Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

ACts and Monuments OF MATTERS~ MOST ~ptttal anb ;Mrmo~ablt. Happening in the WITH- AN Unlverfal ·HIS T 0 R Y Of the fame. Wherein is fet forth atLarge,the whole Race and Courfe oftheCHuRcll, from theFrimitive Age to thefe laterTimesofOurs, with the BloodyT1mes, Horrible Troubles, and (ireat P~rfecutions againlt the true MAR.TYR.S of Chrifi, Sought and Wrought as weli by Heathen Emperors, as now lately praetifed by Romijb Prelates, efpecially in this R.ealrn of England and Scotland. Now again, as it was Recognized, Perufed, and Recommended to the Studious , R.eader, by the A~thor, M'·JOHN Fox~ Whereunto are annexed certain Additions of like PERSECUT I 0 N S which have liappcned in thefe Later Times. To which alfo is added the L I F E of rhe AUT H 0 R both in Lati1le and Englifb, 1C!Jc ~intb cn:nitton. Apoc. 7· Sa/us Jedenti Juper Tbronum & Agno. L 0 N D 0 N: Printed for the Company of STATIONERs, MDCLXXXIV.

The Kaiendar. I a January batb 31. days. Tb< Mm> XXX. 3 A 1 Circumcifmn. l1 z J ohnWickli./f,Preaclur,Martyr. 1387 n c 3 ]lobnll«on, <!r:onfctrOl. . ,3s, n 4 Willinm !!!>alllttP, l!l'!itft, llt0£1!'1· , 9 e s l!!f~A~OttbP a l!illitil. mat· g f 6 Epiphany. ff 7 Sir RagtrAflon, Knight, Mar· 1401 fJY • r 6 ;. 8 ] obn lll!Ollltt, @tittlttnnn, •4•3 matte!· 5 b 9 JI01~~~t~~.bttlp , !il!£i1fbtt , r 4' 3 ro laitbUtO!!!>ilbetk, mattPI· r4 '4' 3 r 3 b · n 3i 01~~tg~lltllant , iDOt!O!, n 1 5" , e " 'QI:bOm n~ Wbittle, ~ini· '7\'5' 5 • l 'l5~:1!i1~1~J,i,®entlenmn, '7 ' ' '' mnctPI· ro 11 . .. Jlobn'QI:noron.mactp!. '7 •55 6 rs ~boma~Went,matrPI· '7 •5 5 6 rS b 16 'Qi:bOitta~'l5!01llllC,IUOtiPI• '7155 6 11 Jlfabel§ollec, mattP!· '7 • 55 6 ,s ]oanmnrne, ili!>JLaftlfo!O, '7 • 55 6 •s •9 Jl~~:~t;im~,mattv!· 3 , •s's' f l O \lntte lllb!i~bt, '"" <!r:bnlliP• l' r 55 6 +\ ne~. mnttP!• · If " ]oanl!ratmtt,martP!· " : " llgne~ !!l>notb, mattvl· l ' •ss• 23 ]oan~ole,murt!'~ 3' rss6 1 t '+ mm. ®latem, ntattPI· 9 \~ :: t i'ur.on;~~~~;~~~~~r· ., •ss' •1r\1\l ~%~i."~~~WP1· ; ~ :m ll , s P!· •5 •557 • A ' 9 te!· ftl'ac· : ~ :m 14 b 30\ 1•/mPbi /f":, M"I)T• r 6 15)7 ' c 3' ~bomn~!!l>teben~. mattP!· •1 >557 February bath ~ 8 . days. . f. ! Tbt M~n XXIX ~ ~ n Willinm ~bO!Pt, ~!itll, I ¥57 <[gnfctro!• " e Pnri ficationof our lady. 19 f 3 31obn Jjlbainon, matte~ 1413 8 11 4 Jaitbntb ~utmine. matte!· 141 3 ?irca,n<!r:Onfetrol. 1416 5 SirJoim OIJcajflt ,LorJ Cohham, 1418 Martyr. 1430 ,, b 6 Jaicbntb ljlobenen, tllatte!· 7 'QI:bamn~ ilaglep , lSiitff, 1431 matte!> 1l 8 Jjlaull!ttallle~,mnttP!> 1431 ' 3 e 9 \l:boma~ Jabeoon, matt\'l· 1437 f 10 Ja~~\W'JoS:coclte, !EiftJop, 1437 lJ 11 Sir Roger Onelq, PTuft, MArtyr. ro A " <!CltUO! <!r:Obbam, ®entle' 111an, <li:Onfelfo!· b •3 ~otbet oftbe l!.anp ~ong, mat !PI· 18 c ' 4 'QI:boma~lE!O!ice,mnttP} •5°7 1 n • l i!tboma~ <!Cckle~, mnttP!· • 510 e ' ' ~boma~ IBungap, matiP!· I) f 17 D. Mart inLuther, Crmftjfar. 1g 1546 4 g JS A '9 Jj)opeof<!Cap,mattP!· " b •o !1leake,tllllttP!: 9 t 23 Llflllrtnct S,znJtrs, Prtlhtr, S 1555 M~rt)'r• f 24 'Jolm floqprr,Bijhop,Jlart;r. 9 1 555 Matthias·"pofi:l.e. 6 A 26 R:owlanJ>'lor, Doflor,Martp · 9 15 55 b 27 Rohtrt.Farrar ,Bifhop,Mart;r. 22 1555 \l!Jilt~)!ilotten,mattN. •9 '"' 14 c ,8 QtmncbfielM1llife,mattP!· •9 1557 I A 2 . .-

The Kalendar. March bath 31.da)"s. 'IINMoon XXX. 3 n I i~JW;e~rfu 1rWM;n~t~o, 2 ::;; iD~~~~ rmi7elir~, olios 'l5afi. liU%,<1l:OnfeiTOI· u r 3 ljlenrp2!J>utpben, mnrtp/. '5' 4 g 4 ]obnl)>ourrtep,mnrrpl. , 5 ,• > 9 A 5 ~rttU~ JffeffeOiU~, lllit!p/. '5' 8 8 b 6 llnofpbn~ <!Ununcofn~, mar· , 50 8 tP/. c 7 t3ntriftel)>nme!ton,marm. , 50 8 >6 n 8 'Citboma~ !jJitton, mnttP/. , 53 o 5 C 9 71ximMBilnt.J. Mart;r. r •ol lDaup.rroaer,tnnrm. 'l ll u IIE1lwnrnJTreefe, <ltonfelfol· " !iia!entineJireere, ann bf~ tnJfc, nmttPJ.I1. IJ · fr'atbcr113ate,qroufeifoJ. 1 555 ,. i ::;:::;: u::::;~~:::·:~:~,. , 5 5 :;;; 18 n 15 €~~fim.11 lj>igben, ~entfc~ 25 1555 man, martpJ. r6 ttboma.s<!tntuaon, ~entre, 25 1555 man, nuu:tpJ. 7 r '7 Wil!imnl)>nnter,martpl. '5 •m 11' ,g mmtnmt3pgot;martp/. •8 '555 '5 A '9 !i>tepbrnl{nfnbt, martPI· o8 '555 + b 20 Jlobtt .taurcnce, ~fnfffrr > 29 1555 I IJ'nrtp/. C 21 ThomasCrtmmtr, Archbijl1op oj !1 1556 I" tz 22 Canttrb,ry,MartJr. • ' • 'J l'\obert2!l>picer,martP/. '• •556 f ' 4 9 6" 2 5 -'\nnundation of our Lady. · A 26 larfinm Q!:oberlep, lltilt• 24 1 556 tp, 17 b 2 7 ~Jmunoen, nmrtpJ. 24 1556 6 c 28 .IRic~nrn llL.. ilQltielb, mnt· '5 1557 tp/. b '9 <ltutbburt 2!l>irnrron, mar. •8 '558 tfl, '4 e 30 l)>unb.rro~,rnartn o8 •558 31 f l' ]Obn lDebonifi;, fllattPI' o8 >558 April hath 50. days. The Moon XXX. • rr , lRobertlj)ntrbe~,nmrtp/. I ~rroer,mnrm. " ~ ' ~~~~~:~:·~~~~~~~· nmttp/. u 3 Wrtrrlbnm,mnrtp/. 4 !Lnn~nare, martn 8 n 5 flllffrif~2!i>mttb, Willow, 1 mnttn 16 e 6 ]ame.£t113afutmm, ®entle· 30 '532 man,martn 5 f 7 :Jio.l!wocke,<ltonrelfo/. ' '555 ll 8 ~eOIIJe !llntlb, l~/enc~er, '4 '555 nmrtn 13 A 9 lmtlliarn.utotuct,~intae.e, 24 1555 mnrtp;. ' b •o lRobert iDiake%, IJ'intner, '4 •556 mnttp/. c 11 'C!tpoma.t:rttpm.£t,martpJ. 24 1556 l~rcvnrn !Olpurrre, nmrm. '4 '55• 10 n 12 .\tbomas~S~purge,ma;tpl. !lllbn<ltnuttl,martpl. '+ '55• 1 f 21 St.Georgc,Martyr. A 23 Mark Evangtlifi. b '4 l)>enrp1'\amrep, mnrtp/. " ~ 557 , 7 c '5 fltvomn~~bPit!e,mnrtn " 4 ~ ;~ llgne~ 2!i>tanrep, martn '9 t'1lli!ltnmJ1'1icbol!,mnrtpl. ll 30 121557 :'1'557 1557 1557

