Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

To the Reader. rene ; the reparation of the foul is the re ftling of theft faculties on their proper objells, and the is that which is required, My fon, give me thy heart, give me thy under - flanding to know me, give me thy will ta cleave tome, by lovingandfearing me, by delighting and hoping in me. Thele nits of laving, fearing, &c. commonly called by the name of Afte &ions (I (peak with jubmifion to better judgements) are only the motions of the will, by which it goeth forth to the embracing of its objelä which is Good; wh, eh confidered in the general nature ù loved,confidered as in the fruition is delighted in ; confiderrd in the future ad attainable, t f with eafe, is de fired ; i f with difficulty, is hopedfar. lithe will or thefeAffeilions be fixed din their proper objeél, there isno danger in the excefe; Godcannot be loved, or feared, &c. overmuch ; the only danger in them, is either in miJplacing upon awning obj east, or their loofe adhering to the right ; both the fe the c.ídpoftle refli- fies, Be not drunk with Wine, in which is exceffe, but be filled with the Spirit, Covet the belt gifts. Thud Chri it invites his Church, Drink ye, be drunk, o my beloved. This drunkennefe, faith Anabrofe, makes men fiber e/lndthis thefubjeLt of this enfuing Difcourfe publipbed for thy benefit. Reade, confider, pray, and the Lord give thee underjlanding to conceive of it, and a will toconform unto it. The