Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

·6o 1he cottjirnting Jl7ork elates of Nature,) its being -tf1e higheft Reproa/ch of N1ankind ; and that the ve:y Myfteries 9f that Heathenifh Wor~ fh1p, \Vere fo horrid and i1npu re, as they needed a Vail from the ~ -~ 1 -~ ;on View of the \V'"orld.. . II. Nor can there :,e a rational Refle- , · B:ion this l) ay, on that ft ·· 1 ge Monfter of Mahun1etanifm ~ but as of a vifible Procfigy of -the }udg n1ent of GOD, on thefe Parts of the Earth; upon their A-· poftacy fro tn the Chriftian Fai th, b_y gi.. ving Men up to fuc~ an Irnpbfture, as expofeth the very Nan1e and Forn1 of ' Religion to Derifion; and . can never clain1 a Reception, either ~ frotn the P_uri– ty of its Rule, or iiltern~ Evidence of · the Truth there<~f, or of its having any ~ p'oHible Confifience with itfelf .. ·· III. rfhat 'tis fure alfo, that the ]ew– itb Religioiz; .h.ad never another ·Being, but in the Truth and F~ith of Chriftia- , nity, and where this Founqation is di– vided from, it bath none , at all ; yea, that that Peop1e, unto this Day, ate fuch a confinnine: \Vitne fs to the Chriftian Religion, as o 'tis ftrange this doth not beget •deeper Itnprefiions on Afens Spi· rits. So that there is an abfolut e Necef- : fity'