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too TheWorlds Lof, and the That he [hall not commit Ga him[clf. vfe. Fourthly, God cakes them away, that they maynot finchemfeives : For Heaven is a place of no forrow, fo of no fin: Though we be unfatiable of finnow, then there is an end put to it. It pleafeth God fo to deal, in his providence to order tt, that fin brought in Death, and Death carriech outran: Thas as a skilful Chim= miff dïftilleth an Antidote oucof Poyfon, fo doch God ; Death that was thereward of fin, God fecchech the tranflacion out of it to Eternal Isappincfs : The Mother, fin, brought forth death, and Death the Daughter carriech out fin. That is is that is the great comfort of a man in death : As now I (hall ceafe fuffering, fo here is mycomfort too, I (hall ceafe finning : Though my purpofes and endeavoursbe bent upon piety, yeti am overtaken ; I could not tread fo lirait, but I did often tread awry e now there (hall be anew plainpath provided for my feet, there is no fin in Heaven. That is a greatpoint of vvifdom, that God defiroyeth fin with the body, and raifech the body again without fin : If the body fhould live always, how thould fin end ? Sin will not be rooted out, as long as vveare in the body ; while we carry about us this veilof flefh, we (hall carry about us another veil of jn ï There- fore faith Epipbantnr, God dealeth with us, as a skilful Houfhoulder with his houfe. Look as it is in building an old houfe, if there grow a Fig-tree, or Ivy out of the houfe, that it fpred the root through the chinks and partitions of they Wall, a man that cuts down the Fig-tree /hall not profit, for it is fo fall rooted in the wall, and in the chineks, that either he mull pu11 down the wall, or elfe it will not die: Therefore awife man will pull down his houfe, and root out the Fig-tree and then fet up flones,and thereerect the houle beautiful, and fo both are preferved t he bath his end in both, both the houfe is rebuilt, and the Ivyconfumed and rooted out. So it isincafeof fin,there is the houle we carryabout, us, the building,che temple of our body, the houle is man himfelf, fin is the Fig-tree, it is fuch a Fig-treeas infinuateth it felf between every chink, and partition in our nature ; there is loose- what corrupt in ovary faculty of the Soul, and it fheweth the fruit in every part of thebody, that is an in(lrument of fin : It bathfo wound it (elf in, that the Fig-tree cannot bedeftroyed,cannot be pulled out, except the houfe be diffolved, there muff be a pulling down ofthe Temple : Therefore God in wifdom,bydeath he takes the Tem- ple,che houfe inpieces, and then the Fig-tree may bepulled out ; and then he ereets'I the Wall of that houfe more glorious than before it was thrown down, while the Fig-tree was in it, while finwas in it: It is railed up without i ; that is that the &poftle faith, Corruption,fhall put on lncorruption, and Mortality fhall puton Im martality,tbe body that is fawn a natural body,it (hall be railed afpiritual,it it (own in difhonour, it (ballbe raifed inglory. God therefore takes them away from the evil sffn,hedilfoled the body, that hemay purifie ic, and cloath it with Immortali- ty, that it may be a pure body, then when it was firfl prefented in natureat the fief+ Creation.. We fee hereby what thofe good things are that deathbringeth ; It bringeth Immu- nity from the evil offuffering : God takesaway mercifulmen,that they fee noc,that they fuller nor, And it bringeth immunity fròmGn,chat they do not fee it, that they donot commit it, Theule is a Pillar of confidence, not to be afraid oe Death : Who would fear that which makes for his perfeilion, that is the means of his eranflation of Hap.: pinefs ? And in refpe& of others; not to mourn for them that are cookaway out of this world, as thofe that are without hope : They are not took, away but tren]tated: they' are removedfor their advantage, for the better. Elijab was removed from earth to Heaven in afierychariot, (hall Elifha weep becaufe he enjoyeth himnot ? No, he is took fromearth to Heaven; Yofeph was fold into /Egypt, but it was to be a Ruler, God intended that It in the fame reafon, God tranflates us our of the world, to giveus the end of our Hope, even theSalvation ofour Seuls; Shall we mournas men without hope ? God takes them out of a valley of tears, (hall we mourn unfatiably for thofe that are took out of the valley of tears ? Let us not I bring theirmemory to the valleyoftears, they are pall it. God takes them from evil to