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`\111Ï1i?+ ß1111Íj 4,4s yÌÍ11;1 ;aüüümuu+i ., O.PHNOIKO>2= T HTE H O T..! S F MOUINING FURNISHED DIRECTIONS for With PREPARATIONS to MEDITATIONS of - CONSOLATIONS at DELIVERED IN The Hour of DEATH, LVI. SERMONS, Preached at theFunerals of divers faithful Servants of Chrift. DanielFeaty, Ri.Houldfworth, Thomas Fuller, By Martin.Day, ')RichardSibs, Sdm. Barker John Preflon, fahn Pearfon fofas Alfop, y Tho. Taylor, (_Chri .Shste, And other Reverend Divines. Do&ors in Divinity. ECCLES. 7.4. The heart ofthe wife, is in the Houfe of (Mourning; but the heart offools , is in the Houfe of cAtirth. Non amitti fed pramitti videntur quoi fednon abfiemotura mors , fed aternitas receptora eft. Ambr. deobit. frat. ¡ter imperfeaum eft,fi inmedia parte aut titrapetitum locumfteterit vita non eft imperfeE'ta bonefla, ubicunque deferis, jibenèdeferes, Iota eft. Sente. Ep. 77. Newly Correfked and Amended, with feveral Additional Sermons. LONDO2`, Printed for fohn Williams, and are to be foldat the Sigtr of the Crown in GrofKeys Court in Little-Britain. 567 z.

T O T H E Chrilfian Reader. ilére is no man that can plead Ignorance to the univerfal De- cree of God concerning the necefi ty Of Mans Mortality It is appointedfor all men once to die and every man can fay as that wife Woman of Te&oah, We are all as waterfpilt upon theground. There isno Age, Eflate, Condition, orrank of Men, but have been foyledwith that in- vincible Champion Death ; who ridingup and down the World upon his pale Hone above thefe five thoufand years,hath with an impartial ftroke laid all flat beforehim.; force in theirInfancyhaveproved what it is todie before they knewwhat it was to live; others in the flrength ofYouth ; fe0hc in their old Age : rich and poor, high and low, ofall forts; youngmen maydie,oldmenmuff die; even thofe that are (tiled Gods ( and that by no fawning Sycophant, but byGodhimfelf) their Mortality proves them to be men to themfelves , though they be as Gods to o- thers : and as CpiEletus once told the Emperor,' That to beborn, and to die, wascommon bothtoPrinceand Beggar. The fickneifesand rniferies of this World have made the proudeft Painims to confefswithSt. Peter to Cornelius, Evenlmyfell alfo am a mortal man : So that experience ( as Az well

TO the EADEit. well as Scripture) concludes, what man is he that lived) andfhallnot feedeath ? There are no ingredients in the shop of Nature that are fufficiently cordial to forti- fie the heart againft this King of terrorsor1 his harbingers the velvet flipper cannot! fence the foot from the gout, nor thegold ring the finger from a fellon ; the richefl Di- adem cannot quit thehead-ach, nor thepur ple Robe prevent aFeaver: Beauty,firength,' riches, honour, friends, nor any, nor all can repeal that fentence, Dufl thouart, andto dull thou alt return. Every fit ofanAgue, and every diftemper of this frail conftitutionbeingas a. light skirmish before the main bagel of Death, whereinweak man being vanquish. ed,is led captive tohis longhome: andwhen once the lines of Mortality. are drawn upon, the face of the fairefmortal, he becomes a ghaflly fpedacle (how lovely foever before) and theconclu n is,Burymy-deadout ofmyhim. This inevitab e neçeffity , however it be confefred and acknowledged of all; yet la- mentable experience teacheth, that in the, Chritlianworld mall men fo liveas though they should never die, and at length they fo die as though they shouldnever live again, and when the time of their diffolution corn- ett), their fouls are rather chafedout byvio- lence, than yielded toGod inobedience. "indeed to a wicked man , Death is the beginning of forrows, it is a trap-door tolet him downto theeverlaí$ingdungeon of Hell;but the

Tt the REÁD gIb. the children of God (though ,they .cannot efcape the flroke,yet) theyarefreed fi-9m the fling of death, they can play upon the hole ofthis Alp without danger, and welcome the grimmefl approach of this Gyant with a fmile, being freed from the hurt ofhim, by Him that is the Captain ofthe Lords Hoff, rho bath aboli/heddeath ,andbrought light and immortality to light ; fo that the flingof it being plucked out, and the fuffering íanelified by Chrif, death is become to every Believer but a darlçentry to the glorious PaliaceofHeaven. Now as it is Gods tender mercy to his Children, that their conflid and mifery should be temporary, but their perfect hap pinefs eternal ; fo it should be their care in this little ípace of time allotted them, (whereupon their everlafling conditionde- pends) fo toprovide that theymay live hap- pily where they shall live eternally : and fince wecannot efcapedeath, to prepare for it, that wemayget the fight of this Baflisk before it approach, and foavoid thedanger of it.Wretched is the eilateof that man,who when thefe fpiritual Thili ftims ( the terrors of death) make war upon him, shall have jufl 1 caufe to fay, The Lord is departedfrom me : the deathof fuch a one will be like the fleepof a frantickman, who when the malignant hu- mour is conco&ed, awakes in a greaterrage than he lay down ; whereas to him that is wife to confider his latter end, death is no waydreadful; death may kill him,but it can- A 3 not

To the READER. not hurt him ; it doth free him from tem- porary mìfery, but cannot hinder him from eternal felicity : and as that noble Captain ofThebes, who having gotten the victory o- ver his enemies , but withal , received his mortal woi nd,hemade this his grandenqui- ry, whether his weapóns were fafe or not? whether his buckler was not in his enemies hands ? and when it was replied all was fafe, hedied witha great Ideal ofcourage and fortitude. So when a Chriflian is to grapple withdeath, his main care is,that his BucklerofFaith, and the Hel- met of his Salvation, his Hope, thatthey be fafe toguard his Soul, and then he paffeth not much what becomes of outwardman, he dies in peace and confidence. Now that we may be fitted to encounter with this laft enemy, ( betides the manifold helps which God bath reached to us in his Word, in thepaffages of his providence, ins the frequent examples of' mortality before us continually, and in our own fenfible ap- proaches to the gatesofdeath ; I fay, befides thefe and infinite more,) this enfuing Vo lump (with fomuch care andpains compi- led) by Gods bleffing, and our endeavours, may prove no fmall furtherance inour Pil- grimage 3 EachSermon thereinbein ?za feveralLe- gacy bequeathedby thofe, upon the occa/on ofwholedeaths theywere Preached, asby fomanyTeflators , who them- [elveshavemade a real experimentofMortality, andleft thefe forour infiruIion that fttrvive them. It is true, the daily examplesofMortality are fomany real

