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jkeaf q. Heb. 10.36. Hcb.is:I. Conclu/.' 2. A Chaiftian mua labour forpeafeftf. on in patience. Col. a.u. Mat. 5 4E. Eph. a. Exod.34.7. Rom. n. t r Pet.;. t Pct a. The PerfeEfion of Tataence or But further, there is yet a further end ; The whole life of aChritlian is a Continual exercife of Patience, there is a necclïity of ir, for he cannot perfevere without Pa- tience, it is impoffible fora man tobegin in the Spirit, but he !hall end in the flefla, if he have not Patience to petfevere in well-doing. Therefore faith the Apoftle, Tots have need of `Patience, that after you have obeyed, youmight riceivt thepro. wife. You have need of Patience, for between the time of the making,of the Pro. mile, and the time of the accomplifhment of the Promife to the Soul, there is a great diflance many times, therefore p havé need of Patience, to waste, that after you bayse obeyed the word, youmight receive the Promife. Let M. ran with Patiencethe Race that isfee before us,looking to Jefus the Anchor, andfinifher of oar Faith. put Lord Jefus himfelf had not perfeehed the work of our Rtdcnrption, if he had wantec Patience: Neither canwe finial our courfe of Chriflianity ( wherein we mu(} follow Chrift )and run the 'Race that afet before us, except we have Patience added to other graces. You fee then aChriflian cannotbe perfe& without Patience ; Pirft,beciufehe cannot have all theparts of Chriftianity, that is one thing. Secondly, becaufe he cannot keep and preferve the grace he hath, that isanother thing. Thirdly, bécaufe he cannot aél and work according to the rule, chat is the third. Laftly, becaufe.he cannot perfevere in the coutfe he is in, except he have Patience. There is a nec fft.y of Patience to the prtfe&ion of a Chriflian. Secondly;the fecond point was, That it is the duty ofa Chriflian to (hive to bring Patience to theuttermoll perfe&ion,tobe as perfe&in thedegreesof Patünceas he can attain to,tomake this the flrife ofhis life,thac Patience may have her perfe& work,tha: there way be nodefe& in it. Tie Apóflle prayeth for the Collofant, that they may be lfrebgthned in the inwardmass to all long peering. Andwhen our Saviour fettetl God as a pattern before men, Beyou perfeït, as your Heavenly Father is perfefi; 'Whatayrneth heat in that place but this i that we fhould arive to the utcerotofh extent, end higheft degrees of Patience, for our Saviour intendech of Patience in that place . this then is the duty ofa Chriflian. Why fo Fitll, becaufe a Chriflian is to follow the heft pattern : The bet/ patterns are pro- pounded in the Scripture. And God doch not propound examples and patterns to men in vain : Bet as he givech them rules to tell themwhat they should do, fo he gi- occis them examples and patterns to lead them co that degree, and direct them in 'themanner of doing. Thereforeye haveGod himfelffet as a pattern of Patience Follow God as dearChildren ; Wherein ? In all chofe exampleswherein you have a rule. For all the examples of God, and Chrift, and the Saints, bind no further, then :here isa rule in the Word. There are many things wherein we cannot followGod and Chrift, and we need not follow every one of the Saints ; but chofe things that are injoyned by the tale, there examples are fee to dire& us in obedience to that ule. Among other things, the Patience of God is fet forthai a pattern for us to follow. In that-glorious Proclamati mmade of him, in Exod. ;4.7, 8. Among o. her of his Attributes, he is fet out to be a God long imprint and patient. Ton fee how patient God is ( faith the Apolile,) AndGodthat hemight them hislong Peering and Patience, bore with the world,, taith SaintPeter; With what world ? with the worldof ungodlymen. God huhborn with the worldmanyAges of years,many thou. land years already, and yet bestach flit' with the world. The molt holyGod chat perfç&ly hatethwickednefs, yet to (hew his patience, he bearech with ungodlyones: Yea,and hebearech With men coo :The mighty God,that is able todeftroy all theworld, wich the very breathof his Mouth, that as witha word he made the world, Co with a Wallin is able to bring it to nothing, yet this mighty God bearech with men, this Holy God,w'uh ungodly men ; yea, and this God chat might fuddenly dellroy the Earth, as he did the old World withwater, he bearech fomany thoufands years with the world of ungodlymen, that his Patience and long/offering may appear. You have God foran example then. And