Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

19 A SERMON PREACHED At the Funeral of the Right Honourable and mof excellent Lady, the Lady ELIZABETH CAPUT DOWAGER. TOGETHER. WithTome briefMemorialsofher moil; holy Life and Death. By ED Iai. B A R RE R, late Chaplain toher Honour, and nowReaor of Barites; in Hampfhire PSALM 9®.12. So teach us to number our days, that Ivmay apply our hearts unto mifdom. Very Chriftian hath twogreat works to do in the world,to live well, and to dye well yea to livewell, to the end he may be Pure to dye well ; for as a holy life has evermore a (weer and comfortable death, (o on the contrary, it is very rare and feldona, that a wicked life makes a goodand happy end : And therefore Tally an heathen Oratour could call this the highef} pitch,and emprovement cf the bell wifdom, 4,4C To do thole things living, which we woulddefire to have done when we are todie: andwholy Bernard feconds it with ad- vice much to the fame purpofe: In every ailion and enterprife of thy life (lays he) be lid faying over to thy fe/f, Si modo moriturus elfes iftud faceres? if thou were to die out of hand, wweldfl thon do fo and fo? And who of us all can tell, that he is not modo moritterteso, to dye loon? for life (we know) is uncertain, and death very ordinarily comes fuddenly upon people, and not always in the preface and folemnity, either of a lingring Confumpuon; or a fwelling Dropfie, or a tedious Ague, or a growing Fever, or the like, but many times in the lud- den furprifals of feline fecret and unexpe&ed accident, which we could not podîbly forefee, until it came co light fatally and mortally upon us And does is not concern us then to be continually numbering our days and piercing our (elves in as great a readinefs and preparednefs for death as Cccc cz may