Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

132 ' Thegreataes uf Nrniue. Gen to Ionasfrom whence def: =sled. tnfh, n. ' ' How the Riaiuites(hallfifvir 1 =I" j iniudgmencagaiaflChritlians. pan the VVédhefday after demnedby ajudgement ofcomparlfoh fo,a Niniúite (hall condemn a Phari- fee. He did credita ftranger, one that was ípewed out of a whale's month ; one that hadnèuer wrought anymiracles; -nor hadanyprophecies in hisfauour: birt thou (proud Pharifee) didít notbeleeue thynaturali Lord,whom his Doctrine, h'imiräcles,heauen,audèarth,haddeclared tobethyMeffias,and thy God.This Niniuite fafled,put on lackcloath andafbes; but thoudidft not lay afide thy de- Iicacies and thydainties. He made the Bcafts ofhis houfe to faft ; but thou didit .not fo ranchas will thy Seruants to abfaine.A Moore (hall condèmne(ina coin- paratiuckindofjudgement) a badChrif ian : This Moore entred intohis Mef- quitewith agreatdeale ofrefpe& & reuerence, humbling himfelfe on his knee to a thingofnothing; but thouprophancft my Temples, and blafphemeft mee tomy face. In aword, If the fruits of repentance weighdownethe baliance of eternal' punifhment Why fhouldwepreferre tetüpor ll pleafures before eter- nal' happiüeffe i' but becaufethofe Iudgesare inthat day to fit,sedebitufuper Se. 'des dusodecim'3 and the Accufcrs to;ftand face to 'face to the ,Accufed, the fencethereofin this place flail not ill vnderftood, ifwefhall fay, That they flail condemn them byaccufing them : for we likewifecommonly fay , That theAccufefcondemnethhimthat isguiltie, when by his teftimonie hoe doth conuincehim. Viri2i?liuitte .. This.CitieofNiniuie , Eufebiuscalls it, Eufebim ; Herodo- ties, Ninus, for thatitwasbull by Ninny husband toSimiramis, filedby another. name, Abr. It was a Citie, not onlythe greateft Mall theKingdome oftheAf- fyrians,but inthe whole world. Mof i gines' it the name of agreat, Citie , De terra inyuit iliaexitiit Áhr,&,adJ1eattit Niniuem,haeeft Ciuitaa magna : It's great- neffe appeareth no leffe by that relation which the Prophetmakethofit, ltincre triton dierum ; for thecircuit of this Citìewas a three dayes journey ; and that there were init onelyof babes andfucklings,aboue ahundredand twenty thou- fand foules. TheHiftoriesmake méeitiòii,That theWalls thereof were a hun7 dred foot älid were fencedwith ahundred and. twenrie thong Towers :,. Sardanapalus was the laft,&thirtie eigthKingofthat Monarchie,it hawingconti-, mied a thoufand three hundred andféuentie feueriyeares. Jonas (according to forneHebrcwcs) was the formeofthewoman ofSarepta, whomtheProphet Elioraifedvpto ; life ;: his fathers name was Amithay, oftlie . . Tribe ofAfer. But nior'e robable is that of Saint Hierome and.Saint ,iu/ten,. That hewas of the TribeofZaba<lon,his Countrie Gerh, or Pher, the court of one of thofeKings whom.iefhuah fubdued and flew. Godcommanded himto goeand preachat Niniuie ; for out ofhis efpeciálh prouidencehehad alwayes acare top-guide aLight not onely for the Iews,bí}s, alto for tile. eritiles. Md.-therefore dthanafiuc faith, That the Law of c3idoJf was agenerall Schoole foxall theworld; and that the Prophets,wrotight their` ' Reuélations fOfall the Nationswader the çope. of Heauen ,and thatto this end theywenttheriafeluesabro 'adinperfbni:andlikewifef nt their Bookes into 'di tiers Kingdpmes andMonarchies, as it appearethbyEfay,feremte,Ezechscl, Darn eljibnos,Sidrac,Mifec,and.,e4idnega oùtOf whofé.Propphecies, thofé Phylofäj i phers that;wereGentiles Ible many fentences ; namely thofe complainers, on Gods providence are condemned, who.crie out inhell,The Sun ofvnderfiandin rofenot v,ito vs. Thcophil; faith, ThatGod,being the Mafterofthe Gentiles a rer that 1?e had, by thelight ofthe Gorpc l inlightned tl?,e world by.his Sonne acid' hisApo((les, andDifciplés, he prooued`tbereby, that bewas one dthe fèlfç, fame.Godboth of theOldand theÑewteflarnent. . &.ia