Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

-~ . .of RELIGION, zo9 ~ · VIII. We have feen not only 1\1en of ;.·}.·. 111ean and low Efl:ate, but fuch of the . ~ - - · higheft 1)1ace and Quality, ,moft chear- ,. fully adventuring wh~tever lnterefl; _could be deareft to then1 .111 e Earth for . the Truth's Sa.ke ; yea, it was ever found · that filch as·were 1nofl: acquainted with . the Refortned Religion in its fJo~er,. and - lived up in ·their PraCtice.to .what they · prqfeffed ther~·or, were thofe who with the greateft AiTurance, mort · folut>ely ftill adhered thereto. IX. \Ve have feen alfo., its rn6fl: re-– markable fi)teading in the World, when there cpuld be no .. poHible Pretence of .a worldly Intereft, or external Motives for \, " , the fame. _, ·' _X. -We have feen fome!hing n~t only ·.. ·. ,'·~ ! extraordinary,but even-miraculous in the · ~ ,~ . Joy/. and Re(olution of innumer~ble Martyrs fince the Reformation, \vho did hear out with a more than humall Strength, ag:ain·ft a Cruelty fo vifibly in.. , hutnan and fafage ;\ yea, which diq jll , - "fotne Pegrees exceed that Meafiue of the "'· Heathet1Sj in , the prin1itive Titnes; as .. ·being agait)ft a greater Light th~l! theirs. ~ "·· Xl•.-A11d have we t1ot feen, of \V hat . . ~""·'·"- · · • · . · fuc11 fl:ill have been finee the Re- · · :~·· .- ) · ·K forma- .. \ .r !' ~""\