Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

... •• , of RE L I G I 0 N. . , ·7 V. YEA, of \V hat Ufe tnight .this be, with refpecr to tnany, \vho 1nay l)e fore haunted, withhidden and dreadful Tetnp· tat ions toInfidelity, and to weake.n t hen1 in the very Foundations of their Faith;. who are \vho1ly unfurnifhed of any fuch ". Grounds and Argqtnent~ in -their J uclg– ·ment to repel the fame: And it is cer.. . ·tain, that to believe finnly the l-lifl:ory of the Go(pel, that GODwas tna'njfeft.. eo in our Natnre, to fave Man, is with refiJect to -the ObjeEt , a much higher -AB: of Faith, than to believe, that he 1\vill · - fave us; fince ·as the one cloth unfpeak– , ably tnore·tranfcend all hutnan Re-afon . tha·n the othe_r; fo dot11 the AiJofile thus ·; argue fro1n the greater to the lefs, Rrnn. viii. 3'2. that he who gave his own Son ~· ~ to t~e Death ;. wilt,be not alfo with hitn give us all Things? · / . Pos r·T. III. THAT' fuch--a cottjirnzing Work, was mojl Jpecz'ally followed t"n th~ Praffice of the Prirniti-ve Tinzes, andone .– of thegreat Ends of the Mi,;iflry of the Apoflles at1d Evangelifts, to have - this , Faith of.Ajfent and Dotfrinal Certainty thereof, on its proper Grounds and E-vi. ~ences, deeply founded in Mens /Judg- .. mtnt; •