The Kalendar. May bath 31.days. 'ntMI)07JXXX. 11 b 1 PhilipandJacob,Apofilcs. C l 'JohnHtl!) Mart]'• 1415 19 n 3 Hitr01'1J111!11 SII'VMI4rOla,M(ITtyr. 23 • 599 8 e 4 iOonthtt(k, QlntiPI· '3 1499 f 5 e ptucffet, l!>ntiP!. 'l 1499 .. IJ 6 Jitiet .Rop, $ nttPI- 15JI 5 A 7 l\ouett!liii1J, $ nttPI· '532 b 8 JRouettlDebllnm, !l'attPI· 1532 ' l c 9 Jf:lic~olll!l~atnJ,$actrl· 1532 2 n 10 'John Cardmalur, afl3S Tail~Jr:, 31 15 55 Prea,ber, MArtyr. · e "310b11Wlntlle, ~nrtpl· l' '55 5 .a r , 'l'!ntanret <ll:llt%,<!:OIIfctrol. ' l ' 55' IJ ,3 l)liiiJ~buetocke . ~nrm. '5 '55' ,s A •+ ]ObllllllPlitc, fjlattPI· •5 •556 7 b 15 {'\iltbatfnc Iput, ~ilJotu, r6 1556 '' <ll:l~~b~t ~bntkllel, Q~ar· ' ' •55' '5 n •7 J:o7kD.J oPte~,mattPI·' •6 ' 55' + e ,s 11 ~~~~b~~;' ln~:~rl~~otbet 5 •55' r ' 9 ~b0tttn%eptcer, martr~o " '55' • e i '9/ f 8 IJ , IJ •o 31o~n Den11p, martrl· " •5 56 9 n , A " [<iflliam t9oole,mnrtrl· " •55' b >l ]0~11 eftfi): <!i:OIIfCifO~ JO '556 9 c 'J Wlfilinttt.lf:lolnllt,martrl- '9 ·, 557 b >+ etepbell<l!ilat!ttike,tttilrtPI· 29 ' 557 , 7 e '5 310~11 lli:btttfione,<!i:ollfelfol. •557 , f >6 mmtameeaman,mnt!PI· 19 •558 IJ '7r~~ottta~<!:atman, martn 19 1558 , 4 A .s 1 ~boma~ l)lunron, martn ,9 , 55s 3 b '9 \t:Gtllfnttt l)lam~, marm. 26 1558 c 3° jlRicbntn iDap,nmrtrl· ' ' •558 "j b l ' <!i:bllfitnu<l!ieome, marm, ' ' , 55 s June hath 30.days. Tbt Moon XXIX. 1 Hierome ofPragut , Marf)r. 27 I5H I '7 11557

The Kalendar. July bath 31. day• TbtMO()]IXXX. 19 IJ I 15 2 2 5 lJ 5 'Jahn BrnJforJ, Prtachtr, Mar- 1 1555 'l'· e 6 IobnlLtnfc,Qiattv!. •J f 1 IobntDelfep,'J3attP1· , ~ s w.g'i~i~\. ('J!ltnrr, '!liniffcr, , im A 9 li\irbatn(oook,('J!lartpl. 10 b ro Jiobnmlnnnp~encbet,\Yi'lt"" 12 rs 55 c .. ]o~l"rrmn!<,'J!lnttn rS n 12 fpttntfrep~ll:Jbleton,!i}3nt• 12 1555 tPl· 7 e ,3 Jf:litb.!Sbetetncn,'!lat!Pl. "•555 r ' 4 Wi!llnmiDirrbc!,mnttPl· ' 5 rr '5 fo~Akia~~~~g1n~~1~~~~· 'Vl:Uomafl ] befon,martpl. r3 1555 ' !6 ' 556 1556 r n '9 sJffn·rii!C l.!taurUcf1, ann e 20 lf~ft~r'N!t~;~~~~:~u~t~ 17 '556 ann~mllcmmc ~Jibrrt, 9 f zr lllrtttPl)".i· rr " €:bomn~iDunrrntc,mattP117 A 23 ]Ob!tJfO~£nt il lt, ltliltt!'l· t8 1556 6 b '4 ~illlOit 'lJ fllft,lllUt!Plo c '5 Qi:!f;nbetb<Coopet.mattpl. •l •556 MnrrM,.{Jalrne: If n 2 6 llitbarn ~eotiuUI,ijilllfffrr, 1 0 rssS u_mrtpJ. 3 e 27 [tiJIHnnt l9fftrf1, mnrtp~. ' 4 1558 'J.m:tsAp4jlfr, f ' 8 !Strpben<Cotton,mnrm. I JJ · 29 A Jo l~obert iDiue~, umrtn Augufl: hath31.days. The MMn XXX 8 t • JLeonnrn Elepfnt. matl!>l· •6 '5'7 ;6 'I n ' 3Jame~ aube~, mattPl· 5 e 3 JlobniDenlep, ~ent!eman, 8 '555 f 4 JJJDW'\h~iumnn,nmrtn ,8 '555 1555 5 Pntricktl)latin~bnm,mat· ,8 '555 i!dfMnmq;;okcr,marm. , 3 '555 •J rr b 7 Wi!!iam(oopper,mattpl. , 3 '555 8 {rJenrp.l!.ruttence,martpl. z 3 1555 n 9 Ricbnrnl!rollier,mnttp~o ,3 •555 •8 e •o Wll!iam!Stcm,mattp~o , 3 1 r "!Rtcbnrnwrtrrbt,mattp& •3 •555 rr " Qi:U;nbetb l!lHarne, mattPl· 15 A 1, ®~~~~e ~ntJkerftein, mat· 26 1555 4 b •4 lRicbatn~mftb.MmttPl. 8 •55s t ,5 !Stepben~arwoon,matiPl· 3o •!55 z n r6 ~boma.r.'.fttffe,martvz. 3o rsss 1 e ,7 l!a.tfUiam~atle,martpl. 31 1555 f •8 l~obcrt!Samne!,J!Jleae!Jer, l' •555 9 rr 19 Io 1~W~~ne, martpJ. 1 rss6 A 'o Wf!!ialll'l501lffCObtnat!pl. ' '557 •7 b " \ Bobertteurcn~, marm. , •557 6 c " 111:110nm~ ILlcnnaJn, mnttPl· ' • 557 n 2J 9JJft£S 0iliJ£tfltJ£, aJj;rs 2 1))7 !Smttb.mnrm. 14 £ 24 &rtholomew,Apofilc. <!f!!en €11J1inrr,mattp1. ' "57 3 f ' 5 <!J:fi;abetb Jrolk~, '!lain, ' mar m. rr ' 6 mauam('J!lunt,mnttPl. ' •557 11 A 27 ffitcef}3Uitt,tnilttpl. 2 1557 '9 b ,8 li\ofeQlH!t,'!ln!ll, mattPl· ' '557 C ' 9 30biiJ:ObllfOII,IUUt!p1. 'i' 557 8 n 30 ~eo1ue lilarr!e~,nmrm. , , 557 3• !'D\13e~~~etcia~~/~tg~~ ' '-157 nmttpl~.

The Kalendar. September bath go. d~ys. The MIJ(,nXXJX. >6 f jfat!)£tllb1Ubil111,ntattPI· 1428 5 jJ m!lllltam m!lrtgbt, lSiten, 1428 martvl. :Jiobnm!lannon,J!)Iien,mar' I'f28 tPI· A 3 m!llllian1 ®arniner , mar· '552 IJ b 4 lll!en,martn. 1555 Ql:ob,marm. 1555 5 QL:oo, martv~- 1555 t llllb)elo, <!!:onfef· 10 n 6 ~Jnm% ll\ing, lronfefful. , 8 e 7 ~boma~Jl.ef%, confell'o1. 5 '555 r 8 4Deolgel!i:atmer.mnrtp~ 6 '555 7 ll' 9 I\obert!!ltreater,martpl. '555 A •o llntbonp:l5nrtnarn,martn •55 5 + b '3 l!i:OII!tlfU•lL'unrrap, tuattPI· 8 •556 e '+ <!El!tnarn§?>oarpc,mnrtn ' " f '5 :rcJ:~~~tt,ii~~i~f:oate, n :i : ;;~ !!!OoomakcrolaQI:urri· cr.mnrrn 1 rr 16 ]obtt ~!Jo]lte ann anotber zo 1556 Woman. mnctPJ%. t 21 MatchcwApofik. :JJ•JrJWl~~~~~~~P~~rrrcrp '7 , 557 f 22 ff!JUe!Sltionrreo~,mnrtPl· r7 , 557 •+ !l 'J 'l!lar.~~nenonc, nmrtn l A '+l]obnWnrne. mnrtp~ ' 5 1 C!!:blinian l!illobcr, martvl. " c '6 \ ~boma~lltOoto,martp~o '9 n '7 '.llo~nllflJbonc, martn '8 ~~-bon· m"!!lpnrnannce,mar· tPI· 8 f 2 9 M1chad A:rdungd. ' !l' 30 3iobn.lfQitune,martn 1557 1557 Otl:ober hath 3 I . days. The Motm XXX. • A , mattOoltt$illon,marm. '534 10 f 6 WiOiamTyndall,Martp. 1534 !l' 7 Williamll.epton,martn •B• 8 A 8 lSnttenetn,mattPI· '537 7 b 9 ]obnJLambett,oJWJf:licol· '537 rou,nrnttPI· c •o Ql:ollin~,martn •538 l!i:otnb!lnrre,martpl. •538 ' 5 n " J!)eter,nl!ilermain,marm. 4 e ' ' ~gb~~0~a9h~~l,1inartn f '3 l!i5ile~>l!ietmnne.martn " !J •+ ll\obert :marne%,mactpl. \!:Oom~l!ilarrarn,matlPI· • A '5 [ijlfllfam ~ierome, martPI· b •• Willimn Wolfep, nmrm. 9 c •7 RobertJl3prrot,marm. n t8 LukcEvJngelifi. '7 e 19 Nicho!as RiJiq> Bijlwp, M~trJJr. 6 f ::!O H11gh Latimtr> Bijl10p, Mart;r. 8 g 28 SimonandJude. 1539 1539 1539 1539 + 155"5 4 1555 161555 1555 A '9 ~~lC:e~t~d~WJl&~~ at QJ:i· ,8 , 556 • 6 b 3o "l!lfo~er !Seaman, QJ:onfef. , 55 • 5 c 3' 'li'Otber!.'lennet,QI:onfell'ol. ~

