Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

.The O, rtbroty of the 14 Enemy. that is dochnot ceafe till it bath dragged the Soul into theprefence of God,andafter, from his Tribunal to the torment of eternal fire inHell. That fucceedeth death; for naturally of it's own nature it tendethto the defiru uionof man,becaufe it isafruit of fin, and therefore mull needs be the perdition, and overthrowof the Soul. For fin bringethde(}ru;tion in regard it makes God angry with us,and feparateth from him, and by confequence from all manner of comfort : And in regard it feparateth from him,ic bringech all manner of ill,hiswrach,his hatred, and ill will the greatefl ofall, Death (I lay) properly, and of it it Pelf intendeth, and leeks to draw allthole that it layes bold on to a (late of everlafling unhappinefs, therefore it is an enemy. So you Cee the fecondpaint opened. The third is s that Death is the 141 Enemy, after which there (hall be no more. Bur! mull tell you to whom îc is the Taft, not to all. For there are ageneratipa of men that (hall feel death to be the. laft of enemies, and in a manner the firll. Butto the Saints and thofe that are prepared for death, and thofe that will ufe the remedy, to their, and rhefe alone, death is thelaft enemy : After once they have grappled, and fought,and encountred with his cnemy,chey are at peace and ref} ; as he faith,Happy are theythat diein the Lord,for they reflfrom their labours. There is no more coyl and mifery toa good man after death. And whyt Becaufe,death feparateth fin from his Soul,aswell as the Soul from the body, and fo taking away the caufeof unreft, it muff needs take away tuiferyand unhappinefs it felt, Indeed properly,deatbcloth itnot,butthe -Lord julusChrift bydeath. For it pleat eth himwhen his Servants leave this world,then they ate fit to enter into a place of happinefs in another world,which they couldnot be,except they werefreed fromfin. Death is the daughter offin, and with a happy patricide ( as it were ) at once it de. ftroyeth it feff andfin ; and therefore it takes away allmifery, becaufe it takes away all fin. Therefore it is the lafl enemy,beeaufe it killeththe worfl of our enemies,for when we are dead,there (hall be no moreenmity betweenGodand us,and fo nomore enemy. This is the third point. The lafl is, that this Eneiayfhall be dellroyed. A thing is deftroyed, aboli(hed, when it's felt ceafeth to be, and is took out of the way, and when all the ill effe&s that it would produce, and effe& or bath, are removed. So the Lord )efus Chrift abolifheth Death, he de(troyeth it,, that it (hall never again.be known in the world, or felt byhis Servants: And he preventech ail chofe evil effe °ts that it would work in the Soul for Eternity, and rçmoveth-all the ilieffeecs of it, that it bath wrought on their bodies for theprefent time. Deathcakes awaya mans goods for the prefent, Chrift abolilheth that,hegivetheverlafling fubftanee in Heaven. Death takesaway Friends. Chrift abolitiaeth that, hefends us toHeaven, where we have more Friends and better. Death brings thebody to roteennefs and corruption,it layethit in the dufl, turns it to purrifa&ion,Chrifl abolifheth that,at the Reeurre&ion it that/ rifeagain inglory. How thatis done theApotlle tells us in che end ofthisChaprer The body (hall be laid in theduft, a weak and feeble,a mortal and natural body, but it (hall be cloathed with immortality ; Thismortal Mall put on immortality, this corruptible /hallpelt on itcorrxption, then(hall be fulfilled thatpaying, Death is (wallowed up in villory. But this is alto limited,it (hall be deflroyed,towhom ? Tothofe that ufe the remedy, thofethat partake of Chrift, chofe that have put on him, that is the Refur- reflion and the life. Thus I have laid beforeyour eyes briefly their four things,ehat the Apoftleleadeth us to treat of concerning death. That it is; that it is an Enemy ; that it is the /aft Enemy. And that it (hall be deftroyed. Now I delire to apply this, and tomake ufe of it. Firft, is (hall- be bold to play the Examiner, to fearch each Conscience a little. Brethren, let the word of God enter into your Souls. Ye hear that there is a Death,and that this death is a fore and bitter Enemy: And ye hear that to Come fort ofmen it is the laß Enemy that ever they,fball encounter with, and be freed from all the hurt of it, it (hall be utterly deftroyed. Now do fo much as defcend every one in, himfelf, and inquire what care there bath been to prepare for, death, to make g. Death the Taft runny. Not toall. But to the Saints. - 4. Deáth (hall be deftropcd. v(c. r. For Exams= + nation,