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Curiosnemofdanne. the firft Sunday inLent. Serm.8. rourin Diuinemattcrs. 125 aftpertinet, Theya4flietthemfelues with that which importeth themleaft.And if thofethat are fcrupulous &'ful ofdoubts arecondemned for fooles, offorce it mufffollow, that thofe that are curious inquirers mutt weare the fame Line- tie. ',geneoculos tunsa me, qui ipfi me auolarefecerunt ; Ifthou fhalt goe about to behold Godwith acuriouseye, Godwill the awayfrom thee, and thou fhalt bofe the fight ofhim. Another Tranflation hath it, Superuirefecerunt. When men Rand Raringon the Sunne, the Swine thengroves proud , and fhewcs his power,blinding thofeeyes that preffe tooneerevponhim : And the moRofthe greatenherefies anderrors thathaue growneand fprungvp inthe Church, haue proceeded frommans too fubtle fearch intoGods fecrets. This pryingofours dazeleth the eyesof ourvnderftanding,asithadhere blinded the judgementof the Scribes and Pharifees, Yoúrmusfgnum de Ca'lovidere, Wee wouldfeeafignefrom heauen.Thefe Scribes and Pharifeesare like vntothofe , who condemning Gods prouidence, thinke with themfelues, That Godhathnot ordained conuenient manes tobring them toHeauen ; and thereforegoe about to ordaine new Lawes. lullificataeft Sapien- tiaáfilÿsfuis Wifedomeis iuftrfiedbyher children : OurSauiour Chrift renders it Condemnata, Condemned; The ignoranceof the childeren condemneththewife- domeofthe father. There areTome people in theworldfo querulous andcorn- plaining,that theywill notRieke to taxeGod,forhaving giuen themfuch an in- clination,fuchaneftate,fuch awife, fuch parents ; and fay in their thoughts,ô,if God hadgiuen me another nature,othernobleneffeofbirth,other moreprofpe- tous fortune , How lure fhould Ihaue made my faluation e O, if God would haue beene but pleated to haue ¡hewed me Tome onemiracle, or other ; This is but arequiring ofnew fignes,and acondemningofthole which they haue re- ceiued from the wifedomeof God. Now the wifedome of God fuppofeth Faith;and Faith,Beleefe; [Oportet difientemcredere,He that learnethmuffbeleeue.] So that aheauenly wifedome fuppofethaFaithfrom heauen.This is that light, wherewith inthebeginningoftheworld Goddiddifpell thedarkenefTeof the Deepe ; this is thatNorth-Starre, which difcouerethvntothofe that toile in the feaof thisworld, theHauen of their happinefle ; this isthat Pillar,which to the childrenof Light, appeared light ; to thofe ofDarkneffe, darke : it is thatlight whichmutt thew you that cleereSunne, theSon of God, which islight itfelfe; in comparifon of whole glorious light, the light ofmiracles is but like the glimpfeof acandle. Yolumus a tojignum videre, Wee wouldhauea fignefrom thee . This word á te, From thee,doth manifeft theirintention which was, To reuiue the blafphemie which they had ventedbefore; [inBellchubPrincipeDamoniorum, eÿcitDamo- sia, In Bulzebub thePrinceof Deuil>,hecarts out Deuils.] Wee defire tofee amira- cle doneby thineowne proper power, performed without the helpeofanothei, whereof we haue beene jealous, in thofethymiracles fhewnevpon the Blinde, theDeafe, and theDumbe. Weprefume, thatof thy felfe thou canft do little; but by the Prince ofDeuils, much. Thiswasadiminifhingof our Sauiors pow- er, which is thenature ofEnuie, flying,likethe Eele,fromthe cleere water,and feekingafter that which is troubled,and muddie. It was thefault of their fore- fathers,to IeffenGods power, Juoniampercuftitpetram, fiuxerunt aqua, nun- quidpeterit Derypararemen[am iv Deferte? Isit notall one foihim, to takewater out of the Rocke,andtogiuevs bread e In this,bis power fhall befeene. 'We are like tiltartha's Chickens,wedefiremeat; &they giuevs water. Butôye fooles, doe riotyeeknow, that the ftone beeing ftruckeq, fendeth forth fire, andnot L ; water e cant. a. TheNature of Enuie. s