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amckgyour felves ? So when there w,as corruption crept into the people of Galatia, Sc. Paul telleth themof their Baptifine ßa1.3.21 As many ofyou, iiich he, 45 have been baptized into (]brill haveput onChris. As, if he had'1aid, This corruption ofyours is corn rvrie to your Ba4tif, o rewere bàptitied into Chrift, and yee have vowed ti put on ; anddo leeyield tofach corruptions as theft'? So alto when there was want of love and unicie and a$è6tion between oneanother among the Ephe- kob.g.r, fìans , St. Paul telleth them of their Baptifine : Q faith he, There is one God, onefaith, one 6aptifwe. As ifhe fhould fay, This sa contrarie to your 6aptfine : re were all baptizedwith one 6aptifine ; and do not yee live inpeace ? and is there not 'mitt( of fpirit one with another amongyou? What ? and were all baptized with me 6aptifine? Beloved , ye never do that which is- not good but ye goclean contrarie to your Baptifine. What ? were ye baptized into Chrift, anddo thus ? Baptized in- to Chrift and pray thus ? Baptized into Chrift, and hare he word of Chrift thus ? Serve God no better then thus ? Your Baptifine bindeth you in confcience again(t every Inne and every evil way : Q let us take it to heart andconfider it. FINIS, A A"