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The deceit fralnef of mew heat: the former judgement, not for any love I beare to thee, but that imayfhew my power in thee. The Pfaff miff therfore excellently couples there things toge- ther, The Lord giveth fight to the blinde, Lee raitth rap the crooked, he level the righteour.T o teach that the Lord may difpenfe there outward bleflin gs to the wicked, but not in love, fave only to the righ- reous.Wherfore our rich worldling bath little caufe ofrejoycing in his riches, unleffe he knew that the Lord looped upon him, as Elizabeth fpeaketh of the bleflïng of her fruicfull wombe, in the giving of them, even with a fweet and amiable counte- nance, ready tcgether with his riches to deale his orrne foule unto him. But it is otherwife : The Lord turneth his back upon him, even then when his hand reacheth forth there outward things unto him. In his anger he giveth there fuppofed felici- ties to the wicked,which in his mercy he deniech to the godly.He putteth them into the fatter paftures, becaufe he rneaneth to kill them, and caufeth rhefe to feed on the bare commons, becaufe he will have them live Rill. If che.fl:ailed Oxe had reafon, would he be Co fen(lcfl-e, as to think his maker loved him better than his feliowes,becaufe ofhis more liberali food ? know it then thou rich worldling, God on- ly fatteth thee for the (laughter. Flee thus ladeth thee with there bleffings, that by this meanes ag- gravating thy ingratitude, and impenirency, hee might lade thee with a heavier weight of condem- nation : Yea, by this tucanes in his juft judgement, as by an outward occafion, he provoketh and flit- tech up the corruption of pride, covecoufneffe, E 4 cruelty, Afal.r46.g. enlightened* Luke r.zs. ftom.z.4.