Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

58 Wilfulî Isapeniteney the man. What he did will, he did performe, he perfor- med it in his heart,and tongue,and band,&e. but he would draw his will forwarder then it was, but he could not, his very will was partly unwilling, he could not indeed perforrtoe fo much as he would , that is , he could not draw on his will fo ftrongly as he would. His will was not perfealy fanaified, no Saint in this World bath any perfea compleatnelhe of will ; and therefore his parlor mance is not perfea,becaule his will is not perfea..I fay if thy will be converted to God, thou thy Celle art con- verted to God, obedience ever goes as farce as the will. And therefore if thou art willing ; its certaine thou art.obe- dient ; ifye be willing and obedient Cayes the Text ,. Ifs. 1.19. whofoever is willing to obey, that man does obey in tome meafure,becaufe the will bath power of eçecuti, on, and the whole man at command. This is the rearm why Diviner fay, that the f ncerity of the will is the conditi- on oftbe G,,fpell; wherefore if thou beet not obedient,nei- thee art thou willing to obey,all thepowers of thy foule and all the members of thy body, thy will bath an auto imperatives to command them. Now if thy will will not command them to yield , thou art not fo much as wil- ling at all ; Ifa Jutlice ofPeace lhould tell me he would give me a Warrant,and yet when all comes to all, hewill not command his clertefor to write it, nor his owne hand for to pen it, hfee plainely he will not. Doff thou fay, Ì would obey Chri fi, and I would deny Celle, why then 1 d fi ;hownot command thy Clerke for to write it ? If thy will will not command tongue, Tongue thou (halt never talke Co unprofitably as thou haft done, and Eare thou_ (halt never hearken after vanity as thou haft done ; and thoughts;Thouglts ye (hall never run at rovers as ye have done. Ifyour will were but willing, it would commandyour whole foule. Soule thou (halt not de ar thou haft done ; as Da- vid,. will commanded his foule, 0 my foule,blef fe the Lord, and forget thou not alibi, benefits, Pfd t o ;. z. Nay he corn. mandcd all that was in him, all that is in me, blef e hie holy Name,