Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

192 Gods ensehoor,chaainioyits upon the Saturday after, &c. Andon EA?, 63, Chrift giorri- ous in hispaf. naro£waiae. oeaies. there could not beeany conuerfationmore conformable to that eftate and con- dition of his. For, beeing that ourSauiour wastomerit the glorieof the body by his death, he couldnot fo much reioyce inany thing, as in thebraueneffe of that noblemad renownedAe ion,and the worthineffe thereof. In Gods ho ufc, good feruicesare muchmore efteemed , than recompence or reward : And more reckoningis made ofdeferuing honour,thaninioyingit. When thofehis Difciples defired fuch and fuch featesof honour, our Sauiour fayd unto then PoteHubibere calicem,&c. In my Kingdome, more honourable isthe Cuppe that I drinkof, than the chairethat ye would fit in.In ourSauiours Afcenfion,when hee carne toHeauen-gates , theAngelis beganne towonder at his bloudiegar. meurs. Buis efi iffe, qui vent deEdom,tintïtaveffib«de Befra ? Inaplace fo free from forrow and torment,fuch adealeofbloud,andwoundes r But that which made their admiration the more,was, that hee fhouldmake this his Gala,theon- lygallant clothes,tharhecould put on. Formofua,inMolafi:a. Andfor that this his bloud,had beenethe meanes ofhis takingpoffeffionof this glorie,borh for himfelfe,and for vs; he could not cloth himfelfericher, nor doe himfelfemore honour, thantoweare this bloudy roabe,that had beene dyed in thewinepreffe ofhis Paffion. Saint Auffen fayth, That the Prouidence ofGod hadfo difpo- fedit,thatthemarker of the Martyres torments fhould not beeblottedout in Heauen. For albeit that happyeftate doth repaireall mannerof maimes , take away all deformities , and cleareall the fpots,and blemifhes ofour body; and thoughthey fhall appearemuch more glorious than the Sun; yet notwithftan- ding,thofe ftigmata,andmarkes oftheir martyrdome, fhalladde an accidentall glorievnto then,as thofe colours thataregainedinwarre, beautifies his Coat whowearerthem inhis fcutchion. The Greekes read , Loquebantur de gloria , pans completurus erat , Theyfpake of the gloriewhich beewas to fulfill. Our SauiourChrift being vpon the Croffe, the Sunne was darkened (Tenebra fax faint fuper vniuer fm terrain) intoken, that whenIefus Chrift was crucified for our finnes,therewasno need of fceing the Sunne anymore,nor any more Heauen,or glorie to hedefired. Inmount Tabor, Chrift did not difcouer all hisglorie to theeyes of Faith, andtherefore it was neceffarie, that theHeauens fhould beopened,that a cloudfhouldcomedowne, and avoice beheard from his Father,faying,Hie eft fill«mews dilettúa,Tháa is my belouedfonne. Saint Chryfofiomeexpounding that placeof Saint lohn,fayth, Via - m« gloriam ei «,quafi vnigeniti ápatre. Signifying , That this is to bee vnder- ftoodof that glorie which our Sauiour Chrift difcouered on the Croffe; & that there hee (hewed, whofe fonnehewas &c. Saint Paul feemeth fomewhat to al- lude thereunto,whenhee fayd , Godforbid (fayth hee)that I fhould be fofoo- lifh as toglorie inany thing,faue the glorie ofthe Croffe. And the Spoufe, His CrofFe,and his Enfignes,are ro meas abundleofMyrrh,Iwill beare itbetweenc my brefts,asmy delight, andmy treafure. Threemannerof wayes mayitbee taken , that this Exceffe of our Sauiour Chrift,is Glorié. The firft. That his paffion,anddeath and thereft ofthofe Excefles which he did forour faluation, p( for allthefemaybeetermed Exceffes) Chrift did take them tobe aglorie vnto him. Adamfinning, hee feemed tomake littleaccount ofGod,andhis creatures,which inhimwasagreat Exceffe . But God did re- medie this Exceffewith other infiniteExcef;es. Saint Bernardobferueth , That our Sauiour Chriftwould not enioy the Balmewhichthe threeMariesbrought toannoint himafter hewas dead,but did referue it for hislining bodie : For in Chrift