Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

8 z. l Tryal o fSirycerity, or, The truth is , I have handled a good part of this chapter fortnerly, and in this; place : but now we shall clean go another way than then I did, and than I ufually do. - 1 Iha11 only dsfire to prefent fo much out of there words without any curious obfervation or divifion,as mayreprefcntto us aperfeíl charaEler of afweet í hriflian minded man or woman : whichMay be offxngular ufe, and very profitable. The general There be only two things, that I (hall obferve in the whole words ; 1 Ihailbut hangs obfci= go then over briefly, taking out themain points ( as I conceive ) for that purpofe, vable In the 'hall mention them. wo We have here propounded tous ihecomsleatd it or a Chri,tfian. And we have The du y P P y z. The um- here force effectual motives intimated to icii,Chiftianna upto the-performance of rives, that duty. The duty ex. There is aoeneralduty ( to begin with that hrfl) that belonged, to Chrillians at Pre& all times. And there are fotnesfee:AIdutieswhich concern Chriftians in force fpecial I. GenetarticuPar- alry. times. Both contained here. _, P Thegeneral duty (I (hall not, as I faid, handle kinmy former way ofobfervation, 'i be general but only' explicate the very words of the Text , and that rvill be enough for duty expel'. tae.) The general duty (I fay ) of a Chriftian, and what tbour& be the tem- fed. per of his heart , and fpirit at all times,: we may find expref[éd ( at leaf} in- timated ) very fwectly, with fore excellent directions in the Text, n Chef three circumltatices. t. In theob Firft, we may fee here what is the trim Objet-et, upon which aChriflian óul ¡eft. should befixed. z. In the Aftc Secondly, we may fee the Latitude of the A &s which a Chriflian muff exe cite that are exe, upon that Object. rifed ou the Thirdly, ()Nett. I we may take notice, of the manner, and ofthe degree in which every s In the man- oneof thereAdsmuft he exerrcifed. I }hall but touch thefebriefly out of the words, net of cxecci- and then corne to theffiecial duties, belonging to fpecial times. flag. Fir(f, to begin with the Obfet?. The delire ofourfoul is toward thee, and to tbc TheObjeû. remembrance of thy2V(ame. God, and the name of God, is that, which fhould be printed in the heart ofa Chrilüan : fhould be that to which the Byas and f[reamof his whole foul runs. t, God. Heft, I fay, it (hould be fixed upon God, We are here in the world placed(as it were) between heaven and earth :- Now all the manner is, howour Byas is let, which way that turns. As the Byas is of the heart, fo the insu is. Our hearts may be turned downwards to the earth, and to earthly things, and fo We (hall rtüt a courfe of ruine and deltrudion : our heartsagain, the Byas of them, may be fet toward heaven, and heavenly things, and fo we (hall run the right courfe that we ought. It is God that our fouls lhouldbreath after. Fecilti nos, Domine, propoeo te, faith a Father : thou halt made us, O Lord, for thy fclf, and our fouls are reftlefs till they return again to thee. Simile. Ac they fayof Circles. The Circle, the round figure, is the moll perfect figure, and the molt capacious figure, becaufe there the line that beginneth in one point goeth round, till it return into the fame again. Sothis is the greatef} perfection of aman, vvhenhe returneth to his beginning : he had all from God, and vvhen he reflects himfelf altogether back againunto God, lie attaineth his greaten per- fedian. Simile. And indeed there vvill be no morereff for the foul in any thing out of God,then there is for a [lone, or a vvcighty body in the liquid ayre. Hang a (tone in the Ayre,. and do but once remove the force that holds it there, vvill it, hill it, givebut a sway to ir, and it vvill cut through, and never refi, till it come to a folid fubftance, till it come to the earth, ifit may to the Center ofthe earth. It is fo vvith the foul of man : try it in all thefortunes, and Oates, and conditions in the vvorid, as a great Emperor laid, I have run through all things, and my fpirit vvill rest in nothing and as Solomon giveth us this obfervaticua out of all his travel, and experiment that he had made., Vanityofvanity, all is vanity, and vvorfe than vanity too,vexatsonof Oirit e this it thefilm of all; fear Gad, and keep his commandments ; ar he conclu -. tech, This