The Kalendar. November bath 30. days. The Moon XXIX. b t TheFnfi ofai\Saints. ' ' e 2 ll\icbntbl!!!cking~,mnttel· 2 r 3 ll\tcoarno!>penrcr,mnrm. ll 4 lilnOitlnti>etuet,nmrtpl. ,o A 5 31ovnt~otter, <!l:onfcffal. ' b 6 ~vomn~l5ernnro, mnrtPI· , 8 c 7 ]ame~'!lolton,nmrtpl. 7 o 8 Q!5;f,lff,~, ~~f~~~rt, Q!5entle9 J;obtt l~erhp, mattPI· <5 f w Roner<!l:lntl<e,mattPI· lJ 11 JRicJJiltb"l6ilpfi'£{tl, alil.S~(l.. 20 1531 metftJilut, nmrtp~. I "]obn<!l:fntke,<!l:onfciTol. '556 12 b 13 ID~~~~~~Wo~~btttrnnen, 155 6 ' c ,4 Wtllinm.rroner,mnrm. o '5 ~~~~wgg;;1&r~~N!Mif. 1· 9 t 16 lpooke,martpl. r '7 J;o.lj>al!innonte,mnrtpl. ,8 •m 17 IJ I.s M~~l!nnt @>parwtu, mat• xS 1557 6 A r 9 Ricbnrn ~ibron, ®entre· 1S 1557 man,ntnrt!'l· 14 b 40 0mt'oer®ouc(J,martp~. 4 155s c , <!Eii;nlletbDiiber,nmrtP!. + •558 3 o " l~bif.fpumrrep,mnttPI· 5 •sss e 23 ]ouuDnbp,umrtn 11 f 2-1- IpenrpiDnbp,martp~ !)' 2s ]Obtt<!i:OIIlfOitb, lllilCCPI· A 26 QL:b~tnop(Jcr 15~otun, mat· 10 155s I m. s b 2. 7 Jlobn {oern, mnrtpt. 10 155s c 28 1aucc0uotu,mnrtpl. <o '5.5 8 ,o o 29 1 1\ntvcrfnel~ttf!lbt,mnrtpl. <0 '55 8 5 e JO I Andm.Apofik. . December bath 31.days. The M~ XXX r , [lllilliam<l!:racp,<!Efqufre, <!J:onfeffo1. '3 ll 2 J]:lcter0apicnce,mnrtpl. 3 Q!5eome'JSucf<er, ,,;, aoam Dnmlfp,mnttpl. b 4 lln oto man oflluckin!l• bnmffJite,mnttp/. c 5 <l!:lnollttp Jirfer~martpl~. •o o 6 lovu (oilton<!l:onftffol· e 7 Iobn<!i:otnne~, <!i:onftffol. , 8 r 8 RohcrtWaco,~onfeiTo~ 7 ·ll 9 lJ.@>cbolarofllbhebfle,mar· 10 a?ct, martPl· 1545 · b 11 .IRic(Jar'OI!>tmne,nmrtpl. 4 1515 '5 c , Jiobn<l!:ewke~hucp,nmrtpl. 2o '53' 4 o 'l JJnme~®Oic,<!i:onfcffol· 7 •555 £ 14 ~ 13 I 555 12 f 15 IS 1557 , 6 ]o'J:l·RonJlb, ll'lltatbcr, , •.m nmrtp~. . ' A >7 '!lncgactt'!ltrlllff,IIIRCtpl· <558 b ,8 l!r!Jomn~<l!:p!er, QJ:onfeffol· •558 c '9 '!lnttvelnWitber",<!i:onfel' '5 58 f01. 1 7 n 20 DnleQL:onfelfo~. 1550 6 £ 21 ThomasApofilt. ~ :; ~g~~~~l\}£1~'/gi,, <!i:onfef· •5so '4 •A 24 ]o~l'il!Stober,<!i:onfeffol. . Jf:liCbOI;uJ'l,;llttOII,1110ctP/., <562 3 b 25 Nadviryofourl.ord. Sttpht~l, Ma.rt yr. l~::d(;:~~clifi. '9 c 26 (iebomn~ ll\bebonenfi~, lm •B• <tEart, mnrtp~. ·o 27 J]:lJCu" ~"nnonta, <!l:onrer• fOI. s e 28 IZI:rnrnm.u Roteronamu.u, 1513 <!i:onfeffol· 16 f 29 ~nrtin~ucer,Cltonrelfol. 15+9 ~p~\1•i~e~g:,':fli~~'if'o~fl£r. : ~ ~~ 5 !l' 3° J;>eter'llattpl,<!i:onfeffol· •+•2 5 A 31 King EJwarJ theSixth,CrmfrfJor. '553

AD DOM ~INUM Jefum Chriltum SER VATOREM CLEMENTISSIMti M, Eucharill:icon JOHANNIS FOXI.. COnfcll:o nunc opere, quod tu is primU.m au(pi.ciis ac ~olu ntate aggreltus (fu~trte & ado. rande Jefu,idemquc Servator clementlffime) mc~o.avt1 quodq; ~emu mbeneficto ac ~avore exegi atque abfolvi, pr~tcr omnem cerram .opm10nem & ~tres meas: fuperell: uaque . pro officio meo, ut animula b~c, ccu pro vottV3 tab_ula, grattas, fi non quaoras. debeat (utinam cnim id po~t) at quantas queat m~xime,~u~ifi7ent1 fii~ tu<e pcrfol~at Maje~att;. qu<£ tarn miferum homuncJOnern, vel f}•phar potms hommts, m l abor ~ bus tot t<mu(que r~u, qut vel ~:~~;; (.,'ff,~f,i;i~:t~~~;;:::r~~:ec.:;ndfi;~;;ri~udi~~~;,";,:m~i~;~'~"~,;,~~~;"~~i~~t~o~~~ :i:"';~~: mart a mulris poterit; tua tamen non tgnorat o~mpotens MaJ efla~, hUJUS, gualecupque fir, negotii confeCtio, quibus quamque pOn ferendis c:um, vigiliis, molefhis conftiru; <JUlbusnullo modo pares futuri effemus, nifi favemis grati~ tu~ numen affulfiffer, .ac f~fe quodam modo .ad- :~~i~~n~~~~·oc~~i1pG; ~~,:'!-~~~~:,' ~~~~~ai;e~:~~et/;'te:~rt~;~~~~~~~?m~~~ei~fifu~~ ~::,j;~·,. ~!~r:'!fi' C ,j;~;~~i~!~ J~~~) i~ uvC:~' ~~~;:~:"~~~~~~~~era~~~~;;~; h0~~e~r;~:0pro:C~u~"£:. ;:;-;;::::" Nosviciffim, quod nofi:r i fit officii, gra,ias clememire tu~, cum r.cfiro privat im, rum publico :t'~r~:;n:!'~~~~d::'~o~~~i~,~~fi~;::d';;~no~~~r;~~~;~~ve~~r;;~nf.~~~~i 'Q.~:~~:·~~;~ fi nu lla h1c extaret eorum recordario, non po!fent non ommbus mod1s elfe •llufinffimJ, quorum fim nomina vit~ rure libro infcripta. Et tamen volui t hoc modo tU:t decl~rare Maj.eflas, nobifque innotefcere hommibus, quirn honorificum fit pro t ui nominis gloria fort1ter dim1cames occumbere, quorum tu vitam :\ cinere ac r<_>go fie vindicas, fie eau fa~ tueris, fie dign~ratem, ut e:mdem cum glorire frenore abs re rec•piam clariorcm, quam fi 1pfi nunqu~m ahoqui perdid1ffenr. Habet fiquidem peculi are hoc fibi m~hti a:: rua:: ratio, loogC a mundo hoc dn'~rlum, quod in cafiris tuis milirames five vivam, five monantur, multO clarcfcanr a funere frelic•us, quam fi vixilfent maxi C. Sic Crttflllltr~JIJ vi~emus, RidleHm, LatimerHm, ]ohlf»f1t1Jt Hooper~IIJJ, BradfordHm, C<Eter6fque F•t;. " 1 ejufdcm d~cunrepugtles, quanro majore occubuiffe cum giOria in ac1e tua depugnantes, <Juam fi, :::;~;;. relicta fiat tone in qua erant collocati,faluri ipfi fua:: ca.ufam tuam pofipolui!fent.Qya:: enim gens,qua:: ;:::;:" ·~ natio, qu<E remporum verufi:is, qua:: hominum pofterttas eorum non camabir la odes, non virtutem agnolcer, non magnitudinem admirabi!Ur ? Q9is Wiclev~rm unquam, aut CohhamNnJ natum fuifiC e~ifiimaOe r,nifi rua in caufa tarn cgi£fe~t ~renue? Q!lamo honori illud H;if.fio Bohtmenft,n.ofir6que Tmda!o fu ir, quOd vitam in Evaogtlii tUl caufa perdiram, magis abs te recipere, quam 1pfi redDere maluerint? Spellemus Cdiverfa parte adverfarios ruos, quorum ram muhas ciTe confiat c~cs injuria ~, crudelitates adverfus tuos, mulraq; .item occultC & ~elefie ab ii fdem perpetrara, qu~ nunquam fptrabant fore pa lam: & tamen qUid unquam in aoguhs & renebris ab ill is eft defignat~m tarn occult(: adverfus Ecc!efia~, quod ~on in apricum. produxir tua producCrquc providentta? Arq; ita produxit, ut unde 1pfi laud1s fibi conceperunt animo opiniooem, inde fummum fibiipfis dedecus pepererint & conrume\iam, quam nee vita etfugere, nee morre unquam fin ire potermr. Ql1is Gtti[ot, Bonerot, Stonot, Gardinerot, ranquam execranda hommum nomma nunc non _novir? non 9uis corum facinora obl.iterebit dies, .aut fepelict memoria?. Erquid hos !n_rama multitudine hofimm ruorum recenfeo? Cui unquam profperC ceilir ruo rcbellare nummt, am ~f\ium fe Ecclefi~ tua:: p_rofircri.? Paprenomen quafl_l t· r.a~ aliquan~o inhisterris!:!.:;::;:::. ~~::~ea~:,;~:\t':;,i,le~u~cu l(;'~~ ~;'.:~~~~:; r~:~~e~:~~,~~'~o;::~~;~~ ';";J~~~~~::c~~~~~: !~;;.::.~: fuum quondam habebam .Piaufum apud plebem fimplicem & credulam. At po~quam fpreta veri- :::~:;; tale llta CctperUOt gralfan COntra te, tuorumque homicidre fieri, eo tandem fum probpfi (except is:::::;;;;. paUCIS

