Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

T H E P R A I S E MOtIRNING, O R MOURNING Preferred before MIRTH. SERMON II. Ecclef. 7. Z. It is better to go to the Houle ofMourning, than to the Haug of ,Feafling forthat isthe endofallmen, and thelivingwiól layit tohisheart. N the former Chapter, the Wife Man had been Ihewing the vanity, and infufficiency of all earthly things to make a man happy, and howmuch the World is mifaken, in Peeking happinefs in any thing here below. In this Chapter, and thofe that follow, he cometh to dire&men in the right way to find it, and fheweth themwhere they (hould leek it, and where they fhould find it : Firfl: he telleth them of a good name, in the firfh verfe. Agood name is better than pre- time oyntment. The fecond meansis, agooddeath; the day ofdeath is better than the dayofones birth. The third is a right mourning it is bet- ter to go to the bottle of mourning, than to the houfe offeafiing. Afterward he proceedeth to other particulars. But this he bringeth in upon the former , to prevent an obje&ion that fome might make : for having Paid that the dayof death, is better than the day ofones birth fome might obje& : What goodnefs can there D be The Cohe- rence.