Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

610 FlheCron o fkghteoújimp. y Mil.trg.1;6. nÁom.6. r a. .11.41 09.1 ; 6Pfal.;8 q. cMat.r t.aa d r lob. }. z. e Cis 1,¡. J Pfal.6, rt g a Yet. S Io. b tTitn.t.ty. But, out of choiecafes, it is pròprium quartomad, onely theSaints love it,all'uch' love it, and alwayes : and no marvel, fith by this fecond coming, and appearance ofChriff in the day of the laft Judgment,they receivevery great and ineftimablebe- nefits, lochas are final Redemption of the Body from corruption, Rem.8.z3. Free- dom from the fociety of thewicked, which herey aífli C;; thegodly by their violation of Gods Lawand Precepts; Deliverance flot only from the z. raign,andadomini on,but even from the inhabitation andbeing offin,which here they find as a clop, and a b burtheit too c heavy for them ; and fo long to be rid of it, Rom. 7. 4. and laffly,the beatifical dvifion, and perfeEtfruitionof the ever-bleffed,and all-glorious Trinity, in the e Heavenly Hielufalem,among theinnumerable companyofAngels, being admitted to the general Al%mbly,and Churchof the firf .born,which are en- rolledandwritten in Heaven,and to God theJude of all, and to the fpirits ofjuf£ men made perfe f, and to Jefus the Mediator of theNew Covenant ; in whole pretence there isfutnefi of joy, and at whole right band arepleafbresfor evermore. And thus, my brethren, after my meafure, as I could, (Upon fo thort noticeof 3- bout a day) though not fo full aftermy defires,as t would, in fo great,folearned,and fetious an Auditory, haut I difpatched my difcourfc upon the Scripture ; yet can- dour will,[ hope,conniveat the want Ofpolifhing, and entertain it as it is, according to theweight and importanceof thematter of it : Andmay thegGodofgrace reap theTotal hglory. Amen.