Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

~ -- THE • TRUE A-ND INFALL-IBLE w \ y For attaining a confirmed State i~1 RELI.GI 'ON.: C H A P. I. T/;e Printiti-ve Conftrmation,itz the Truth of CH R I s 'f I A N I T Y; held forth and – cleared; in its continued lvecejfity and Uje to ~ this . Day, itt. SEvEN Pos 1:.. .. .. T IONS. - --, ,- PosIT, I. r... man,;·~·. HAT nothing can be _ ~>~ ~ li~l of a more fad and · ; ".: threatning AJf;eft . ·. · :·c · ··"·~~~-,j·.- on the prefent Stat~,:- ij:Rf!ltgton 1n all theChurchf!so[CHR.Is T ·· _ . A _, tha~ ' -