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hardly a worfe thing than an erring Confcience ; becaufe, whether the man that hath ir, forbear or do, to him it is fin; only, if the things be indifferent, it obligeth to door forbear ; for, when the word determineth nor, Con - fcience (tho' mifiuformed) cafteth the balance to the fide which it judgeth to be neceffary : As for Inftance, if a man think it a fm to hear the word with the head un- covered, he is obliged to cover his head, and contra- rily ; for Confcience there cafteth the balance: But, when the thing is unlawful on the matter, it may bind him up, while it remains in an error, fo as he cannot without fin counteract its dictate ; but it never obligeth him to fin. 2. An opinionative Confcience is not a good guide, that is, when a man bath fome fort of light,or apprehenfion of a thing to be duty ; yet feareth that it may not be a duty, and bath fome hefitation or doubt about the matter : For, i. This is not faith, but opinion ; and in -matters of faith, opinion cannot be a ground torelt upon; therefore, Roma. 14. 5. Every man ought to be fully per_ (waded in his own mind. Z. In matters of pratice, the impulfe of an opinionating Confcience, will not warrant us ; for, when a man hefitates, he cannot do in faith ; therefore to do, it is fin to him, becaufe he hath not perfwafion ; and in this refpe ±, as to practice, he is like the man that bath the erring Confcience, he can neither do nor forbear, but he finneth. 3. If it be in a truth, not fundamental, opinion may have weight with him, and fway him to that which is molt probable, and hath moti conveniencies with it (tho' in matters of pra &ice it be otherwife) and it giveth Con,/cience peace in this re- fpe&, when that which bath molt probability in it (as I have jutt now faid) is inclined to. 3. A doubting Confcience (of fome affinity with the former) which leaveth a man in .an hover or fufpence, that he knoweth nor whether filch" á thing be duty, or if fuck a thing; be fin, or not ; certainly here a man is bound not to do doubtingly, For be that douyteth is dam- ned, if he do, Rom. 14. 2.3. And yet there is hazard in forbearing, if the thing be duty ; yea, in this cafe there is a necefty of fuming (but it'll' of the man's own con- trading)