'!.~d Chrifium Euch4rijlicon. paucis quos tua exemit gratia) ut reliqua fex nihil aliud jam effc prreter vocabula quredam ad ignominia reliQa videatur. H<re nimirum. (fanfriffime Dominc ac Deus nofier) jufiiffimi judicii tui funt pra:ludia, ex quo baud difficile ~fbmare fir, quidnam in altero illo expefiaturi f im, quos in hoc ipfo fcculo, hoc eft, in fuo ipforumRegno, tanta accumule s infamia & dedecore. Sed omiflis his, ad fanfros tuo s redeamus Martyres, quorum nomine mcri tO a nobi:; perenne vel ut facrificium laudis & gratiarum tua::de~tur, fimul & habetur, bonitati. Primlun, quOd in Ecc lefire tua! caufa dimicantibus tarn furtbn & alacrem fpiritum omnibUfque tormentis majorem adverfus parricidas Papifbs fubmini· ftrafii. Deinde quOd & nobis in illorum defudantibus hiftoria pro pitius adeO clememice tuce fa.vor affuerir. Debetur & hoc privatim mea quoque nomine fingulari tu<e pierati, quOd vitam toties alioqui outantem, in hac taora, quantum tu folus novirti, laboris immenfitate confervatam tuo volueris beneficia. Verum illud imprimis omnes debernus pariter etfufiffimo tuo in nos amori, guOd beatorum Ma~tyrum tuorum, quos mundi hujus ad flammas & cineres adegerit perverfitas, caufam & innocenttam, velut C cinere recolleCtam, in lucem denuO notiti3 mque Ecclefice tuce re~ vocare ac patefaccre dignatus fit.Etfi enim dubium non efi,quin in fupremo illo judido tuo,quum virtutes ca:::lorum movc:buntur, omnis eo rum ad amuffim excutietur caufa ante tribunal tuum, dl ramen aliquid hie quoque iu Ecclefia tua, caufam ipforum, facta, vit<fque virtutes c ceteras non ~~i;(;:~m ;e~~ fu~i~~n~~g1!fr~t~.~~~:e~!~::fidea~c~~~ii~~;[;~:~~:e ~~~~~~.a:~:~~~du~p?tf~r:~ fecerint, fcd quid & nobis eorum fit exemplo faciendum. · :o.trn•ti• Sed hie rurfu! (dulciffime Jefu) opus eft b~nigno tui.pra!fidio. Nos enim 9ui filii :t_~ Martyrum tuorum fumus, quofque maximC majores noft:ros lmitan convenicbar, n unc mhil ferC _,.,... parent~m ~enemus •. prreter ~itre folam banc, quam fuo par.tam fanguine rc linquerunt, libertatem: Qya euam tpfa nimtl1m abuttmur intempe ramcr,ut jam penculum fit.,nc non 6\ii mod? Martyrum, fed ne fra~res quidem ipforum haberi mereamur. Qy amum eni~ mterfit difcri~ims, quamque prorfus dafconvcnit ordine toto nofl:ra Co nfuetudo ab il\orum vefbgiis & Difciplma, pudet pro. ~e~~t~d~:r:~ c~: ~~~da~~r:~~~re:~~; ~~~~~~i 1aS~~~:r~:~i~o~:~cfi::r~c:~::t~~~te~~~: :!bdicare, mundum cum omnibus defide~iis ~occi fJccre, volu ptatc:s ranquam nugas fpern ere ? Nee fim:bam pericula undique imminem1a apt bus ~ongerendis, multoque minus honoribus cumu~ ~ ...... .u. hndis vacare. Contra verO, noft:ra nunc vita, fl:udmm, omnifque adeo contemio, q uid nifi mun~ ~=:.. dum fpirat) quid aliud quam pe~petuum quoddam Auxarum rerum, opum, ac bo norum, aucu~ :::!;:;. pium videtur & ambitus? Ac tlli quam prreclarC fecum afrum putaffent, fi vel vivere modO =~~: licuifih. Idcoque multi fuere eorum, qui Ma~i.e Regi~ae facultate~ &.poffeffignc:s omnet adufque ~ ...; ~~~~~~~;t~~~~~~t;;~~i:'ar~u;~~u~~~~~~~u 1F~~:e:~~~~;:i~~~~~:n;~ffi~ c:~; fa~~ ~o;i~~n~!~~ fine ~ne, opibus, Sacerdotis, cenfuique dilatand? in hiaruus. am~itu amict>s fatigamus & inim1cos, non ut vivamus folU~ verUm ut fubhmes vivamus & honoratl? De fide, de manfuetu~ dine coru ro, tOlerantia~ fimplicit:ne, ac patemia incredibili, quid dici fat is potefi: ? <l!!anta con~ O:amia, qua animi alacritate perpcffi funt q~icquid infligebatur,vindid:am, omnem Deo re mitten~ tes, cui. & caufam commendabam? Nulla v1s eos adverfariorum dejicere, nee mince fran gere, non Judibria movere, non pericula, non tormcnta ulla conO:ernere, nee delinire blan ditia potue~ rum. Componamus nunc nollram cum his mo~litiem. Sed pudor prohiber. Nam quce tarn 1evis nos tentationis aura afilarc poffic, qu:e non ilhco pr:tcipitates ac tranfverfos rapiat in avaritiam, in fafi:um, voluptates, turpitudinem, vindiCbm, & In quid non malorum? Qll<t ram levis objici potcrit injuriola, pro qua non crelum ter~ mifcemus, mariaque turbamus ab imo? ex quo in promptu eO: colligere, qua~tum ab eo abfumus, ut mortcm fimus unquam tua caufa fubituri, fi quando re& Manyrum flagnet, quum nee 3ffefrus quidem ift:os tuo amputare juffu v elimus. Qua~ propter ut Martyrum quidem illorum cau~a gratias agimus nomini tuo fanB'o; ita noft :ra viciffim ~~!f.:· :~~~~dfrf~~fc~t~~~~taf.~:r~~r;~~~~; t~~:fi~c~~;ia~r~~~:e~,an;~!~!~~eecmubiar:~~~dh~u~~~~~~ illeccbris, focordiort's ipfi in rctinenda Evangelii tui vifroria, quim illi in compar anda O:renui, videamur. Poft:remO quoniam hifioriam hanc tuo nUlu ac voluntatc aggrdfi, in ea re operam ~~~~{:::~ f~~~~~5~d~~o ~~~t~~fi~~~~i[~:a:~~:~g:~eC:t~~d~~n~~~~:b~fur?u~~~~~~~~~~! h1fl:orire tutelam '"· te rectp1as magnopere p etimus; cm & o~us ipfum totumque me ipfu.m, quem c~:r~~d~su~:~~~~~~;d~~l~~b:~ni~~~ec:~~~ ~n;;~~~f~~o~fsib~~o~~:nm;~ ;~;n~~~~rc::l~r~; tribuacperfonetque. Amen. TO

TO THE R IGHT VERTUOUS, Moll: Excellent and Noble PrinceiS, ELIZABETH, ~een OUR Dread Lady, By the Grace of God, Queen of England, France, and Ireland, Defender of Chrij/s Faith and Gofpel, and Principal Governor both of the Realm,and aHo over the faid Church of England and Ireland, under Chrifl the Supream Head of the fame, &c. J 0 HN F 0 X, Her humble Subjcfr , willieth daily incrcafe of G 0 DS Holy Spirit and Grace, with long Reign, perfdt Health, a11d j~yful Peace to Govern Hi> Flock committed ro Her Charge; To the Example of all good Prmces, The Comfort of his Church, And Glory of his blcffed Name. CHRI S T the Prince of all Princes, r.ho ~ath pl<tctd JOU in JOHT Thro11e of Majep.J, u;,der Hi"' to Gtroern the Church and Realm of England, give JOHr RoJal Highnefi long to fit,_ and matt} 'ltllrl to Rrign over Vs, in aU jWHrifoing FelititJ, to hi.1 gracio111 Ple4Ji~re, and long lafling joJ of aU ;our Subjtlh. Amen. When I fir{J. prefinted theft Acts and Monument~ 1111to JOHr 11ajeflJ ( mofl dear Sovereig11, t<3.een E L I Z ABET H our pe•ceab/e Salorne ) whrc~ JOHr Mtljejires rare Clement} reuived in foch gentle part ; lll'ell hoped thatthe(e PJ} Traveb in thu Ajnd of rvriling had been weD at an end, wherebJ I might have rettmred Ill} StuditJ again to other purpo[e.1 after ~inc own dejire, m~re jil t ha~~: iD write Hiflories, efJ>edallJ in the E~glifh-Tongue. But cert11in evil diJPoftd Perfom, ~~ mtempe~.~~~ ~"/u;~~::;:ae;t'tc~:!~~~!;o;:~tn;;ftw~;~~a:~~~~;h~tJ:o~0, rt'!;;1 ~:~~;,~!;~~~;;:;_~d ~at;~ :::~::~; ~~:~~~;,~r~!tcbt;~:;e;,/:t;;~;:;;:;;,;::;:i~flHth:O:p':o~~=~tt~r~~ih0!J;~~~~~ of England,even to the G tll tl ofLovain,Jo that no Englilli Papifl almoft in aU the Realm tho11ght himfllf a perfill Catholick.., Hnlefl he had cafl OHI fome W'!rd or other t o gtve that Book._ a blow. Whemtpon, conpdering with 111} Jelf what ftJOJtld move themth111 to rage, jirfll beg.m wiih more cirtHmjjelJ diligence to overlook, again that I had done. In [earthing whereof I found the folllt, both what it wa1, and where it /ay; which was indeednotfo much in the Blofl..itfc/f (to foJtbetmth) as in aNother certain privy my fiery and lt'OI'kjng of fotJtc ; of whom J oan. Avent. foaU!teU TH in' hi1 ~wn word1, andjhew 111 who the) be, Quibus (inquit) audicndi quz fecerint pudor cfi ; nullus faciendi, W:O,a~~;~; :;~:~~~;;k.e ~~ih~;~~;~u;~;,~~ifl:~~:;;~~ ;/;~!c,t~~;;~~~ ~:h:, 1o~g~~i ~e:z:tu;,::,;; theJ migbttheflopping of the fome. And becauft the} c()H/d not work.. it per brachium feculare, bJ p11blic~ AuthoritJ (the Lord of Heaven lcng preftrve JOIIr Noble MajeflJ) tbq rtnewed again an old wonted pral'lift of theirs; doing in lik.J fort herein, as they did fometime.J witb tbe bofJ Bible in the t;';t:t;;Jrr~:";oo:::~[J~~: h f~h:11:,1rf,~::;;n{;;~:~ ~:~h~ ~;o~:g!:! ;J~h:bi~=e:~!?mi:~t!~:~ ~1:~:1;, 'ie:~t;~%: tJG,;~Ra t:!~: :~~~:~/~h~11p::pl~:p;;;et~!;eT;~»j/;~P:; a~~:,Ja~"lty~:,o:f,;/j cannot teD bowman) more. Not thattherewereini: foch l]e1 in very deed; b1tl that the coming of that Booi{foould nol bewrtJ} their l.Jing ft~ljhood, therefore they thoughl bef1to begin fir:fl to mafl.! Ex~ ceptions themfilvuagainfl it; plaJing in their ftage lilze a.1 Phormio did in tbe old ComedJ, wbo,heing in aU thefoult himfilf, began firfl t~ quarrel with Demipho, when D emipho rather had good right to lay Phormia bJ the heels. With /if<! faring brag1 theft Catholicft. Phorrniones think.. now to dafo out aO good Boo~.1, anJ amon~VJ others alfo theft Mon11ments of Martyr I • Which godly M~trt)rl a1 theJ co11/d ttot abide beittf. alive,•fo neither can they now fojfer their memoriuto live after their death, left the Afh of them being i<!tow11 might brhtgperhapl tiJeir wicked A&1and cmel MurlberTtodeteflntion; and therefore JJurrJJ thej fo vehement/} agaipfl thi1 Boo/z of Hijloriu, with aU kjnd of Contume/ie1 and Vproars, railing and wondering 11pon it ; much lik.._e M 1 have heard of a Company of_ Thicvu, who in robbing a certain ~:~,;::1:!,0:,!eo/,;~t;~~~~e;,t:V~;/J:~flf:ho~J=:/~:!::~J,0~~~~;;~;~d:!:;,:;;,;o~;:~~~: tru~::j;o,t:t;;; J:a7:~· witb me; .for when. theJ themfelvtT alt~ether delt ht in UIJtrHth~, a11d have replenijhed the wholt Lhurch ofCIJrijl withfetgned Fablu,lying MlracleJ,fdfetp.tjom,and miftrablt Er:ou co.ntained in th~ir 1\1iffils,PortufeT,BreviarT,d~d SHmmariu,andalmofl no trJJe tale.tiJ aD t~eir SamiJ LnJtJ and FejlzvaiT,t~s now ~t!Jo 710 greatlr~~lbl m Qllf Lovanian Booh.!,&r:. Tet notwJthflandm~;

