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The deceitfulneje efmaus heart. everyone in agodly jealoufie & fùfpition of his own naughty heart,cryed out,Mafier,is it I ?Mafler, c here even Peter himfelfe, that a little beforekould not think his heart fo unfound,as to be fit to bring fore h the m /awpen drat of fearfrill deuiad,now(hap, ly fomething fchooledand cooled by the former fo vehement and confident prediction of Chrif) fea_ reth the ugly and terrible monfier of fearleffé and faithleffe betraying. In this latter feare, ¡mica e we Peter,and not in his former prefunap :ion :for when once we fhall entertaine this deceit, that there are any finnes which wee need not greatly feare, then are wee neareft falling into them. And fo often it commeth to pafl-e, that whilft wee carefully watch againft thole finnes wee feeour felves by ftrong temptations daily drawne unto, and wholly neg- lecî others, we think not our felves Co fubject un- to; efcaping by watchfullneffe the greater,through this deceitfulneffe ofour hearts,and the fruit there- of, our fecuricy, wee fall in the leffer dangers.Sure- ly Lot was in greater danger ofuncleaneneffe,living among the impure sodomites, than folitarily in the Mount; and Noh was in greater danger of drun- kenneffe, living among the drunken fors of the old world, that did nothing elfe but hrHthly Bate and drink,than when there was none alive to converfe with but his owne family. But yet they were in danger alto in their folitarineffe, as having that . within them, without which the evill example of the wicked could not have corrupted them. A- mong the wicked , evil! example indangered them : when from them ítill their Prone corruption threat- , ned 47 Márth,zq, Tgrá yoYqii: