Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

i;:,.~. ~~,;.. l ~fn:;;.. \ ~~r.:J ii;bi;f 1379 Canterbury. 13So JJ'.CIIdt•1• qSr t38:Z. 1383 •384 ,. 1.:<·•11' 1394 1395 '400 1401 1404 1406 , . . 1407 ~h:l~tll. l HI~TJ the: 41h, HII'J the ~ th. A Cbronolog;. l n Pope Urban's time beganaSchifrninthtS«of Rcmr thatlafied39)'e:l.rl• . Vol. r. Voi.I.p.495·C.I, t Page K"huin.Smmf>, an ho~ v;,g;n, li«d at <ho ,;m<; fp;~k< mu'h aga;nn l the wickednds c( t~ Prelats of Ronu;md prophdi«l of the gro:at fchifin that.lhould beamong!hem,whichafttrCl!lltto p3fs. Th:o ~a;::~~. ~~~Otfvbt~;:r.Jf:;i~k[;';s M~~~~. the Univerfity f~JI ~g:v~~~~Pi,J~ta~~~;f~,8~;~;~ning Wici:Jijftoappm, Volt. 514 P· 5~ 4· T he Examination and troubltsof Nich .Hmfcrd, Pbil.Reppington, and 'J. Ajhum,Vol,I.p.498.c.2. lj!ha~:a~:,:z.~~~fiRC~:n~t~~~~tt;i~~~t1;~~0~/me, profX)unded · · Chritl: was not Latrtia,man· afterhcalfode· fendo:lbywri ti ng. ~~£~~£:{~t~~~~~;ri~:~~~t1~lf:l~~ ~~e/~~a;;:;,~o~~t;~~~~·~: 574 ~~~z:~=~!':~~~isa=~~~~~\~~;l";~V~~~!~ cro!S, Voi.I. p.6n. J11'ob11~ Mi["fltnjiJwritrs of the coming ofAn.richrifi. At::7kr:~!':~~1 3~h?i~~1Sr~r~~~;:;;u/or the Do&ine of the 479 140 in the Province ofNarbont rather tndumlany Perfecution by fi re,than to~ve thc:Dcctttalsofthe.&mijiJChurch,contrarytothettuchofthc Scriprures. ' Of Bitudifl r3. fee Voi.J.p.6jo. AParliammt is held at Wejlminjler. In this Parliament twdvc: ArticltS .arc put up bythe: Gofpelkrs, and alfo failened at Ptmls Doors, &c. touchmg I Th~t~hb~~~~! ·.~!;?~~·t~·trl of -:4-runJeJ. of him, fee Vol. r .p.sSo. ~:;~:;e~~~6~;~~~~~~~~;~~~;~~~~~~:;,~~~~l1ttP~?h~~~·. in an iron I C?agc:andgoldc:nFetters.vo\.J.p.SjS.c,2. Baj~~UttJ dirs in his Captivity. Vo!.r. p.8;9.C.t . Calepinm the 5th Ottoman fucettds. He vexed the Chrifiians by means of thcir difcords. Vol.J .p.8;9.c. r. King Rich. 1.. takrs his Voyage to Ire/awl; mean while the Earl of DarbJ fu: ~~~ l!~~ti) ~:ur;:·:th~f/r~;,~i~l~~ t:;,::~. ~~~;;~~g~; I the Dukedom of Lancafter after the de3th of his Father; at the ~~~~;~t:fi~:=11ijt1~~.~::;~~!b;~ctlGt~;~;,it~~~:a~:?, 1 1 . was fo difirdftd, that he was latgn to rdign his Crown to Htnry the fourth. W.Siltltre Martyr, his troubles, Vol.r.p.586.c.2 . ~:~put on the Church door againll HmJ the fourth, Voi.J.p.591 . f:r~!;:;;h:~~~i:.'t~7U~~;~vol.t.p.839· OfGrtg~ thc 12th,. and KingFienry the: 4J.b'sL:ttcrto him, fee Vol. r . p.6; o. M~d ~~~1'!lC~iit~1i,~nL~h~~~;e's:a;;;,~:~eh~~c~;ot~~~~s ~:~~~:~\~efu~~ w.~Y£i;~;,:z~~~~·;:;;:o'::~I2Jte;.p.6o, . p,,,f"ro"b!d. ThtArchbilhopof Tork, with thc:LordMowbrayandothers,c:<ccute,d. Vol.t .p. 593· John BaJby Artific~, Martyr. Vol. r.p.593• ~!~if£'J:7~::!~r;;;:Jff,~~k\!!'Us~d!!e~~inatioit upon the fourteenth Article ofWic/Jijf touching prcaclung an<l hnring of the Word. Hu~h~JJe{a'! of the 15 Articl~ of lYtc/Jiff,vJL that iti la\~fu) for a PridlorDtacon topmchwnhoutthcauthontyoftheApcClohckStt, 1 . Voi. 1.p. 5 t7. Difpl'ltadon at Prague Univufiry upon Wic/Jiff's 7th Article, proving .br 1.4 Arguments, that Princes and Lords Temporal have lawful authortty ovu thcSpiritualty. Hmr.7 the: fourth is lick in a Chamber at Wtft111i1tfttr, calkd Jeru(alcm, is ref;ay:ufo2:.~i~;;:':i!;~~ ~(~~~~ prop!)di(d he fhould 63 5 Tl~~~~~~~j~;ltR:, ~~~f~/ ~;~i~t~~oXtct;;"s~~t ~rru~~~~ 668 /1 this time. 1\'hny