To the READER> real Lelures,that by a kindof dumb Orato- ryperfwade us toexpelour end,but as they are tranícient, fo our thoughts of them va- nish 3 therefore it can benoBall advantage co have in continual readiness that which may furnish us abundantly with meditations in this kind. . It was a cuflom in former times for men to make their Sepulchres in their Gardens, to mind them of death in the midi$of theplea- fures ofthis life. This prefent Workmaynot unfitlybe termed a Garden, wherein what- foever takesa daily walk, may gather in the feveral beds thereof thofe wholfome flow- ers and herbs, whichbeingdiflilled by feri- ous meditation, willprovewater of life to a fainting fpirit : in fome he shall find ìnflru- etion, in Tome incitation, in others confola tion, in all profit. Here thoushalt find that Lethallgourd íprungup by 'Liamhis tranfgref- fion,that makesall his poflerity cry out,7here is Death in theTot. There thou mayfl gatherHerbs ofGrace, as acounter- poyfon againfl themalignity of death : in a third there is the fpiritual Hello- tropium openingwith joy to the Son OfRigh- teoufnefs, thehopeofa blefl'edRefurretion. Do the glittering shews of outward things make thee begin to over-fancy them ? here thou shalt find how little theywill avail in death : the confederationwhereofwill make them like that precious alone which being put into the mouth ofa dead man lofeth its vertue

To the READER. vertue : art thou over- burthened with af- fli lions ? here thouart fupported in theex- peetation of afar more exceeding weight of glory t art thou ready to faint under thy labours here thoushalt finda timeof reft,andofreap- ing : doth the time feemover-long, that thy patience begins to flag? here thouhaft apro, wife of thySaviours fpeedy coming: In a word, be thy eftate and condition what it will be ; here thoumaift have bothdireetions to guide thee, and comforts to fupport thee in thy journey on earth, till thou arrive at thyCountry inHeaven. Certainly, there is no man can Height and undervalue fodeferving a Work, but heshall difcover himfelfeither tobeignorant,or idle,, or ill affected ; efpecially when fo judicious' and learned menhave.thought it a fit conco- mitant for their feveral Labours,which they have added for the accomplishment of it : Therefore take it in goodworth, improve it for the goodof thy Soul ; that beingarmed and prepared for death when it shall ap- proach; thou mail} haveno more to doburl to die, and maidend thydayes in a ftedfaff affurance, That thyfins ¡hall beblottedout, when the time ofI.efreThing fhall come from the prefence ofthe LOAD. Thine in Him who is the RefurreFlion andthe Life. H. W

THE TABLE. HE Stewards Summons. Page r. T E X T. LUKE 16. Z. Givean account of thy Stewardfhip, for thou mayft be no longer Steward. The Praife of Mourning. Page 17: ECCLESIATES. 7, 2, hisbetter to go to the llcufe of uo(ourning, than to theHoufeofPeeing for that is the endof all men, and the living will lay it to his heart. Deliverance from the King of Fears. Page 33: HEIIaE-Ws2.14,15. 14. Forafmuch thenas the Children are partakers offleJb and blood , he alto hitrfelf likewise tookpart of thefame, that through dèathbe might deftroy him that had the power ofdeath, that is the Devil. 15. Anddeliver themwho (through thefear ofdeath) were alltheir life timeftsbjeft to bondage. The Perfcition of Patience. Page 47 JAMES 1.4. But let patience have her perfeli work, thatyou Maybe perfefd and inure, wanting nothing. A Reftraint of Exorbitant Pafion. 'Page .6r! 2 S A M. IL 22, 23. 22, e/Ind hefad, while the Childwas yet alive, 1 fafled andwept, for Ifaid, Who can tell whether God will be gracious to me that the Oddmaylove? 23. But now he is dead, wherefore fbould !PO ? Can 1 bring himback again ? Ifall go to him, but be fball not return to me. The Sting of Death, &c. Page 73. I C O R. 15. 56. The fling ofDeath is Sin, and theftrength ofSin -is the Lax. The DeftruEtiou of the Deítroyer, &c. Page 81. CO R. 15.16. The lafi Enemy that (hallbe dejtroyedis Death. The Worlds Lofs; and the Righteous Mans Gain. Page 91. Is AIAH. S7. I. endmerciful men are taken away, none conuidering that the righteous is takenawry from the evil to come. The Good-Mans Epitaph, &c. Page 107. REVEL. 14. 13. -' 1heard a voyce fromHeaven laying untome, write, Bleffedare the deadwhich die in the Lord, from henceforth ; yea, faiththe Spirit; that they may ref/ from their labours, andtheir works do follow them. The Chriftians Center, &c. Page 1r7. RoM. 14.7,8. 7, For none ofut liveth to himfelf, and no man deeth to himfélf. 8. For whether we live, we liveto the Lord; andwhether we die, We die unto the Lord ; whether we live thereforeor die, weare the Lords, The 1m`provcment ofacne, &c. Page 129. I C o R. j. z9, 3o, 3r. '29. tut this 1fay Brethren, the time is fhort, it remaineth that both they that have wive:, beas though theyhad none. 3o. Ind they that weep as though they wept not ; and they that rejoyceat ifthey re- joicednot; and they that buy; as though theypo¿efl'ed not. 31. And they that of thisworld, as not abufsng it; for thefalhion ofthis world paffetb away.. .Seclìriéy

