Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

3 } A Treatife ofConfciatce. would teem godly and perform good duties, but with hypocri- tical hearts and carnal minds. O that they would hear but con- fcience argue a little in this manner; To be carnally minded is death,that is,is an evident fgnof a man that is in the frate of death and damnation, Bat, faith confcience, .1 am carnally minded; or we are carnally minded: Therefore We have an argument a- bout us of death anddamnation. And fo alto for all other fins ; There is not a wicked man under heaven but he may argue out of his own miferable eftate by his confcience, or he might if it were awaked,as one day it will be. Vfe 3, Thirdly, this may ferve for Marunion. No matter what o -. pinions menhave of us in the world : The quefrion is, What is the judgment of our own confciences upon us? It may be thou art taken for a man of great knowledge , and a forward man in godlineffe;it may be the godly dare not judge otherwife of thee, but the queftion is, What is the judgment of confci- .ence ? Doth not thy confcience tell thee thou art but a proud fool, conceited of thy knowledge , and loveft to hear thy felfe talk ? And fo for thy performance of good duties, what tefti- +tnony loth confcience give of the manner of doing of them e zCor.a.rz Theteftimonial of confcience is above all teftimonials in the world: all the good opinions of the world are not worth à rufh without this: Ifconfcience can fay that in out ways we leek to pleafe God, and allow not our ¡elves in any evil way, this teftimony is full andfatisfatory, and only this. Yet further concerning this judicial witneffe of confcience: It is either about things to be done or omitted, or things alrea- dy done or omitted. The judicial witneffe of confcience about things to be done or omitted is double :, a .. To judge out of Gods law whether it be good or evil ; 2. To counfel out of our own judgments, either to do it or forbear it according -as the nature of the anion is ; If it be good, confcience will counfel us to do it; if bad, to forbear it. The judicial witneffie of con - ftience about things already done is four-fe Id ; r. To approve ; 2. To abfolve ; 3. To miflike ; 4.To condemne. I begin with the fìrft, the judicial witneffe of confcience about things to be done