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love of God, and of godlincfs : But this cannot be fo well itnftaced in particulars, becaufe feveral duties require their own fuitable way of performing of them. The 4th thing, that mutt go along with every a&ion, is, That it be mixed with faith, Heb. 4. 2. Not only the faith of fuch an a &ion being good and lawful in itfelf, (for that is always prefuppofed) but there two things here are further requifite ; i f!, That the a &ion or duty be gone about in the ftrength of Jefus Chrift, fo that it may have a fuperior fpiritual principle, to wit, God's ftrength ac`.ting in it, and not our own limply. That cloud of witneflès chronicled, Heb. t 1. are faid to do all they did this way, viz. Ey faith, that is, not only by faith exercifed on Chrift, for accepting of them ; but alto by faith exercised on the ftrength of Chrift, to be born through in the doing of what they did. 2d1 &, That not only faith be exercifed for divine ftrength ; in doing, and that the doers be denied to their own ftrength, but that there be alfo a refting on Chrift, for the acceptation of their perfons and performances : And this is as requifite as any of the former ; becaufe, tho' a perron do that which is good in itfelf, and have all the other requifites to- the a &ion ; yet, if there be a failing in this, Cofci- ence will not (peat; peace : By faith Cris faid, Heb. t r. 4, 5. that) Abel offered a more acceptable facrifice than Cain : Both of them offered things that were good, and yet the one's facrifice was accepted, and the other's re- jeered : That which made the difference was, that Abel, in his offering, exercifed faith on Chrift's facrifice; be of- fered it, not as a fatisfa &ion in itfelf to God, but with re- fpe& to Jefus Chrift typified by it, which the other did not ; and proportionally there is fomewhat required of all there, and more especially of this laft, in all aftions, to :sake them truly religious and Chriftian aelions. Now, for the zd particular, viz. That in all there things, that make an a &ion to be truly religious, Con- ftience hath somewhat to fay, and hath an intereft and concern to teftify for, or againft, the man ; I shall in- fiance this in forts of a&ions, to which all a man's kiá`irnd (I mean, that are properly human a &ions, or ptionally deliberate actions ) rna be re4uced? as to fo Y many