'The TABLE. Security Surprizcd, &c. Page 143. I THESáAL, 5. 3. For when they(hall fay peace andfafety: there fudden defiruition iometh Upon them de travail upon a woman with child, and theyfball not efcape. A Chri{Hans Vi&ory, or Con quell over Deaths Enmity. Page 159. I C o R. 15. z6. The laftEnemy thatfhallbedellrovedit Death. The great Tribunal : or, GodsScrutiny of Mans Secrets. Page 171. EC LE S. 12.14. For God will bring every work into lodgement, with every ferret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. ATryal of Sincerity, &c. Tage ISr. ISAIAH 26.8,9. 8. 1ë.t, inthe way ofthyjudgments ( 0 Lord) have we waitedfor thee i thedefre of ouWfoul is to thyname, and to the remembrance of thee. 9. ;pith any foul have I defred thee in the night, yea, with my ijirit within me will I feel thee early; for when thy judgements are in the earth, the Inhabitant; of the world will learn rtghteoufnef. TheExpe&ationofChrifln Coming, &c, Tage 195. PHIL. 3.20,21. 120. For our converfation is in Heaven, fromwhence we lookfor the Saviour, the Lord1efin Chriff. 2i. who /hall change our vile body, that it maybe fa(bioned like unto hisglorious body, I according to the working, whereby he is able tofubdose all thingsunto himfelf. Chrifls Precept and Promife, orSecurity againfl Death. Page i11. JOHN 8.5r. Verily, verilyIfayuntoyaw, ifa man keep myPaying, he/hall never fee Death, TheYoung-mans Liberty andLimits, &c. Page zz3. E C c L ES, II. 9. Before 0young man intbyyouth, and let thyheart chear thee in :hç dayes of:byyoufts, andwalk in thewayes ofthineheart, andin thefight ofthine eyes : butknow thanthat for all theft things God will bring theeinto judgement. e/lbrahams Purchafe, &c. Page 231-. G EN. 23.4. ¡am a granger and afojourneramong you, give me apoßegionofa burying place with You, that I maybury mydeadout ofmyfight. GodsEfteemof the Death of his Saints. Page 243. Ps AL. 116. 15. Precious in thefight of the Lord is thedeath ofhis Saints. The defire of theSaints after immortalGlory. Page 25r. 2 C O R. 5. 2. For in this wegroan earne(tly, defiring to be cloatbed upon, with eon hoof; which is from heaven. ., The Carelefs Merchant, &c. Tage 265.. MAT. 16. 26. What is amanprofited, if heJhallgain the whole world, and lofe his foul. Chrifts fecond Advent, &c. Page 273. REVEL. 22. 12. Behold I comefhorty, andmy reward is with me, togive every man according to his works. TheSaints longing for the greatEpiphany. Page 263. TITUS 2.13. Looking for that bleffed hope, and theglorious appearing of the great God, and our Saviour fetus Chrift. Lifes Apparition, and Mans Difï'olution. Page 291. JAMES 4. 14. Forwhat isyour life ? it is evenavapour thatappeareth fora little while, and then S va- nifhethaway.

The TABLE. Saint Pauls Trumpet, &c. Page 303, ROM. eAnd that knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out ofPep. The righteous mans reftingplace, &c. Page 313. GE N. 15. I. After there things thewordof theLord came to Abraham, fling, Fear not Abraham, Iam thy fhield, and thy exceedinggreat reward. The righteous Judge, &c. Page 323. . JAM. 2. 12.: So(peal ye, and fo do, as they that f all bejudged by thelawof liberty. Sins Stipend, andGods Munificence. Page 335. ROM. 6.23. . For the wages off :nù death, but thegift of God is eternal life, through Jefes Chrifl our Lord, TheProfit ofAfili6hions, &c. Page 343. H EB. 12.10. For they verily for afew days chafined usafter their ownpleafeore;; bite he for stir profit, that we might be partakers ofhie holinefo. Spiritual Hearts-cafe, &c. Page 355. JOHN 14.1,2,3. I. Let notyour hearts be troubled, believe in God, believe alto in me. 2. on my Fathers houfe are many manftons, if it were notfo, I would have told you, Igo to prepare aplace for you. 3 And if Igo toprepare a place foryou, r will come again and receiveyou unto mr [eel f, that where o am, thereyou maybe also. Faiths triumph over the greateft Trials. Page 367. H E B. 11.17. By Faith Abrahamwhen he was tried, offered up his fin Ifaac t andbe that had re- ceivedshe promife offered up his only begottenson. ThePriviledgeof the Faithful, &c. Page i77. I PE T. 3. 7. As heirs together of the grace of life. Peace in Death, &c. Page 387. LUKE 2. 29. Lordnow lettefi thou thyfervane depart in peace according to thy word. The Vital Fountain, &c. Page 399. JOHN II. 25, 26. 25. yefitslaidunto her, Iam the referreítion and the life ; he that btlieverb inme, though hewere dead let (hall be live. 26. eifndwhofoever liveth and believeth in me, full never die. Death in Birth, &c. Page 411. G E N. 35.19 AndRachel died. Thedeath of fin, and lifeof grace. Page 419. ROM. 6. IL Z,ì wìje reckónye aljoyour [eelves to be dead unto en, but alive unto God throughJe- fus Chri(i ourLord. Hopes Anchor-hold, &c. Page 433. I CO It. 15. 19. If in this life onelywe have hope in Chrifi, weare ofall men moil mijerable. The Platformof Charity, &C. Page 445. GAL. 6. Io. Aswe havetherefore opportunity, let toe dogood toall, efpecially to them that are of the hou(hold of faith. Deathprevented, &c. Page 463. JOB I I All the days of my appointed time will lwait till my change (hall come. Iter

The TABLE. !ternoviebnum ; or Man his 'aft Progrefs. Page 473. E CCL ESIAST. 12.5. Mangoeth to his long home, and the mournersgoabout theJireces. Tempus potationis ; or theRipe Almond gathered. Page485. G E N. 15. 15. Andthou /ball go to thy Fathers in peace , thou 'halt be buried in agoodold age. to Paan; or Chrifis Triumph overDeath. Page 493. ICoE.15.55. ODeathwhere is thy (king? O Grave where is thy Mier)? Fate Fatum ; TheKing of fears flighted, , &c. Page Sol. Ho s. 13.14. ODeath 1 willbe thy plagues. Vox Celi , The Deads Herauld. rage 509. A r o C. 14.13. And Ihearda voicefrom Heaven, faying, unto me, write, blfed are thedeadWhich die in the Lord, from henceforth; &c. Mori, Brabaum: or, The Conquerors Prize. Page 517. A ro c. 14.13. Sofaith the Spirit, that they may ref?from their Labours, and their works follow them. FaithsEccho, or the Souls A ar E x. Page 557; LE V. 22.19. A al E N, Even lbcome Lord jefue. Deaths Prerogative. Page 539. GE N. 3. 19. For daft thou art, andunto daft thou 'halt return: ThePatriarchal Funeral. Page 549. G E N. 50.10. And hemade a mourningfor his Fatherliven days. The true Accountant. Page 559. PSAL. 9-.12. So teachas to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wifdom. The Juft Mans Funeral. Page 57;. ECCLES. 7.15. Allthings have I feen in the days of myvanity ; there is ajufi man that perifhetb in his rigbteoufnefs ; and there is a wicked man , that prolongethhis life in his wickedneft. The Righteous Mans Service to his Generation. Page 587. ACTS 13.36. ForDavid after he badferved his ownGeneration after the willofGod,fell afleep,&c. The Crown of Righteoufnefs, &c. Page 597. 2 TIM. 4.7, 8. I havefought agoodfight, I havefiniJhd my courfe, I have kept thefaith ; hence- forth there is laidupfor one a Crown of Righteoufnefi, which the Lord, the righ- teous judge, floodgive meat that day; andnot tome onely, but unto themalto who love leis appearing. Natures Good-night. Page r. LUKE 8. 5z. And allwept and bewailedber s But befaid, weep not, Ike isnot deadbut fleepeth. A Sermon Preached at the Funeralofthe.Lady Eliz, Cape!. Page 19. PsAL. 90.15. So teach us to number our days, thatwemay apply our hearts unto wifdom. Days appointed to wait for a Change. Page 41. JOE 14.1 All the days ofmy appointed time will 1wait till my change come. THE