TheEpifile Dedicatory to the C2..!!_eens Majefly. fM tbolfgh they were a peop~e of much lrllth, and that tl;e wo:td ~id nu~ perctive thtm, thq pretend a face aml ze~t of great PtrliJ; and (15 thoHgh th~re were no H,florw elfe m all ~he world cormptcd, b11t only tbii Hiflorl of Atls. and Monuments, wttb Tragical Vviw theJ ~xclazm and wonder upon ~t, ?o;;;'~f~O:;~~~:!c~'~-r~;;~fl!!s':/j/ fon;;;;~:: i~P;;;;;f:;~~~7e:o 111 J;"?;n~fo,~;:/,~a~e:j;; ;~ in Rhetoric~{) that when an argument cometh againflthem whuh they cannot we/1 refolve mdi:ed, theJ have a rule tofbift ofj the mal/er with jlo11t words and tragical admiratiou,whertbJ to dafh the Opponent out of colmtenancc, bearing the hearers in hand the fame to be the weak..efl and flenderefl arg11mtnt that evefv~h tk:fophif/;c~t 0:::~~:}eeaiflj;;;d~i;h';::e'!ln~o;~e!ilft; o;;;%:r~!:!~~~; to hear their own ::~;~~~~:~'(::~ ;:;t::e ~enrh:!e/:~h; a::kha~:~ld)' t~;e:;:h~!0;e~~~g~f:::hYt;?;S:.';;~~i::~~ dtrfllllnding that the) rea1. inveigh andmalig11 fo perverflJ the [etting.o11t tbereof, 111 thoHgh neither an1 word in aU that florJ were tme,nor an1 theft my AwiferJ I do not o fXCHfimJ Jelf, 1 again; doi11g herein 111 Penelope did with her web,untwifling that jbe h:~d done before: r as Bui/derJ do fometim~J, which .bHild ~nd tak._e down again, eilber to tran.JPofe the fajhion,or to mak! the founda tion larger . So m recognifing thtJ Htflory 1 have employed a little more labour, partlJ to edarge the arg11::~: I have lr9ere tprma ~- ~ pidJm. Nwerthelefs committing the foccejt thereofunto the Lord, I have advenllm:d again HpotJ tbisflorJ of ~:~~ck;;;;,;;~~,i,e,lJ:/~ ~~fo;YI~~J.a[/'!;:i:lfo 1 a~:~'::~!~a;;:}e;~e;z; j/,;:n;~~';::;p:::~~ .lt'lajefiy, blefjing mJ Lord 111) God wilh aUmy heart; firfl for this liberiJ of peace and time which tJmmgh yoJtr peaceable Government he bath lent unto 1H for the gathering bDth of thiJ and other lik! Booi{J, TraOatiom and MonumentJ retJHiftte 19 the behoof of hi1 ChJtrch, 'tllhiciJ hitherto by iniquity of lime coHid not be contrived in any KingJ ReignJince theConq11ejl, be fore theft Halcyon dayJ ofJOUrJ, Serondl.J,Al we are aU·bound with pHblic~ YoiceJ to magnijie our God for thiJ happj prefervation Df 1 JOI/r Royal Eftate ; fo private I, for IHJ crw.n part, 1 alfo ackpowledge m.1 filf bDHnd to my God and to "'.! Savi011r,wb.o fo gracio11jlJ in foch wea4 health hath let me time, both to jinifh thi-s Wo rk,, and alfo to ojfir the ftrond Dedication thereof to JOUr Majefly; dejiring the fame tD accept in good worth the donation ~:f/:f:Cc:~f:;h ~~ ~~;tZ!nh~eo{:tfln~!:h~j;~:;~{;~ra;£~fj:~~~~ fe t:Jb:;,~;~r:v:~e and good And tho11gh the florJ beiHg written in the Pop11lar-Tongue ferveth no t fo greatfJ for JOUr own peculiar ~~:~~:fc'r;~:; ~~/.k!/~t;~::::;,(c~ t~~:! 1f:v:r~:;::~na~ti~hfu:tmc:1~~;t~~~~ thewz;e!:'{hg h.~ve bewlong led in ignorance, and wrapt in blindneft for lack.. t.JPeciaUJ DfGodJ Word, andpartiJ 11/fo for wanting the light of Hiflory, I thought pity but thatJitch fbould be helped, their ignDrance rtlieved, :;~~~P!~~~~h~~:,uf;~h/~:i/,1~1z~!e;r7c~e !!~ ~!~i:fa;~:~'S::t~:r!'t~;/::o:ft:!. 10 'l:J though tbty be b111 jimple and 1mlearned, 7et not unapt to be ta11ght if theJ were applied. Furthermore, what inconveniente groweth of ignorance where k._nowledgc tacAph, both I conjidered and experience daily teacheth. A11d therefore hearing of the 'fJtrtuo;u lndination of JOUr MajtflJ,what a provident u_a/fuU offoli· :~teuflo/c:11 o}aCh;~;~;jpeCf}:;1J:;,iJ,;tfr~:;£:~"~b;~ ~a;J,J:h:::h~~;:~:;o:~~:!;~l~::';~~;! ~o~~k~ smto thkJOUr godiJ procetdingJ, and to the fJjfice of the Miniftry, the lznowfedge a!fo of Eccieftaflical itc:~~!:· frt;'{hen-A:t:':;'J ;:~~p~;g~;;~;;.he fiparate (Tom the fome) that li~ 111 b the one the ~eople ma1 M~rryrs. zng w htJ Church, to the confirmatiOn :~:kr~0e:a~t'~~~~t :;j fh:~~~:~~~~~ ~e E~~~i~;~ ufe J;JJ:~~:z;;!;:;i~~o;'B:;,,~fe; ;{J~~;rim~=::;;G:J~~;::M:;:;efa~~};:/)~e;;tJ in preferving come1h bis Church~ in overthrowing TyrantJ, in con ounding Pride, in altering Statu a nd Kingdoms, t,n CM· Ev~:~r::. · · :;t;J t ifGod, holJ ame and Religion revenged, Murther with M1trther rewarded , AdultererJ and Wedlocftbreaf<!rJ deflrDJed,PerjJtriu,Extortio11J,cOVetDusOpprejfion, and frnHdul~nt Counft!J cDme to ntmght, with other excellent Worl{s of the Lord: the ohferving and noting whereof in Hijloriu minij/er to the Readers tbcrcDf wholfome admotJiHons of life,with experience andwifdom bo th tDf<!;ow God in hiJ Wor4J,and to worl{ the thing that if godly; effiecialiJ to feek..Jmlo the Son of God for their Salvation,and in hiJ Faith cnfJ to fnd thdt they fed,,for,and in no other meam. The continuanc e and cowjlancJ ofwhich Faith the Lord of hi1 Grace andgoodnefi grant to JOUr Noble MajeftJ, and to hh l'Jlbole beloved ChHrfh, and aD the Membeu ofthe fome to everlafling lift. Amen. Ad

Ad Doctum Lectorem JOHANNES FOXUS.

