Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

TheOverthrow ofthe lfl :Enemji. 83 and cells us indeed chat man mace,' was immortal,. to continue for ever, and thou} not flaw: died ; but fn cameint° the world,and by fandeath. Death is the Mother or fin,andof all mifety, that by little and lictledrawechCO death. i.fay fin ; the fiat fn of our firf{Parents whereby they tranfgrcfîed that ntofi :afie and equal mandate about eating the forbidden Fruit. That cranfgreffion t',: Nas the treading under foot the covenant:of works, and the difanulling of ir, th in let in death ac a great gap; and now is triumpheth, and beareth rule over all e world. Nature cannot tell which way in the world a man fhould she fo foon, and that h. chat is theLord of'all creatnresi, fhould be ütferiour to a great number of them h length of lift. But the word of,Godunriddleth this Riddle, and celled, us that Gci ,nade tnan,tl.ac he might and (houlcj, have 'Ned for ever, but fin corning, and comin in the perfon of the firft man,it brought deatb,and made all menmortal: And wher finentred. Go¡ls_ curie came, and that working;ppon, us poor andmiferable crea- tures, it is the,caufe that we cannot continue long here. .lit was equal that death (hould follow fin, for fnce God made man to obey hi will, whenman had unfitted himfelf for Gods fervice, rt was reafon that he (hour have atbort continuanceof life, for the longer hé endured, the more he would abuf himCelf. Yefeethen two things that the Scripvreteacheth concerning death:. The thin thing it fheweth is wnae followeth after death : And that is plain; It.ss appointer, for allmen once to die,aad after death enmetka Judgment. Nature neverdreamed of judgment after Death, but the Scripture telleth us, there is a judgment afin Death. Judgment, What is that ? Judgment ( ye know ) is acalling of a man before Authority, a }poking into his ways, a confidering of his aélions, a finding out whether he be a Corner, an evil. doer : And if he find him fo, co pafs fentence according co his evil,deeds. When God hash took the Soul from the body, he cakes the Soul firft, andafter both Souland body,and prefents thembefore his own Tribunal,and therefearcheth into every mans fife, ranfacks h is.con fcience, looks deep into;his conver(arion, and inquireth into his fecrets,openeih his aclions,andwhole carriagefrom his Infancy to his lafl. breath,and findethout the things that hehash done, and paffeth fentence according to that ht hash.done. This Judgment'hath twodegrees. Firfidd(foonas a man ditch. Nofooner is the Soul feparated from this cafe (as it were) the body, but inllantly it isprefcnced before theLord leftsChrift,and there he paffeth fentence, either thas it is a crue Believer, a godly livcr,a perfon united to Chrifl, that walkedas becometh the Gofpelof Chrifi, and then it receivech glory, and joy, and blifs for the prefent, more than tongue can exprels, Or elfe it findeth againft him,that he was, a linful man,a wicked mao,a Hy- oocrite,aDitfembler,one that namedChrifl with his tongue,but did not depart.from Iniquity, nor liveaccordingto the Gofpel of Chrifi': And then he is delivered up to Sachan, CObe burred down toHell, and there to fuffer the wrathof God according to the defertof fo,great wickednefs. This particular judgment paf ethupon every Soul al%qnas it leaved, the Body. Then followeth the great univerfal Judgment, when Soul and Body (hall be reuni. -ed,and (find beforeGod : Every particular man that ever bath been, is, or (hall be, :very man (hall appear in their own perfons, theirwhole lives (hall be laid open, all ferret things ]tall ba madeknown,forGod (taieh the Apoftle )¡balljudge the ferrets of all beartr6y fefttr (krill accordingro my CJofpel. This is the third thing that to word of God informethus concerning death, that nature couldnever do. The lad, that is the bell,che Scripture givechus a Remedy againft the ilia, death. le isa pittiful thing to hear of Mortality and Sicknefs, if there were not a good Potionor Phyfick prefcribed to efcape the ill of it. Tohear tell of Death, and fo cell, as the Scripture faith, that it is a going to another world of weal or woe, and not to hear of a remedy, it is woful tidings, and would wring tears from a hard heart. M' a But 3. What ale theconfequrn ces ofdeath. Heb,9.ty. Theparticular judgment, Thegeneral udgment. s What is the emedy again(} the evil óf death.