THE STEVVAR SERMON I. Luke i6. z. Givean account ofthyStekarclfbipforthou maift be no danger Stevard.. N the Chapter going before, our bleffed Lord and Savicnir had preached the Lloftrine of the Free Grace of God in the R.emiffionof Sin, and receiving, of Repentingand Re- turning Sinners ; in the Parable of an indulgent Fathers receiving of a prodigal Son. ThePharifees were a People that hardned their own hearts , and fcoffed at every thMg that Chrift delivered : therefore now in this Chapter, he %..... cometh to fummon and warn them to appear before God, to great Mailer of the world , to give an account of their ftewardfhip ; that by the confideration of Gods proceeding in the day of Judgement, they might know thebetter how to prize the Remiffion ofSins in the day of Grace ; This I e doch, by prefenting to them a Parable, of a certain rich man, that had ei fteiyard who was accuPd unto him, that be had wafted his goods, calleth him. to an account : and to the end that the Pharifees might not think that it was a mat.L ter to be jelled withal, and that fuch confiderations as thefe were to be flighted ; he telleth them, how the unjuf1fie:yard having received this furnmonsand warn- ing from his Mafter, that he mua cometo a reckoning, he forthwith for hii own temporal good,caffeth about that he may thebetter be fitted to give up his account: thereby teachingthem , and in them all theworld ; that if thisRewardhere, ( for , hisown temporal benefit ) was thus careful to prepare hinifelf; howmuch more I fhould they, and every one be careful to prepare themfelves for that great day of Account, wherein God will come to judge theWorld; andbring to light all thing's that are hid in darknefs. In thefewords ye have two things confiderable i A Narration, 7 and ofthe Parable. AnApplicaticin B The The Coht- ECOce . Diviiiosi ofshe words.

Tropof: Every man in the world is Gods Srcwatd. Proved. r.By what eve- ry one recel. vcth from God. 2, By what God expehs from every 004 The Stewards Summons. The Narration is two -fold. Perfons. Of the Proceedings. Of the Perkins : in the firff verse. A rich man, and his Steward. Of the Proceeding ; in the fecond verfe : the AichMan, upon the information. madeagainft his Steward thathe had wafted hiegoodycalleth him roanaccourrt, Give anaccount of thy Stewardfhip, for thou maee be ïio (anger Steward:' The Steward (in the third and fourthverfes) upon his fummons falleth firft to infult , and after to refolve, as we fhall fee afterward. Inthisverfethen that I have read, you fee here is firft the Summons or warning. Give an account. Secondly, the rcafon of that Summons, for thou mayeJt be no longer Steward. The day is ended,now give an account of thy work,thou Inuit go out of thy office, nowgive an account how thou haft behaved thy Pelf in thy office : thou muff be no longer ffeward,therefore give anaccount of thy (teward/hip. In the firft, the Summons and calling of this Steward to an Account, ye have clearly offered toye thefe two Propofitìons,Conuderations,or Conelufions. Firft, That every man in the World is Gods Steward. Secondly, That every one of Gods Stewards muff be brought to a reckoning. Firft, ( I fay ) Every man in the world is Gods Steward. Ifye ask me who it is , that is called a Steward : The text tells ye, that it is hethat metftgive an account to his Matter. Ifyou ask me who is the Mailer ? It is God. If then God be the Matter, and if every man Inuit give an account and reckoning to God , then every man is the Steward here intended in this Text. That every man muff give a reckoning to God , it appeareth z Cor. S. so. are maaß all appear before the judgement feat of Cbrift , to give an account of the things we have done in this life , whe- ther they be good or evil. All men : That which is here expreffed by the Apoffle in plain terms, All men. Is more parabollically and obi-comfy exprcffed by Chrift in this word Steward. Give anaccount of thy Steward /hip. So that the Conclufion remaineth clear, and is dire&ly gathered from the Text. That every man in the World is Gods Steward. There is noman or woman in the world, but in force refpett or other, is the Steward here, that muff be called to an account. That every man is a Steward, will appear ifwe confider two things. Firft, what every man receiveth from God. Secondly, what God experts from everyman. Man receiveth fromGod, that which a Steward doth from his Lord. God experts from every man, that which a Lordexpels from his Steward. Firff (I fay) man receiveth from God that which a Steward doth from his Maftcr : That is , fuch goods , fuch abilities , as whereby he may be of ufe for fuch a place, asthe Mailer (hall fet him in the family. All the World is but Gods great Family , all the fittings and endowments of men, are the talents, the gifts, that God bath entrufted men with : force have the gifts of the world, riches, and places ofauthority, theft are gifts committed to thofc kind ofStewards : Others haw the gifts of the body, as health and ffrength, their feules, and lives, and the like : thefe are gifts committed to thefe kind ofStewards: others have the gifts of the mind, underffanding, and wifdom, and policy : and to all thefe forcehave fpiritual graces. According as men are furnished with thefe gifts, and according to their feveral qualifications with theft endowments, they all receive them from God as 5rewards. Secondly, ifwe confider what God experts frommen : he experts that which a Lord doth fromhis Steward. Firff,, .