'!.5d Lellorem. <jtlod cani f\lltt in proverbiis nimium p1a- fiudio propaanti, C:rcos nimirom prodt~lenti catulos. Jn quibus quidrm &~;~~~~~~~L_:d~ :~~~~;;;!3i J~~~e1fu:,~b:f~~~!~~~:d~t el~'qui~~~~~~r;:~~~hc~C::r~t~\~~~~ ~rf~um m_unr~s, n?n a? C~tan:ts \uccrn~m ducu?ratum, non a~ cxq~1fitum Thcologoru~ acumen cxprdfum, autmmus ~h_cqmacutJ~inus n_n~ d1gumn tm_lbi_.Js, cog~tcs_h~c non tms _aun?us d~ta dfr, fc_d mcLS; hoc dl, cr.:~ tlioris ~~gi~f:~(¥,ii~~;,~~SEfi;:g~?';;~;;:ii~~it~F~~:~:~~~t~1~1 To

To the True at'ld Faithful Congregation of CHRIsT s Univerfal CH u Rc H, with all and fingular the Members thereof, wherefoever congregated or difperfed through the. ~ealm of England, a Protdl:ation or Petition of the Author, wilhmg 'to the fame abundance of all Peace and Tranquillity, with the fpeedy coming of CH.RrsT the Spoufe, to make an end of all Mortal Mifery. ' . SOL 0 M0 N the peaceable Prince of IfraeJ, 111 we read in 1/Je third of Kings, after h1 had jin,jbed the B11ilding of the LQrds Temple ( whicb he had [even }tars in ha.nd) made hH~ Petition to the L.ord for aU th<~t fbould pray hz t he ~cm pie, or turn t~etr foe~ towa:-d it; a11d hif Reqttefl wat gra11ted, the Urd 4nfwtrl11g hun.' M w~ read 1ft the fnd ~ook, Chap. 6. I have heard (foith he) thy Prayer, and hav~ fanChfied th1s Place, ()-..c . Albertthe !:~;ffi;aM,1t~:~e~0~ 1;h~0'x~:~~~ /ha7;;!/:nt h:~~:;~:;i~1 ~~~{;;,~:~e_~~~l:ha~fe,!~,~:~~~~;~ alfo replenifoed the pme w·th };u own GlorJ. Fo~ fo we ~et1d ag~m zn tke _Boob,. aforefard,. E_t non potcrant rnimfirare propter nebulam , qma replevtt Glorta Domtm domum Domtm, 3 Rrg.t. . of ~~:n~e~;:~c ~:tf;;o~:~ fhea:~:; !jo1hee~:{,d!r~nt;;h'i:r~~~:~· b:fo '!o7J~~n!~:i:~ foe t:;~~il;~ ' fleed, after my Jevw 1ears travel about thu Ecc!ejiajitcal HiflorJ, I would mofi .humblj of .AimightJ God t~ beflr;w hi:r blejfing HfOtJ t.he fome; that aJ the Pra1er1 of then1 w~.teh pray~d m the oult~~ard Temp~e were heard, fo aD true difPofcd mhJdJ which ftJaU refortto ~he readmg of thu prefint HiflarJ, contami11g the A81 ofC!odJ hol;. Mo~rtyu, ttnd Monummt.J cf ht~ Church, fJJ:lJ by example 1.,::~i:fLf:s' cf,;~:,',h:~~~~;~r~;e;o ;h:e:d:~;~:~~~:~;~tG:t;:,~:~ '::~/~j~is ~~:;!t, 1:hro~h Chrifi Jef1H our Lord. Amen. But M it happened. in that Temple of Solomon, that all which came thither came not to pray, hH# 'l'ltanJ to prate, fome to gaze and fee NewJ, other to tal~. 11nd wall(, (ome to buJ atJdfill, fome to carp and fnd fault, and finally Jome •lfo at the lafl to deflroy ttnd pHU doam, IH they did indeed; ( Forwhath in tbisWorld fo ftrot1£, bHt it will be impHgned? wh~tfoperftfJ, but it wiUbe ab~tftd? fo trHt, that wiU nol be co~traried f or fo cirCIImjfel11J done, whereit1 ~rang ling Theon will tiot Jet :et~/;:}:J ~/!Je~~:[o:;:Jt:Vaffi:/Js~ ~ro;;;;, 0 ::::; t: ;::r?:/J}pn~o~:~~{;H;u~::~a~a~:~on&£ 'J:::. t,eroiH a thing 11 if now adap towrzte or do a11J f,Ood, but either b1 flattering a man m11ji offend the GodlJ, or by true fPeai(ing procure hatred oftbe Wic,ksd. Of Jitch flinging Waffie.r and bu'Zzi11g Drones } had fofficicnt trial in m1 former Edition before; who if theJ had found i11 my Boo/( any jujf caHfi tu carp, or 11pon any true zeal of truth had procrcded t~gainft the ttntruths 11[ my flory, ·and ht~d broNght {if:/b:,o1!,~~J1:1;:i~c~';;;~d::;,~;_~u ~:d ;t::ejo:~·A,[,(fir~~dtt::;;::J':e~l~:u~j;e~::;1!ne;:,X dojerve to no fmqU ftc.Jd. ' · B11t then jitchAccufirs llntji beware they pi~ not, ofwhom Cicero in his Orati011Jleafzyth, which being font in · Capitol to to ftaJ awayThuves by mght, left the Thieves, and feU to barb,. at tr11e me11 WltlAjng in the day. Where trm fotillt be, there to baJ and bar4_ it not amifl. B111 tO carp where no canfe is; to fpie i11 other ftrawt, and leap over their onm block.!, lo fw~(Jow C4meb, and to firain at GmiiJ; to opprefitmt.h with IJU, and to fit up !yet for trutb; to blafpheme the dear Martyrs of Chrifl, ~tnd to Canont'Le for Saints, whom Scripture :wot~ld flarce aUow for good SuhjdJs; that k intolerable. SHe~ .b"rkjng Currs, ifthe! ~ere weU firved, WCHid be made 4 while to ftoop. B111 witb theft brawling Jlmts I ;,!lend not at thn tune much to wrajlle. . Wherefore tg leave them a whi/e,ti/1 fHrther leifore ferve me to attend 11pon them,thiH much I thoHght in the mean ftafon, bJ WaJ of Jl_roteflation or P_etition, to. write Nn~o JON, both in gepcral and p<~rticular, the true MemherJ and fattbfitl CongregaiJOtJ of ChrijiJ ChNrch, wherefoever either congng.rted togetber, or diJPer.f'td tbrougb uch d S aU the foekjng of theft Adv~rforieJ is to do wh.JJt tbt) h flanderJ and ftnifler forniifl s, to Wttbdraw the ReadtrJ ftom to pruHonifh and dejire of aU ;:~d!~!:f~~h fh: ~e~~:;,:e:,~~;;;;e:b:,i~~r~;~~h:{ oj;Z:fo ~=~~!?i;;~;~{t,r ;;z~t:;:; they ~avc or jluD hereafter exclaim agamfi the fame; but mdijferentl.J ftaJ•it~g your j~tdgmenl tiU truth be l~ted, you wi.U firft perJtfe, and then refofe; meajitring the 1mtr;tths of tbiJ Hiflory, not by the fcorzn% up o[tlmr hu11dredJ and thaufondJ of l1es which they give 011t, but tPiflly weighing the pHrpoft ofthetr dotngJaccording as JOH find, 11nd Jo to jttdgeofthe matter. . To read"') Boo/u I ,rfiJtre 11eitber one nor other. Every man tH he .feeth caufe, fo let him lii(e aJ he :~;:b~r a~a;,t:;l~~~h~£~!n~~~~:~:~;;1z_cb }j:;eif~~~ fr~~f:h::et[fo~ioi::;:J;:~c~e~ttr~~a;:r~ a ~ trtl1Jel,

