Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

, ,_ ,_ / 6 ,( ·T'he' con.firnzi(zg 'IJ7ork .i"nternal Work and Tefiilnony, he gives on the Soul the firft Teflitnony, but tnuft ftill 'have ~efpetl: to the Revelation of ~he Word without, and fuch demonftra· tive EviJences thereof, wherewith it is - revealed to the '\Vorld. Nor lnay any ever ; fep~rate, that which GOD bath -hitnfelf {o indifTolubly joined,. . r\r. T ·HAT there is fo cobvincing a Neceility and Ufe hereof to the Church;. and in a fpecial Way with r~fpeet to 'the Youth, for a tnore finn laying of the Ground-work 9f their Chriftian Profeffi... oi1, and for tne Seed-plot of a bleffed -: and defirable qrowth atnong{l fuch · in this f)ay; that. they tnight thus .~now - early, fotnethnJg of thefe pr11nary Grounds and Den1onftrations of their Faith ; fO alfo is it a Study of that high In1portance, as ·I humbly ~judge fuould - be of notable.Ufe for aManudU:crion; in · / the firft Place) to Students of .Divinity, before they launch forth in that vaft ~nd immenfe Ocean of the ij1ecnlative-Part , thereof; and for being at fome greater Advantage thus for carrying on fuch a ; totrfirming Work jn the Church in their future Service. ~ I . I v. YEA, 1.. .• . . I:-- . I •· ·r -~ ' ·r;