The Stewards Summons. First, that they acknowledge him to be the chief, to acknowledge that they hold all from him, that they have it not from themfelves or for themfelves, this is that which every Mailer expe hs from hito whom he committeth his treafure : And this would God have all mendo. God fpeaks thattruly that Benhadab fpake proudly, and fàlfly to theKing of lfrael : thyfilver is mine, and ahygaldis mine, and ¡thy daughters and wives are mine, and thy vineyards and thy orchardsare mine. So may God fay truly, All are his, the earth ( faith David) is the Lords and thefed- Pfal, 54. r. Heft thereof. He is the great poffcffor of all things. God (as he poficffeth all things) fo he letteth out parcels of his poffeffons to the tons ofmen. "I'b force a larger portion of the earth than to others,' yet they are but Tenants at will ; and Tenants upon certain conditions and refervations, wherein this great Lord bindeth rhofe that holdany thingof him, And the fief Condition, or Refervation that he ties all his Stewards unto, is Men do not this , that they wafle not his goods , that they fcatter themnot abroad vainly or wafte his unprofitably. Now a man that bath riches, ifhe relieveth not the poor : a man goods, that bathauthority, and hclpeth not the oppreffed : a man that hath wifdome, and inftruftedrnot the Ignorant. In a word , A man that hath anyabilities, ifhe be notofufe unto others with it, this man fcatterreth his Mailers goods, and is like that unprofitablefèrvant, that hidhis Talentin it napkin, and therefore was hound band andfoot,and caftinto utter darknefi. This was the accufation that was brought againft this Steward here, that he hadwafted thegoods ofhis Lord; that is, that he had fpent them vàmly , he was no honour to his Mafler., there came no profit to the houfhóldby it. That's thefirff. The fecond thin!; that this great Lord experts of all his Stewards, is, thatas they a. That they do not fcatter his goods, nor vainly wafld' them, fo that they fhould not abufe do nqt abufe them to ill ends. I here are a generation ofmen in the world that fight againft them to ill God with his ownweapons, and that ufe all their flrength, andwifdome, and po- wer, to maintain a faEtion of rebellion agaìntl him : that fide with the wicked of the world againft his Laws and Ordinances : and this is the greatefl unthankful_ nefs that can be. tf a King fhould raife "a fervant to honour, and beflow offices and dignities oponitiin, and yet ifhe fhouid raife an Army againft him, and let himfelf againíl all his Laws, Whac greater unthankfulnefs? What greater enmi- ty ? `Therefore it was the fpeech of that parabolical King in Luke 19. ( which is Chrilti the King of the Church ) thefe mine enemies that would not that 1. fbould Luke ,o, a7. reign over them, bring, them hither; and flay them before me. Such is'the 'hate of all thofe men that have wealth and abufe it, confumeit upon their lulls, (as St. /ames lames 4.3 fpeaks) upon their pride, is excels inapparel, meats, &c. that have wit, and fpend it like Turtulltu tocry down the wayes of God, toharden themfelves and others in the courfe of fin : that have greatnefs and authority, 'and naif-imploy it to the crufhing of good perlons, and good caufes : thefe and the like are Stewards that abufe their Mailers goods,mif imploy them to his difhonour;thefe Chrift counteth his enemies, and he will not bear it. 'There is a third thing that God experts ofall his Stewards; and that is this, that I. To do him they fhottld do himHomage, that they fhould appear at his Court dayes. `Gods Homage. Sabbaths ireGods Court dayes , wherein he calleth,and affembleth his fervants. together. He will baJeevery "one to -wait 'there upon him, that theymay know his will : as Cornelius brnsgeth his family together, ,andfaith he, Ive are allprefent Aas so. I3." tobearmhat i commandedthee of God. So God (1 fay) wilthave his fervants pre- fens at his Court day es : , and not only fo ; not only to be ptefent there,- to heat his will, and to underhand his mind, but to fubmit tohisorders, toyield obedience to-his Laws, to be ;overned'by his roles. God hathcertain rules to which he will have everyman fubje h, theie'he rulesfor Mágiftrates, for Minifters, for Mailers, for Parents, for Servants, for Chihien, for all': and he is a rebel, andcarrieth not himfelf as Gods Steward, that loth not keep the rules that:God bath fet up in his ownhoufe. Again fourthly ; Godéäpefts this from all his Stewards, that whenfoever Cende he' 4' To return B z him fruit. th

4 The Stewards Summons. fended', his Baylifl`s for rent , that they return him the fruit of his own ground./ Every foul is Gods ground, from which God expeets fome fruit or other, and he fends his Bsyliffs, his Servants, continually to gather there fruits from men. When he fends a poor man to the rich, there's a BayliffPent to him, togather famefruit: of his wealth. When he fends an opprefled man to thofe that arein authority, there's a Bayliff fent to him , to gather the fruit of his power and greatnels4 When he fends an ignorant man to thofethathave wifdomeandknowledge, there's' a Bayliff fent to him, to gather the fruit of his Knowledge. And fo we may fay of all things whatfoever': whatfoever endowments of body, or mind, or eftate, any man bath, if another need it, that other is Gods Bayliff; fent to hint to` call for his rent, to call for the fruit of his ground, and thoumuft return it by fuch a one, for thou art but a Steward : and you know how fearful the proceedings Mat. at, jq: of the great Kingwas in Meath. at. Hefeat hisfervants to the Husbandmen, to thofe to whom he had let out his ground, to receive the fruits of it, and there was none ; what was the iffue of it i He wasfull ofwrath : and cometh upon the Hof- bandsmen andflew them.. So when God (hall fend the poor to thee for relief, and thou helpelf him not : flrall lend the ignorant to thee.for inftru&ion, and thou in- 1 formclt him not ::hall fend any one to thee that may have ufe of thy gifts and abi- I lines, and thou doeft not imploy them that way, thoudenieff the great Lord the fruit of his ownground, and art of the number of thofe Husband-men that muff expe& this at his hands to be (lain in his wrath. You lee the Point opened, That all men are GodsStewards, both in refpe& of what Godhath beftowed onthem, and what God doth expeâ front them. I come briefly now to make force ufeof this. Vfe, Are all men Gods Stewards ? Then certainly there is fomework required of every man in the worldby vertue of this title.put upon him, that he isGods Stew- ard. Ir concerns therefore, Every one to look to his place. Two things There are two thingsrequired ofevery Steward. requited of a Firft, a Difpenfation. Steward. Secondly, a right orderingofhis Difpenfations. ,Difpenfation. Firft a Difpenfation. For a Steward ye know is appointed for laying out, he is made for others, not for himfelf, for the good of theFamily in which he is fet, not for his own benefit. God bath made every creature to be for the ufe, of o- thers, and not for it felf : thofe heavenly bodies, the Sun, and Moon, and Stars, their Motion and influences are for us, for the fervice of the world : the Earth with the fruits of it ; the Beats, and all are for the ferviceof man. So every man in his feveral place, bath Tome work to do for others, force abilities given him Rom,13. ç. for the fervice of others. Hence it is, that the Magifirate is laid to be the Mini- fier of God for the peoples good. Hence it is, that Miniffers are laid to be ekefer-i Rom. 1.14. wants of the Churches. I am a debtour ( faith Paul) to the few, and to the Gen- tiles, to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians. Hence it is, that a Mailer of a Fa- Tim. 1. 8. mily is laid to be worfe than an Infidel, if he provide not for thofe of his own hqufe. And every-other Chriffian (though he ffaod not in thefe relations to o- thers -) he bath tome gifts or other, that are tobe laid forth for the ufe and advan- tage of others, and every private perfon in the world, he may be of fotneufe or othcr111 the place in which he is fet. Hence it is, thatthe nameof Brother is com- mon to ,a1.1 Cbriflians, and ye know Jofeph acknowledged that he was preferred to thofe honours, and that authority and place, for the good of his Brethren, for! his Fathers bottle : fo fhould all Gods people acknowledgeother Chriftianstheir Brethitejr, and that whatfoever parts they have, they have them for the good of the Family. Hence it is, that Chriftians are calledMembers one ofanother ; Every Member is ofufe to the whole body, fo muff every Chriftian he ofufe toanother, to force by the riches ofthe body, to force by the riches of the mind, to force by the abilities of their eftates, every one according to the treafure he is intrufted with, and the Talent that is committed to him. Tisis is the fir{: thing, that men muff make confcience to do, to be difpencer o