A Protdl:ation to the whole Church of England. lr•fJtl, then wostld I wifb no man fo light eared, to be C4Yried aw~tt~' anJ finifler clamor of Adverfo- ~1~ :O!~a"':;; ~~fo~e,!:o:,~o:fH~'/;,' ~1:;~~!:;h:;M ~=· P~~fi:h;yt:;1;/J~;~fo b;::~ fo if ~;o in ttn} part wanted to wiU, Jtl bath"') purpoft beenjimple, •nd cerJts the caNft no left urgent •lfp;fi~ '::0Je:tJ:ef,~~:~;::k_~j'Cl:&: iif/:e:7a~, thnmlearnedfort, fo miferablj abufid, ttnd aY ~ :1::';::::;, z~:;:, "fo'/::;~:·t.~~~:::'!:.;,kT:.::~·,;,z:~c.::;·~h~:t~~~~,:~d~· ~;:::. ~~s- :;[:,7;;~~ep;;1'~:~et£,c;:,~:ct;do:t ~;oz;~~re;;• ,~;'~e;"oj~~a;~: ~"::e~e1!n~a~~ojf wdtcn. how p• rtiaUJ thtJ handled their ftoriu. Whofl painfid travel .,/beit I cannot hHt commmd, in commit· ting divers things to writing, not unfruitfHl to be l{norrm, nor unpleafont to be read ; Jfl iJ lttmented me to fie in their MonNmtnts the principal Points, ~hich chitflJ roncerned theflttte ofChrifls ChNrth9 ,,d fPere mofl neceJforJ "faU Chriflian people to be k.._11o~n, e;ther aft()gethtr pretermiJted, or if an1 a~::~ ;~e;;j[t;,h:J:!:,~:e:; ke:irw::n a~e~hi;jsR~;;~7':n. 10 11~he!:z;;~~~~;~ fo!t.'hte:~=~'!:I ,.eading in their Writings 110 other ChHrch mentiomd or magnified, h11f onl.f th:tl Church which here flDHrifbed in ~his Worlti in richts tJnd joUitJ, were drawn. alfo to the fome perfw1ion, to thinft no other Church to have flood in aU the B~trth lmt only the Church of Rome. . hai~!~~~r:;::~r1}h~;;ft;'s~ ~at;;;;t;z:r~~:~i~0;~~ 1,h;rnf!~~~r,C~;,~:;;: ~~tfcf~{, ~::;?­ , t~~~·il~:.~~;;;~~n~::::;,u;h~~;~~~;;P~~~~)~:~~s~~~ru,;;;~~!' =~~}~~r:;t~~:!?:f!Ch:;~~~~.a~h;~:h in part theJ exprefs fome tr11Jh in mallerJ the Bijhops am/. See of Rome; )'et 111 {uppreffing a'pother parttheJ P.lay with m, M Anania11 and S~phyrad!d with their tJJOJitJ, or M Apelles did in Pliny, who, painttng the one half of Venus •ommg o:d of the Sea, left theother half unperfell, Sg tht:fo Writers, while they j!Jew 1H one half of the Bijhop "Df 1\ome, thl other half of hi1J1 the] leave HnperfoO, and utterfJ untold. Fvr as they paint him 0111 on the one part g/ifleriTJg in. Wealth a11d GlorJ, in. Jbcwing what firmffion the Popu had from the Chair of Saint Petez:, when the1 ftrfl_ bega11 , :::::a~i:J~ ~;~(fa:V~~t;; ':,;~:,h%h;11~o:!;:t'7he;c~;:~i";h.~~hfl:;;!e1he;0':e~;v~;;;!PJt!:; 1111d Emperor1, what Princes and Coantries they broHght under their AHthority, 'R'ith other lilt! of gred Pomp ~nd Ro)aiiJ; fo on the other Jidt., what Viee1 theft Poptt broHght with them to their, wbat Abominations they pradifld, what S11perfliti~n. theJ maint11ined, what ldo/atrJ the] proc~tred, 'lfJhlll wickd Dollrine the} defended cotllrarJ to theexprefs Word of God, to 'lflhat Htrefiel t~eJ fill, into what divijion of SefJs the] Cut the unit] ofCh'tian Relig~o11, how fome pratJiftJ bJ f;~~;; ta;:c;; ~~o;;;;:~;;ed;:;c;;;;/:;;Lf~ts;I;;h;,gco~:;,:;:de;:',Ce:i~()g;;;:,e~~:; w;; the} r4iftd,TDbat Blot~dfoed the) ca;tfid, what TreacberJ the1 traverftd againfl their Lords and Emperors, intprifoningfome, betraJingfome to the Templariu andSaracens, in bri11ging other under thrir Feet, 1f:u[:o;;;j;~i~7~%a1 r~~a~i~n.w:~= f;:,erii~~~~"~!;~h~~~~~~e~sb,~:,~t;:;"J,2&tf;iG~;~~~~ floodttgttinfi them, hot» their Wars never profPered .agaiufi the Turk, h()w tbe j11dgmmiJ of the g()diJ learned from lime to time have ever rep11gned againft their ErrttrJ, &c. Of theft and" thoH(and dher more not one wortl bath been to11ched, bHt all ~ept M Hnder Benedicite, in aurieular Conftffim. Thh p~t'tial dealing 11nd corrHpl handling of HifhwieJ when I eonjldered, I thought wifh m1 ftlf :::h:i~~r:;,; ~:"J~;a:tv~~:;:,h ;;~nw;{,;~~a;:to;:;;!:;:'J;:;~·c:!~~!· n~~;~r~:;;;~~nc::;,~~:= ~~b~;,t:~=~e~:;t;dd~~:~i;;~~::hn~o;/ee~;;vifo::e;n~::~J~Hj~cf:t'{•e~:t~~a:ab::;':}et::o~~:;e; from turning over foch a 1111111her of Writers, and alfo jho11ld open theplain. tmth of TimeJ J.ying long Pl'i.wMa hid in. obflHre dar~nefs of Antiquity. Whereby aU fbuiioHJ Readeu, beholding M in aGiafi the Jl~tJ, :fiE:~~;;~~ :h~ ::::;:~~:e:! ~;~~~::;,; ::J~V~:?t;.Ori;;r a;J~tee ,f:~;;();~tzsb:~~~ (~U::~he111 ~~~~ 'tg~;~~u~~:nth:;;h:o~~e [;;{;r;~:,be£::~ '%;J:r:.h~n!ew~~;·f:Jz;:d'!ft;;a;di;;;{h~~:;:~o~~~;h;;; caufo Hdloria, in old A11thors, H c~fled the Witnefs of Times, the Light of Verity, the Life- of Memory, Teacher of Life, and Shewer of Antiquity, &c. WithoHI the k.,norvledge where()[ tJJalt, z:/ifo%,~'~;~·r r,;t:{ 7%: {b~~:;:0wh:n~~h1B';foo;ps ~~o';a;':!:ffe;?o~;~~n;i~!i;:;t;()£:/~:~!fd Tr11th ;nlo Hereje, and brought foch new.foHnd Devifes of flrange ~Dol1rine and Religion, m in the former Age of the Ch11rciJ tf'ere never heard of bifore, and all throwgh ignorance of Times, and for lac~{ oftrueHifiorJ. For to Jay the truth, if tinm had.been weDfiarched, or if they which wrote Hiflories had witholll pt~rtialitJ gone upright between God and B:~::.l,. halting on neither fide, it might ,.ell have been foHnd, the mofl part of aU this Catholick._ com1ption intruded into the Ch11rch by the Bij/J()ps of Rome, tH Tranjubftantialion, Blev.1tion ~nd Ado,.ation of_the Sacrament, Auricltlar Con£ffion, forced Vtnvt of IJ£t:::/u{ed7~h{'/fo,;~;t~:;h1,i~;a;;~ {~:: ;,~{ft~~f::o:lc~:f;j ~~~:,d:u1a~r,~o:;:: of

A Protefiation to the whole Church of England. - ~;~;,,S~;;;;;:;; ;;:e~:;d;h:!J:~c;f~~;e,ov;;fh:;~:~;o;;:,;e;JA::i;u~~.':f b~I(Z};:~ !{ this prefent HijiorJ fluU(:;I!,cientl.J (I trujJ)apptar. Which H,~OTJ thtrtfo:e I hllVt here taf(en in t or Joa;;,:::: Hi~::; ,~:;reap;:~;::;u'C{;,n:aa:R~=~~?/~~hi:a;:A:;':;,~ci:~e~~e;::~; :f ~~::; tt~h~ as of the other; effieciaUy of the poor opprcffid and perf!cuted Church of Chrifl. Which per[ecHted Church though it h41h betn of longfiafon troden ~rnder joot by Enemiu, nrglelJed in the World, not reg.zrded in Hiflories_, and afmofl fc~rcc _vi(ible or "-"OU:" to wo~ldly eyes, J.el hath it bem_the true Ch11rch on!J •f God, wherem he hath mrghttlj 1vrou~ht hrt~;erto, 1~ frefirvmg t/;e fome m 11U txtream Diftrejfts, continuaUy jlirring ttp from t1mt to 11me f•uthjitl Mmifters, b) whom alwap have been fl.!pl fome JParJv of his tr11c Dollrine and Religion. Now forafimuh as the trHe Ch11r~h of God goBth "~' light!J alone, but it ~ccompanied with fo~1e /c~~t ~r otherCh11rch or Chappel of theDtvtl to deface and mabgn thefmu, neceffory tt 'i1 therefore the dif Chrifb firmce between t!Jtm to be fien, a"d the defi:e)J~ of the righi Chu~ch to be deftribed from the Apo)ler ~~~c~hr ~o~e·, .. :,~p~ ~;~:~::c:~ :~1: !::' c:!/!:~o;:;e;;':~gtgzb;;~~:!~la;~; t::t,z;·o,~!~~ mw,:ut ~:ft~t:. holding the Cburch of B..ome to be fo vijible and glorious in the eyes of aU the world, ~ jl1ining. in rcrtbed. OHtRJard beaHty, to bear foch a Port, to carr1Jitch a Train and MHilitltde, and to jland m Jiteh htgb AuthoriiJ, jitppofid the fame tobetheon!J rightCatholick.._ Mother. The other, bwtufl it was not fo Ho" 1he ;t;te~fo; ~;~:::/d0.~'flr1 :tih:~;=~~e l!~~zoc~:~ch0:7a:~ b;e 1!::foe ~~'fo~e% c,~:~,;,o~1e;t: ~~~tti:r none un fie it, 7et neither is it fo vijibl~ 1gam that every worldly t}e may perwvt it. For lt~e M is the ;~~~jfihl~ natHre of Tntth ; fo k the proper condrti011 of the tmeCh~trch, that common!J none forth tt, but [Hch oniJ as be the .Members and Pa.rtalzers thereof. A11d therefore the), which reqNire that Gods bol.? ChNrciJ {hould be evide11t and vijible to the whole WorldJeemtodefine tbegrea.t Sptagoglle of the World, rather the true SpiritHa./ Church of God. ln Chrifls lime who would have thoHght bttl the Congregations and Cauncils of the Pharifecs had hee11 the right Church ? 11nd 7et IMd Chriflanother Church in Earth befides that; which albeit il r~~as not fo tlla11iftfl in the ji_ght of theWork/, Jet was it the onl.J true Ch11rch in thefight of God. Of ~}7r,c;;,;~ht;;;az;J'!!; /!fo;~;h~ ie~Jr;;;;~;:fo;} :oe ~;' 1f~~YJ. ai:~"::~ ';!'~i;al£/e#,":l;~ ;'e~h~~~~~;ofth; Je-r:see~'::o fo~~~G:d:~;:,;Z;'b:;J::/p~fea;~ ;7,":~t~:~e~thh:~lythe":r0";h;~eJ:,:~ roas dejlroyed. A&,er the Jews, then came the Heathen Emperors of Romr, who, ha'l)i11g the whole Power J{ ~iJOj/:1o::~;:c::,::::j ~ih! w;:::'~f~;;:: !:~~~,~~· ;:a~;.tin~t~z;e/:::z~:n:~J~h:;:; &,~;;/ o[ ;7;~.:J:";g:h!fo~~ ~~/ffftu;J;t:c;~:~;ffi;p;a:;e;h;a;g~t!~r;~~ i:~J h~~~e,r~:~Je~ :~;, mightily preferved. For although man} then of the Chrifliam did fojfir death, Jet wa.s their death neither lofs to them, nor detriment to the Ch11rch; bHt the more the) foffired, the more of their bkod increafed. In the tinu ofthefo Emperors Gad raifed NP tlmz in this Realm of Britain divers worthy Preachers Tilt Ad- l 411d Witne.ffis, as Elnanus, Meduim!s, Meltivianus, Amphi bolus, AI banus, Aaron, Julius, and other tlquhy more. In whofe time the DoUrine of Faith without mens traditions was Ji!JctrefJ preached. After ~~~~:h their death and M4ryrdom it pleifed the Lord to provide a gencr11l q:1ie1nCJs to hH Churth, whereby hm m, thei=1~z;eAgft%:~ ;o~;!r~1~;e~:r;h:0 ]a~C:t~d of Britain, Faflidim, Nivianus, Patricius, Bac- j:t~:{~~r chiarius, D~bricius, Congellus, Kentiger_nm, Hehrtotus, Da~i~, Daniel, Sampfon, Elnodugus, the (ame, Afaphus, G!ldas, HenlanJJs, Elbodus, Omothus, Samuel, Ntvms, and a great fort more, which fh:~~=ed:e:: ~~=rd~t~r!~~"//re%7s.~:a~i~:~;:;;!:;~ ~f:ia; ,:'~~:i:~h;~~~a~Jj;';:~;,{~ werefobdHedbytheSaxons. th~fv:;1 :J~~j:U:r~~;1;~~/l£11 ;;J;;:,;,ed,~:~~::,~;;g~j"A::';u~7~: i;n!ri!Y"h~ncC::;:;~~:~ f_0111 R.ome '·man} of the fiud ~rirain-Preachers were flain bJ the Saxons. After th•t began ;;;}fft:;di~a[;,!~h;:':ora;~g~;;u~ :&O:~e~e tl~e3xt~~:; ;t~h :;;;'fo7to~~:t~t;;h ~~~ di~~: grnt induflrJ of{o111e godlj Teacherr which then lived 11mongjl lhem, 111 Aid:mus. Finianus, Cole- ~~ t~~!~~:p;fex!~~~;, B~~:k~~n ~~g~~~:~~e~~~~,"~if~:,tu~fg~f~~~~~~~:~~eji~;;~~:e~~ ~;·,:J;Jb,j"';,,. ·:r::J,:·,t,;·j.u;;~;,g·i:: ::';:;',ff ,t;;~JIJ;.h;,;' .t !JI:;;?:; ;;,:;.&;f:;;;:,,:c£;~;;~ and 'EI~'lhJ~ion, with Attru~tlar Confiffion, WM not crept m for., pub/iclz Doarine in Chrijis Ch 11 rrh «i,ed. for M .bJ their own Saxon Sermon made hJ lEifricus, and fit OHI in the ficond Vo!tmtt of tbh preftn; ~~~~:.' Hiflory m.;y appear. Dttring the which me1111 time, although the Bifoops of Rome were had here in The fome reverence with t/Je Cleru, ye# h11d thC) nothing M )'et to do in m11Ajng LawJ touchir.g matters of;~u;~1c tbeChurch of England ) h11t that 111/y t~pperlained ts the Kings and Governors~'[ the Dmd liS is btg~n •O in this flory to be fien. ' ~~4~0!Jl a 3 And

