Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

I ' if R E L I G I 0 N . . 61 . lity, we mufl: either forego .the Ufe of Reafon, or fee,. if there be not fuch a Rule given and revealed for Cotntnerce betwixt God and Man, as the Scripture, (where th;~ l)'.WS andConftitutions of the - Chriftian ~Faith, ..!re for this .End held ' forth) that 'tis 1 hen fure,. there is no fuch Thin;; 2 2~ any Religion in .the ·Earth, but~"~hat were fo highly irratio- , , nal and abfurd, as fuould rather juftify / .Atheiftn. · Que!l:. 11. What [pecial Confirmation to Cbriftianity, can this--vijible State Of the Jews ·bear, who are ,in fo exprefs atz Op– pojttion to the·GofPel of Chrifl f .Anfw~ IF this were brought near our Thoughts, we fuould find it one of the · great Aififtances to our Faith. I T HA r 'tis fure, there is filch a Pe?ple and Race, as a living and vifi~le \ Ev)depce to our.Senfe, of the Trnt.h of that renowned Nation, and Chtirch of Ifrael, to which·the Oraclc;sof God were ·committed; and thus is ftill, as fame · Part of the evident Ruins of that once - flouriihing State. .. , - F II., TH .A~ I