I The Stemards Summons. , 5 of their goodnefs, of any thing they have, to be communicative, to defufe and extend themfelves to others, as occafion fhall be offered. And indeed where there is anygoodnefs in a man, he will exprefsit this way, by doingall the good to others he can. Secondly, it is required ofa Steward, that he confider ofthe manner, and right ordering of his difpenfations. There be twoRules for that. z. Right ot- deung ofhis difpenfations, That he difpenfe5Eauhfrdly. `Wifely. Who ( faith the Lord in that tiLuke 4z.) is a faithful andwife Steward, whom bisLord/hall make ruler over his hou/hold, &c. Gods Stewards ye fec mutt in their difpenfations be faithful and wife. Puff, they mull be faithful. Fidelity appears in this, when they have a right End, and a right Rule to walk by. What is the End and Rule of a faithful Steward in all his difpenfations in the boufeofhis M:$er ? His Mafters credit, and hisMatters will His Mailers honour, and his Mailers command. . So it mutt be in the houle of God. If we would be faithful in our places, let Godsglory beour end, and his Word our rule. That is, leta man confider, what Cod in his Word commands him in fuch a place , in fuch a qualification, having fuch endowments, fuck parts, fuch abilities , and let him difpenfe thofe by that Ride , according to that Command, to the glory ofGod that gave them him. Thus was Mofes a faithful Steward , faithful as afrvant in all the hoofe of God, fo the Apoftle faith of him, Reb. 3. y. His Mailers glory was his end, and there- fore when once he law his Matter difhonoured by Idolatry, he could not then con- tain himfelf, but his Anger waxed het, though be was the meekefl man upon earth. And his Matters Will was his Rule, therefore he came down from the Mountain with the Tables in his hand, that it might appear what he made his guide, and direftion in all his carriage amonft the people: and we thall find that in all the doubts of the people, either in matter of Command or punifhment , he alwayes fought dire&ion from.God. He is no faithful Servant that doth not do this. Secondly, ? s he mutt be a faithful Steward in difpenfing, fo he mutt be wife in his dipenfing too. What isthe wifdome ofGods Stewards? Not the wifdome drawn from thewritings ofMachivile, or the wifdome of the World, orof the flesh, for that id enmity against God, not drawn from the rules tat politicians walk by : But that wifdome that is drawn out of the Scriptures, the Word of God : The word ofGod ( faith the Apoftle) is able to make the man of God wife to falvation : this is the wifdome that Gods fervants mutt exprefs, and manifeft in dìfpenfing of their gifts, they muff be made wife by the Word, they mutt feek wifdome from theWord the rule ofWiídome,fromthe Examples in the Word, of thofe that were guided by the Spirit ofWifdome, if they would be wife Stewards. They mutt compare the preceptsof theWord, and the praftifeof the Saints to- gether : fee what God commandeth in fuch a place, in Bach a condition, fee vvhat Gods fervants that are gone before have done in fetch a condition. Mark hove Abraham and ,yob, and others of Gods Saints have imployed their vvcalth and authority, it veas for the relieving ofthe poor, for thefurtherance ofGods glory , for the eafe of thofe that vvere oppreft : Mark hovvNehemiah beflirted himfelffor the fan&ifying ofthe Sabbath, for the furtherance of Gods vvorfhip : Mark again hove Sc. Paul, as a Minifter vvatched againft the Wolves , and hóvv he fpends himfelf to the uttermoft for the Church of God. Mark hove Abraham as Luke as. 42. 1. Fai,hfully. íteh. ;: t: Exot. ;a,19. z. Wifely. Rom. S. 7. Tim. 3. 17. Gen. t9.

Propof. z. All God, ftewards toit give an ac- count. Two layes of . reckoning. I. In this life. The Stewards Summons. as a Mallet of a Family, governed his Family teaching andcommanding his children' and his hen/hold to walk in theway of the Lord: Mark how other ofGods fervantsl have employed their gifts ; As Sampfon, all his ftrength for the Church : and fo'. Solomon, all his wifdome, and whatfoever gift any of them had, they acknowledged that the Talents that were committed to them,were for God, and for the fervice of¡ his Church, for the furtherance of his glory in the particular places that he had fet them in. I fay, if menwould be wife Stewards theymuftdothus. But I cannot íland upon this, leis I be prevented in that which I moll intend in that thatfolloweth. Ye have heard who is the Steward:. ft is every one that bath received any ability fromGod to do him fervice; Godexpee4s that he Ihould employ that ability in his fervice. We come now in the fecond place to confider the reckoning which every Man' muff make, the account that every man muff give ofhis Stewardlhip. And that (as ye have heard) in the fecond point ofDo&rite that offers it felf tous out of the firfl part of the Text, viz. That all Gods Stewards muff givea reckoning one time or other untoGod. As cvcry Man in the world is Gods Steward, fo every Steward muff give an ac- count. In opening of this I will (hew ye two things. FitrrIl, I will thew ye what time of Reckoning God bath with his Stewards. Secondly, I will thewye why God judicioufly proccedethin thismanner,called a Reckoning, or an Account. For the fitfh : There are two times of Reckoning that God will hate with his Stewards. . The firth in this Life. The fecond Sfter death. Firll, he calleth them to account in this life, while they live on the Earth, and that two mayes a $y hisÇWord. Rodd. By the Word. Fiat, by his Word, haffning every man to an Account by the Gofpcl, and the' Doarineof Repentance. This courir God hid-deli tookwith Adam, called him Gen. 3. 3t. to account for his carriage in the Garden Adam ( faith he) where are thou ? who told thee that thou wert naked ? had thou eatenof the tree whereofI command- edthee that thou fhouldeft not eat? Afterwards when God font his Prophets into the World, they took the farne course : fo Elijah when he came to Ahab,. haft t King. t9. thou killed,- ' and .alfo -taken poffe ón ? as if he ihould have faid, know that. God hath found out thy fin, and now calleth thee to a, reckoning:, So.John Bapiïft, when he come to the Pharifees, and thole hard-hearted finners, he calleth,them to mat. 3 a reckoning,-Oh Generation of vipers, who hath warned ye toffeefrom the wrath to come ? So,Peter called thofe three thoufand fouls in Ads z.! to a Reckoning for crucifying,ofChtüt; him (faith he) who is the Lordoflsfe,yehave taken, andwith wicked hands have crucified azdHain. By the rod. A tad becaufc there are many, that like the Adder, flop their ears at the voyce of the Charmer ; and if God fpcak but in his Word, they pats it by, as Elihu in Job 34-14, : Job faith, Clad,lpeak, once, yea twice, ye, man perceivetb it not, therefore when the Word doth not prevail, G od calleth them to a reckoningby his Rodd, Mia1 Mic. 6.9. 6.9. Hear age rodd, and him that appointeth se that is : God bath appointed' fcourgesand afi]ííhions for men,to aware: them, to hearken to thevoyee that calleth them to a Reckoning. j Now affil &ions are outwarcfor inward, corporal or fpiritual. Godfometimes' calleth men :to an account by corporal a$lillions t tie fmiteth man ( as Le faith) job 17, with pains upon his head, and the multitude of his bones with flrongpains. What's! ¡ the rcafon of this? but that man,tnay come to this conclufon with,himfeif, that hej may bring his own heart to a reckoning for his former carriage ? This is that the Apoffle ACE, z.

