoken of, i tim. 1. 19. çvho put, or thrill} away a good Confcience, and erred con - cerning the faith, and made Jhipwreck of them : They fin with prefumption, and with an high hand ; and their falling into tin is not rafhly, but deliberately, and defign- edly, with the full benfil and inclination of their will, whether their Confciencea be filent? or fpeak to them They have filch and filch a finful defign, and they will needs follow it over the belly of all convi&ions ; and will not quit their old courfes, but, with the dog, do re- turn to the vomit. Now, if this be a jufl, and well- grounded reproof, what will the condition of moli: part of men and women be found to be, when brought to evidence their fincerity by this mark, even an honef$ aims, and ferions endeavour to keep a good Confcience ? And, if this be a good and deferable, thing, as indeed it is, and as few or none of you will deny it to be ; why do you thus put off, linger and delay to come at it ? If ye Mould incline it, how can ye fhifr this canvie}ion ? Con - fcience may be filent for a time, but it will fpeak, and fpeak loud, when ficknefs and the crofs corneal :. As we fee it did in 7ofeph's brethren ; in filch a cafe, many of you will find that Confcience hath been much flighted. O when death (hall come and flair you in the face, what a terrible thing will a guilty Confeience be found then to be ! The terror of mad dogs, of wild boars, of feirce lions, and tygers, will not be fo terrible as an evil Confcience will he, when awakned, and having death at its back : Nay, fuppofe, that Confcience fhould not be awakned while ye are alive, and in this world, but that ye fhould flip, and fleep away like lambs, hav- ing no bands in your death, and that ye fhould die ape ?lauded of all men ; yet, what will ye do with your Corr fcience ? or how will ye fìtand before it, wl,eia ye shall be lifted before God's tribunal, and when the books fhall be laid open ? Are there not many Row in hell, who, if wo