Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

64 . Th~ · confirming Work · Unde-rftanping, how the Truth of Chri- ,,, ftianity ~ould in this Manner prevail . I. rfo_perfuadeMen, without allyMo– ·tlves, or Inducements from this prefent World, to embrace a Dottrine fo wholly rep11gnant to Nature ; yea, to pre(er an lntereft of Things not feen, and·which · none 'ever in the Earth faw, to .the rnoft de:firable Objeers of Senfe~. . · · II. 'fo admit .no itnplicit·e , Receptiqn from any, but_ on their exacl:eft Enquiry · and Trial herein; or, in another Way, . claitn an Intereft in Mens .AffeCtions; · bnt by a fu·n Afient of their Ligh! and ' Judgment to the fame. . ' · . IJI. To adtnit no Gratification to the. tnoft predominant Defir"es and lnclina- . tions of Men ,towards any darling Sin ; which, accordii1g to hu1nan Wifdom,· would be judg~d of anabfolute Neceffity for gaining any Acceptance with fuch ; .- · yea, to give no partialRefi-,eCl: to the,grea.. teft Princes more than to the 1neaneft' · IV. To purfue its lntereft, by fo .· plain a Difcovery of the Death, at?d Su~ ferings - of our blefied L,o R n, with ! he whole Ignotniny thereof, when nothing could n1ore evident!y controul fuch an End, by any Rules of human Wifdom and