The Stervards SumYrzòns. Apoftle faith, for this caufe many are weakand ficky among you, and manypeep: a Cor. u. ;o. fome were taken with ficknefs, upon others there was a confirming weaknefs, and others were ffrucken with death, what is the end thatGod propounds in all this? For this reafon, that we fhould judge our [elves, for if we judge our felves , we fhall not be judged of the Lord ; but when we are judged we arechaffnedofthe Lord, that we jhoujdnot be condemnedofthe world. As ifhe fhould fay ; Godnow calleth you to a rekoning in this life, to the end you may prevent that heavy and grievous one that comesáfter this life. Again, when outward áflli&ions prevail not God bath fpiritual aflli&ions to awaken men. Thus David, when he was in a deep flecp offecurity, God'awakned him with a fpiritual judgement : fee his fpeech in the 35 Pfal. when 'kept clofe my 'Plat. 31. 5. fins, my bones were confirmed, and I roaredfor thedifquretnej ofmyfetal ; what fol- lowed? God by this meansbroughthim toconfeffion, I willconfefsmy arenfrefons to the Lord, and thouforgevefi theiniquity ofmy f n. Thus God in this life .calleth men to a'reckoning, fometimes by the preachinw ofthe Word, fometimes by judges tents upon the outward man,or by terrors upon the foul. 'But, if all this prevail not to make a man reckon with himfelf in this life, then a. After this God bath another reckoning after this life, where every man muff give an account, life. and cannot avoid it, and there he muff abide the fentenceof the Judge, that would not prevent it before. s. That there is fuch a Judgement to come it appeareth ; By the Equity of it. Neeeflity od. In refpe& ofe Saints. wicked. Firff (Ì fay) in refpe&of God, there is anecelìîty of it. That his Decree may be fulfilled and executed. He bathappointed a day wherein he will judge the world in righteoufnefr. And his counfelfhallBand, andhe will do allhis pleafure. Secondly, it is neceffary, that Gods honour may be vindicated. Now things feem to go in fome confufion and diforder in the world ; good men, the chit- dren of God are not alwayes belt in the place of judgement ; Ihaveteen (faith Solomon) an evil under the Sun , that in the place ofjudgement wickednefs was there, andin the place ofrighteoufnef, that iniquity was there ; this obfèrvation So- Jomonmakes, therefore I raid, God will bring to judgementevery thing, bothgoodand evil, for there is a timefor every work, andevery purple. God hath a time tosto that great workthat he hath now purpofed : What is that work? that is to bring every work tojudgement, whether it begood or evil. I fay if we confider this, it is neceffary that there fhould come ajudgement, that fhall let all right again. Iris fleecing likewife in refpe& of the Saints. Thevery tribulations of the Saints, inz.thef s. 5. are called Indigma, an evident demonftration,or a manifeft tokenof the righteous judgement ofGod. There is a necelïty of it in refpert of them, in two regards. Fiat, that there innocency that is traduced here may be manifeft. They undergo many difgraces, and hard cenfures amongff men : the world accounts them proud , hypocrites, (jugular, foolifh, vain - glorious, and I know not what : now faith job,my witnefs is inheaven ; and faith Saint Paul, Icarrot to be judged ofyou, or of mans judge- ment; he thatjudgethme isthe Lord. The Word in the Greek is, mansday i as if he thould fay , Men have their day here , but Gotj bath a greater day after , the Lord will judge inanothermanner, andupon other grounds than men do. Secondly, A neeeffity of a day of judg -. wen,. I. In refpeLt of God his de- cree. Alt. 17. 3r. lfa. 45. to. His honour. EccleLj. r 6. z. In refpeet ofthe Saints, zThef. r .5. For themani - fellation of their innocen. ry.

