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The right úfe of Timesfhortneß. 13 S loving yokefalow ; one inwhose bofome he can pour his heart at any m<: one that he can make plrtaker ofail his contenments: one that is willing to help his cocarry all his creffts: fo in a Wife (fuppofing her ro be a good Wife) heham that comfort that another knows notof. Sicondly, He that hath a Wife , hath a great many cares that another hathnot; he hash agreat deal of fear left he fhould leave her in diftrefs; a greatdeal ofcare how file, andthe children that are begotteh by him of her fhould be prtivided for, when he is gone ; to that as Saint Paul faith, he cannot but care for the thingsof the World, how he may give content to hisWife. There two things a man bath, that hath a Wife. , Now, whoa it ìt to bein this, as if be had nowife i That is this ; In all contenrments that come by a wife, toufe them as if he had none at all : that is, to be moderare, not toglut himfelf, and to think, now I am a happy man,I need nomore, God bath given me filch a yoke-fellow, and Ihave abur- dantjoy in ir. But ro moderate his heart in this. And for the other this, for care, and thought how to provide for her and het children ; to go on as if he had no wife andchildren toprovide for, to leave all to God, togoon in his Calling In obedience to God, and let Goddowharhe will. And formatter ofproèiding food and rayment when he is gone, let him even carry himfelf,as if all theworld were gone when he is gone. This is to havea wife, as if he badnone i to be as moderate In the enjoying of the cantentments that come by his wife; tobe as moderate in cares required for a Wife., fo moderate in them, asífhe had no wife atall to joyn in., or to takecare for; For the fecund, Thep that weep as i f they, wept not ; that is, for matter of affli&i. on Oneman comeehour, and he exceedingly glorieth in his happinefs that he hath aWife. Another complaineth,no man isfo full of. croffes as I ; every day one cross after another, no man hathfilch children, filch a husband, fuck ancaste, fo poor, fo affli&ed, foweak, ever groaning and complaining. Now, faith Saint Paul, be as if ads, inweeping'; that is; let the thoughts of the nearnefs ofthe (hoar make you fo contented , as if there wereno croft at all lying uponyou. For (IGill follow the Metaphor the Spirit of God ufeth) he that is the poorell man in the Ship, he that Both nothing but drefs the Sails', and (as I fa id before) ply the pump; and it may be is beaten withal ; yet in the midflof all theft he thinkèth, I ¡hall byand by call Anchor, and though I-work hard, yet one hour more Will make me free. So it fhould bewith us, in allafli&ions, as ifnot i that is, think Death will come and end all, Iam fide in body, I am croft in my good name, in my yoke-fellow : Well Death will end all thefe, Ihave but a littlewhile to tarry in this WorÍd,'aad (bort things mullnot be tedious. . . On theotherfide, He that rejoyceth, uthough berejoyeed not. That is, in all the contenrments of the world , in all the-joy a filan bath in the things below ; as îappoíe a man haveanellate here, and credit given him, or any thing that makes the World account a man happy ; Remember, all theft thingswill begone affoon as /die: as Pill (ro we thecomparifon ) let it he the Matter ofthe Ship, he may think with himfelf, all thefe are under me, I can command them, andpunifh them if they difohèy ; yet affoon as lam out of the Ship, they are as good as my self. I am Pow near the ¡hoar, and (hall be foon out of the place Iam in, let me therefore moderate my Pelf. So let us in all worldly contentments be fo moderate , is if we fhould rake our leaves of thein, and they of tit. And fo fora man, tobe as though hepofejl uot; that is,' for a man not ro en. large his heart, as the world is enlarged. But if I have now fo many pounds , and Therewith buy fetch a purchafe; and filch a purchafe ; let me live, and carry my fell in my thoughts, as ifi had nothing but food and rayment. And then lallly cometh in the main of all there(+ , They that safe tbi world, as not abejing it. By World he means all the good things of the World all that t na- med before, and all that you can elfe thinkof; Wife and Children, Profperity and adverfty , every thing on the right hand, and on the left, all cometh within the compafsof theiVorld: oftall Codethings fo. But efpecially he aimeth at world. z. By weeping as ifrheywepr nor . g. Byuioy- dug, 1$ 1oyeednot. B bú m é ifgi e(fed nor. S,B, ring the .odd as nor abiding it.