Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

' • Ito qhe con./irnzing Work fonnation, who were tl1e mofi notorious– lt1f1:ruments in the ChurchesPerfecution, . and how vrfibly fuch did act herein·, Ul1• I der fo irnpetuous. an Incitetnent of the Devil, that as · TertulHan, in his Apolo– gy fp.eaks ?f l\7 ero, the Tr?th might boaft _In hav1ng {uch Adverfanes. 1 XII. It is fure we.have feen, that no hun1an Power, , could yet ever undo this bleffed Intere"ft _of ·the Reformed Religi· on, tho' no way, or chauge of Weapons, 1 hath been left ~Qtried_; but we have thus feen, w.hether fo ftrong, and un.ited a Conf~cleracy, as the CathaLick League in Frqnce di~ at 1aft refolve, and ~1ot ~nly in the Rutn of the greateft Actors and Contrivers there·in, but to a further efl:a.. blifuing of the R.efor1ne~ Churches there, . · as tho' fuch had intent1ona1ly aUed for the fam.e ; when, if fecond, Caufes had brought forth thejr ordinary Effects, it 1night h'\ve been judged impoffible to fail. XIIL We .have feen that Ifiueof all the _Counfels, Expence and Cruelty of Pht1ip II. of Spain to bear down the Truth o£ the Gofi)el in th'e Neth~rlands, which \vas to -the furtheft fettling of this illuftrious Stat~, - and the Church of _ Chrift there ; yea, hov.r their confpieu• - ous ' J. I