the Stewards Summons. For the reward of their works. Mal. ;. 17, r8. ;.In refpeûof the wicked. For the mani- fcltation of Gods righte- ous proceed- ing againft them. tom. z. s. For the per_ felting of their puoilh- meat. Secondly, it is neceffáry alto , That their works may be rewarded. When' we fpeak of reward, we mean not the reward of merit, we mean the reward ofgrate; called a reward, becaufeGod is tied to it by his promife. The fervants of God, though they fierce him with all care, they have not the fat of the earth as fometimes the Ifhmaels ofthe world have, they do not abound with outward things as many othersdo : nay, fometimes they are in the worft condition , and that makes Gods wayes the more defpifed, as if God were not able to maintain his fervants in the world in his wayes and work. God therefore hails a time when his fervants (hall have full meafure heaped up, pre:Ped down, fhaken together, an running over. When God !ball make tip his jewels (as he faith in Malác. ;.) then (hallyedifcern between the righteous and the wicked ; between him thatferveth God, andhim that ferveth himnot. Mark, ye (hall difcern, God will make it appear to the whole world, in the day when he makes up his jewels, that notwithilanding his fervants are defpifed and lie here under divers preffures, yet that they areapeople whom he delights in,and accounteth as his trealures. Thirdly , it is neceffary in refile& of th4 wicked too : that is , Firft, that Gods righteoufnefs may fully' be manifefted. Secondly, that their unrighteouf- nefs may fully be puni hed. Firlt I fay , that Gods righteoufnefs may fully, be mandated, therefore the day of Judgement in Rom. z. 5. is called a day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgement of God : As if he íhmild fay : As God will manifefl his wrath againft the veffek of wrath, fo he will make it appear to the world, that he'proceedeth in a right manner, and 'by a right rule in judge- ing. For we muff know, that howfoever God cannot be unjuft , and howfoever that the ungodly men in this life contend with their own confciences , fuch is the hardnefs of their hearts, and abundance of corruption that they would fain juftifie themfelves amongst men : and again , howfoever it be true that the foul when it is departed out of the body is under.Gods particular judgement by an intellectual elevationof it, that it may receive the fentence of the Judge, by an illumination, and by fuch a fpiritual, andcontemplative difcourfe, and obferva- tion, and underftanding of Gods actions, as thàt by refle&ìon upon it'fed, it may know it felf to be accurfed, or acquitted, and accordingly is mired inter the poffeflion either of happinefs or mifery. Yet all this is fecret in the world, till the day of Gods tribunal come, wherein fecres things (hallbe made manifefl, and things that have been done in darknefs, (hall appear before men and Angels. Secondly, Gods juftice muft be cleared, and fully manifefted, fo the wicked and unrighteous mutt be fully pnnifhed ; They are,not fullypunilhed , when theyare under the fenfe of Gods wrath in this life, or when the foul is judged at death, there muft be yet a further degree for all this. And there be thefe two reafons for it. The fiat is, becaufe the wicked not only fin in foul, but in body too, the body hath been the inftrument ofthe foul in finning, and therefore it cannot ferve the turn, that the foul is punifhed, and the body lie in the grave ; no, but thofe that have joyned in fin, mullalto joyn in Punifhment. Secondly, howfoever the fsnful actions of thewicked are tranfcient, and fee to die with them, yet in refpect of the contagion and evil effects, theft aaions work upon others , andupon pofterity by the ill example of their predeceffòrs; thea&ions, I fay of thofe wickedmen continue to the day of Judgement. Thus we !hall fee the ?ewes, in Ter. 44, revived the fins of their fathers. Oar fa- thers ( fay they) made cakes to the QQueeen of heaven, and fo will se. So the fucceeding King's of /free!, that weW in the fteps ofJeroboam, whomade lfrael to fin, they continued the fin of jeroboam. As long as men go on in the fteps, and fins of their forefathers, the fins of their forefatherslive: So that lome mens fins by a continued imitation , are perpetuated to the day ofJudgement, therefore there mull be a judgement then, that may fill up .a meafure proportio- nable to their fin. This was that that Dives,feared in Hell, and that made him cry out

The Stewards Summons. 9 out as he did, that one might go and tell his brethren uponearth, that they might not come into that place; Why would he have them tell his brethren ? was there fuch love to the kingdome of Chrift in hell, that Dives would have his brethren converted ? no fuch matter. was it love to the fouls of his brethren , that he would not have them damned ? no fuch matter neither. What then ? Certainly It was nothing elfe, but a fence ofhis own guilt, he knew what evil example he had given, and what a counfeller he had been to Isis brethren, and if they fhould go on ur his steps, and their children follow the fame fleps, all this would but adde to his puni(lament, and torment in the great day, when foul and body (hall be joyned together, to make up the full meafure of their torment. For this reafon, I fay, it is therefore necelary that there fhould be a judgement after this life, 'at the end of the world. The fecond thing remaineth, and that is, why the holy Ghoftexpreffeth Gods proceedings, by wayof reckoning, or calling toanaccount ? What need the Lord reckon with men, he may proceed by way of a judge, but hefaith, come give an account rf thy Steward/IÜp ? I anfwcr; thereare four things implied Millis, all [hewing the manner of Gods proceedings , at the day of judgement with his Stewards , that it [hall be like the proceedings of a Mailer with his lervants in anaccount and rekoning. Thefirft is this, that it (hall be a proceeding in particulars. God (hall then pro- ceed not by grofs films , and in the total ; ye have done evil in the general : none will deal thus with an Accountanr, but he will run over the particulars, and Ac- count for pounds, for pence, for every thing. Thus God will deal with all Isis Stewards, when lie britrgeth them to a reckoning, he will reckon on particulars, for all things that he hath enabled themwith for his fervice. Thofe that are rich men ; firít, how they have gotten their eftates, whether they have built their bottles ae a moth, as lob fpeaks, that is, raifed their eftates, to the hurt of others , as men do that raife themfelves by ufury, and oppreffion, and fraud, and bribery, and fuchlike courfes. Secondly, how they have kept their wealth, whether withthe injury ofothers with-holding the goodsfrom the owners thereof , from the poor, for I call them in cafe of want the ownersoftheir goods, becaufe Godhalo given them to his Stew- ards for their fakes : therefore mark how Saint tames expreffeth it ; Go to nowye richwen, weep andhoule, whyfo ? your riches are corrupted, andyour garments moth eaten,yourgoldand/ilver iscankered, &c. As ifhe shouldfay, you have been hoard- ing up your treafures, youhad rather be laying ofit up, than laying of it out, and therefore becaufe youhave not laidout your effaces for the fervice ofyour Mailer, ruff is come uponyourgold,and the moth bath eaten intoyoirrgarments,ye have heaped treafure togetherforthe lafl day. Thirdly, how they have(pent what they havehad, whether on their lufts or no ; Te askandhave not (faith St. James) becaufe ye askamifs,to fpendit onyour lulls; fo ye by out amifs, ye fpend it on your rafts. When men for pride in apparel, for cxcefs at their tables, for vain buildings, for finful upholding ofwickednefs, for unnecef ary, and injurious proceedings inlaw fuits, or in vvhatfoever indire& courir men lay out their eftates, it is a mif-(pendingof their Mafters goods. And as he that hath got his vvcalth unjuftly,and he thatkeepethit unjuftly,ihallgive anaccount, fo he that layeth it out in a confufed, finful, profufe vvay, Ihall be called togivea reckoning for that. And not only for matter of an citate, but befrdes, for matterof place and au. thority. Neofes knevv this vvell enough, and therefore vvhen hevvas to gooutof the vvorld,. he firft clears all reckonings vvith the people of Ifrael: I have been a Ruler thus long, let any inap come andRand up and fay, I havedone himvvrong : let everyman come and clearme this daybefore the Lord, that I have vvalked all my life-time unblameably, inoffenfively, promoting the glory of God, and fuppreffing all the evil that I could with my might : this was the account that .2'Cofes made with the peuple of Ifrael before he died, that he might lift up his head with C comfort. Why God is raid to call all Men toan ac- count. t. Because he will proceed in particular. Iob 57.11. Iam:s,ï.,a' lam4. 7