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on 1W-flans' 9. L 193 peace is this, if the matter of their a &ions be good, and if they can anfwer their light therein, they refle& but little on their Confcience in the performing thereof; and therefore want much of the peace and confolation that might otherwife accompany them in their a &ions, and when they are done and over. And this evidence of tendernefs kythes rather when a man is in the a&, than either before or after : For fear or awe, may makd a mán leek light before an a &ion,` and a challenge may put him to refle& and examine when he bath done ; but here mainly lieth the evidence of fincerity and ten - dernefs, when in every lep all along the a &ion or duty, fo far as is reqúifite, and human infirmity will admit, he taketh heed what he is doing : And, as we faid the other day, That it was an evidence of a tender Confcience, to be always meddling in every thing that a man Both fo we fay now, That it is an evidence of a tender man, to linen and hear what cenfure his Confcience paffeth on him in performing his a &ions. The zd ufe is for reproof. Ah ! may we not find,' but by overly refle &ions, if we did advife with Confci ence at our undertaking of fuch a work or duty, that yet, in the time of doing, it, there was but little refleEing on Confcience, if it did bear us witnefs of our fincerity in going about it. How many times will men and women be found eating, drinking, buying, felling, going or riding a lawful journey, fpeaking of a fermon, &c. and yet, in thefe a &ions, but feldom or never looking' in, if they have the teffimony of their Confcience, that` they are right in their going about thefe things? Can this, I pray, fpeak a tender frame, that is fo negle &ive Of Confcience? It is certainly an evidence of an untenderá frame in believers ; and, wherever it is habitual and regnant, it is an evidence of an evil flare For, if one be a tender Chriftian, when should his Confcience be tender, if not ih the nick of the performance of an a &ion ? For that is the time when he will or- ihohid be levelling left` he mifs the mark And knowing how fickle and unconflant he is, and that he bath at heart like an unfteady hand ; how fhould he guard againft its levity and unftablenefs ? N