Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

a4s O Thedifference betwixt our Sauiors Triumphsand that of Man. Ofour Sauiours death. wasprodigal! ofhisowne innocent andpretious Blood, that he might faueours whichwasaltogether taintedand corrupted. He endured the Croffe, that wee might receiue the Crowne ; hecaft himfelfe into the Armes ofDeath, that hee might rayfe vsvp to eternall life : forwhich hisgreat and vnfpeakable Mer- cie towards vs molt wretched,vile, andmiferabl eSinners, tohim, theFa- ther,and theHoly Ghoft,threePerfons, one trueand euer liuing God, bee rendred all Prayfe, Honour, and Glorie, Might, Maieftie, Power and Dominion, as molt ,_ due,Worldwithout end, Lana Deo. A '. / 4. J V 4 ¡, __.. :r.-