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treatife of C'onfience, 165 r ighteouf'nefle and true holineffe : And we can never be laved ( though we are Bapttfed ) except wee can anfwer witha good conlcience that we live as we vowed in our Baptiline ; i Pet.3. al. The likefigure whereunto, even Baptifine, Meth alfe new Pave Ne; not the putting away of the filth of the flefb, but the anfwer ofagoed co,fcience towards God. Mark ; Unlef% we can anlwer with a good con cience, that we live according to our promtfes in it, our Baptifine cannot lave us. J pray, confider that fpeech ofSt.Paul ; Ws Are buried with Chrit by Bapti f oe into bie death, that lrke as Chrif WAS raifed upfrom the dead by theglory ofthe Farber, even fo we elf. fhould walk in ueir- neffe of life. Mark ; There is the vow that we made unto God in our Baptiline : And the Apofe there telleth us we are bound in con(cience to keep thisvow ; otherwile we had better have been without our Baptifine. Do not think that God will be mocked : Yc are content to go for Chriflians : but ifyee be Chrif+ians, confider ye are under á great vow ; and ifye do not keels it, Gods covenant hath a quarrel againfi you, and ye (hall be-broken in iudgenaene. There is no (-nine that ye live in, no lufl that your conlcience cell:th you hachentertainment in your hearts, but it is fàcramentail perjury againft the vow that ye made unto God in your Eaptifine. Are ye dead to good duties ? Ye vowed in yon: Baptifine ye would not be fo. Do Yee not daily mortifieand fubdue your aff &ions ? Ye vowed in your Baptilmeye would. Do ye not daily fight ag2 in(} inne and the flesh, like the faithfull fouldiecs ofChrit+ ? Yc vowed in Bap- tifine ye would. What a horrible perjurie is this ? Nay, it is tiv rlc : it is a iàcramentall perjarie. Whtn the Apo.`'tles law any finne in the people, presently they tell then of Bap- tifine : as if they Ihould lay, Do ye live thief and thus, when ye vowed the contrarie in your Raptifine ? When there were divifions in Corinth ; Some would be of Cephas, and lómeof Apollos, and Tomeof Paul : Paul then telleth them of their Baptifine; here yee baptized in the name of Paul? As if he had laid, I pray, con!ìder how contrary this is unto your Bap- tifine : re were baptized into Chri7 ; andare lee thus divided morons Rom. 6. 4. Cont. 13