A Protdl:ation to th~ whole Church of England. - ----- And tbiH the Church of R.ome, albeit if btgan then to derline apace ftwn God, )tl during aD thh S)lviMJ 'l'lhile it remained hitherto in Jome reafonab/e order, tiU at length, after that, the foid Bifbops hegsn to ~;~;Z~t jhoo111p in the world through the libef;alitJ ofg~od PrbueJ, and ejpecia!IJ ofMathilda a noble DutchtJs 1n2de dt~ of Italy, who at /m death made the Pope Hur of aU he ,· Lands, and tlldued his Sec wi~IJ great Re· E~~~r:r ~;;:"C;,;;;:,::~;,:~gr:r~:J 1;::i:;;~n~:~~~ic:~dt;/~:d6~/::g7~~!: :/!;:) a~:::h:r'~~~~lli AI~~ t ;!:~11~ !t;te;;s ;,;;£: ~~!;a;ho[::~~cL::~;e8o~e~j ,;;;~~;;;~e;;o;~::r:~s:Z~1(~~:r:E~~in~~~:;'~f;~~: ofS•illl Wilfredc, Agathon, James, Romain, Cedda, Dunfi:an, Ofwold, Athelwold, Althclwine Dtdze of ~:r:;-~111• Eaftangle5, Lan~ra~, Anfelmc, andfoch othrr. Jib, 6. Andyet in thw tuNC alfo, throHgh God; Providence, the Church latksd »ol f(J.I)Ieof beller k..,nowledge ~~~~i;: s:~;~tef;eft~~,:ti; ~;:~~:,"~C:~tt,':~ :fh;·r ~;n~~o'l:t~:,n~;d~~:~w:,;r':,wA~~t~: !~ ~n In FaH/or of m11ch SHpef'jlition, erefling M ma»J A1.onaflerie; at were S~tndap in tk 1ear; ;tt nolwilh· E..tlq.d. jlanding,this contin~tednotlong . Foreftfoons after the death ofEdgarcame King Ethelrede and ff<!!ten. Elfthred hif Milther, nnth Alferus Dul{e of Merceland, and other Puu a1td Noble; of the R ealm, who diJPlaced the Mon~ agai11, and reflored the m~rried Priejh to their old Pof!iffions ~nd ~it:il~ f!:;e;;;;r t;; 1c',~~~[:!o;;~:}f;e~he D:me;, whtch overthrew thoft Monl{ijb f.ounrktzont And tiJII$ hithertoflood the condifiou of the tr11e Ch~~rclr of ChrifJ, albeit not witho11t [onte repug· n•nce aml difjicuiiJ, ;et in fome mean fl11tc of the tmth and V!rity, t1U the time of Pope Hildebrand caUed Gregory the Seventh, n•hich wm 1Wlr about the )' One tlwufond .tnd eight), and of Pope ln- ~~~~~,:~/~;J~!ed~~;:l, a1n d~~e;'c~~oz::~ '~;t;t::;;:;;::J~ .::~~flo';;~inc Bje;;:t (;f;;jt~:[;;;b extinguifoed. In Jiead whereofrvdSfit "fpreaching of mens Decrcu, .Dreams and idle Traditiom. And whereiiS before Trutb was free to be diflmted amongfllearned men, now DberiJ was turned into Law, ~ ArgumClll into Authority. Whatfocver the Bijhop of Rome dmotuued, that flood for an Oracle of a!l mm to be Ytceived with011t Oppojitim or ContradirJion; whr1tjoever rtJtts contrary ip(o faao it wa1 Hercfle, to be prmifbedwitb Faggot and jl<~ming,-Jirc. Then began the fncere Faith of tbH Englifh Chttrcb, whicb held 0111 fo long, to qlfaiL Then was the dear SHn{hine of Gods Word overjhadowed ;~rrue ':'J~> r~~~ ;;;,f,a;~n:~;r:!ft::~~;~ :::J ;h:1c:~~ 1 :0;~~ ~~~~~=:~h i::~~ifec;;Jcr:z:t:7d:;;; ~~~c~rn p;:r;t:i: ~;:;;: =~:h:o~~:/'::::;~:o:;Jl:Pa~~j:U[~"';Je,::;P!!~;:,~ ne:;f:;~,t/>J.;;;r;;;:.~ lodcay. SeUtand Fraternities of i»ji'uile variety. f1!hich ever Jince have /zepl foch ajlirin theChHrch, t/ut. · nonefor them almoft dmfl roHI, neither C<Efar, King, nor Sttbjefl.. Wh.d l he.J Jejined, flood; r~~httl they approved, nun Catholic~{; wbat the,condenmed,wm Htr~{ie; whontJoever they lfcCHfed, none .tbMofl coHid Jave. And th11.1 have theft hitherto continHed or rtigned Yatber in the Church, the JPace noJZJ of 400 )tarr and odd. DHring whichJPace tl>e true Ch11rch of Chrifi, allho~tgb it dHrft not openlJ 11f· in the face of the world, opprefled bJ TyrannJ; }tt neither rllfiJ il fo invi{ible or Htll{n{)flll11 hut bJ the Providurcc of the Lord JOme Remnant alwap renuined[ro111 time ro tinte, which not onlJ fhewcd flcrct good ajjil1hm to Jincere Dollrine, but aljO flood ht open defence oJTiNth againfl the dif orderedChurcb of R.omc. • · • The: nae b, which Catalogue, firfl, to pretermit B.ertramus tmd Beren~arius, which were h.efore Pope Innocent ~:ri.,~. the Third, a le.trned m~tltitude of fiifficie? t Witncjfe; here mi~ht be pro~11ced, rdofe Na"'.e' nrither al'e c:th ln the obflurc nor DI)Orinc tmk,zmrm-, a1 Joachlm Abbot of Cabbna, Almencus a learned Bijhop, who WIH %~~~::_c_j11dged an H~retick., for hq/ding againfl Image; i11 the time of the foid [~nocemius .. B~jides the Mar· nUu. tyr1 of Alf:ltta, of whom we ret~d mt h1mdrrd to be b;tmed by the foul Innocenttus tn one daJ, tU writeth Hermanus Mucim. Add lill,§wifc to theft the Wa\denfes or Albingcnfes, which toagreal number ftgregatecl them[elves frotJI the Chtm:h of Rome. To thH n11mber be.Jonged Reymtmdus *. £:xtr•· Earl of T~oloufe, Marfilius Patavius, *. Gulielmus deS. Am~re, Sirnon To!nacecfis., Arnoldus :;z~;'J. ~:;~:~fo;~fo!~Z:;;~~,~~~(lfo·,,~!~; ~~e~;:.'~:~r~~~f~;~~~7i~~e;u;:;;;gp;:ts:r~~:?,z;; M~9!i{,:. ~==~:o:}a~~ ';";od~:,:~;c~·~:'J·nin~~-rmJ~~~~~~: aoNJ:~:r~tiJ:;;n~::J;;;;~dt~o:H~::'~h~[;:J filiuut. twohH~tdredniqetJOIIt. RobertGro£l:head Bifhopof Lincoln, n·birhrvtHcaUedMallew R.omano- • ,. ~ 1 ,. rum, Anno, Q,c tho1'.fond two htmdred and [iftJ· L ord Peter de Cugnerii~, Anno, One t~oufa~~d Avt11ti1, three hundred twtnt} nine. To theft we 11111) add moreover, Gulielmus Ockam, Bongratius Bergo- !:;~~~r: ~~~~~n~~ii~~~~CJ~en~:o~~;;~t:e~fh;n~!~~~~~~~~r~;~e~;;;(;~t!n ',h:~x7::~:~~;tl~~J;e~ ~: ~f!.ado- Caftro,,.Euda, D1t/ze of Burguf!.dy, who co11n[eUed the French King not to rtreive the E~~~:W~ 11e'W'"[ound Conjhfltttom, aud Extravagant; of the Pope into hH Realm, Dames Alligerius,an Italian. ;~u1buf· n;howrote agaiJJflthe Pop~, Monk.!, and Frier;, and agait theDonation of Conlhmioe, Anno, ~~~Ir;. Jr:~:;;;g :;:;';flr:b:'it~:rt~.nnZa;~;:~~~nah~;~~Jn,S;,;a;i;~: ~h;A~~h~~:j~f:~o~ZP~f;::/ ;; !:!:!;~· ~;;~:ia~~~~u~~~i'c~;:fa~~ea~;th1 j;;:l~:;'de7t~~~~:';:!~:e~;:;t~!7J;,~~~:;!,~dnc~~d:2:;~ !~:;:::.:. tt:,:r IJ!:;l, J~~~~~es feJ~~~~~~sne~~~~~~d"a:il~~he;!:;fo r~~~:J' H!;ba~~~t b';:;hd a~::~:he/r~:~ ::;.~~:~ :: 111arljred abo1rt ~ht Jtar, 1 ~46. Franc:ifcus Petrarcba, wh() C4Ufd R.ome the Whore ofBabylo£0~~: