Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Tbe di!fere11ce hetweeu the Churcb of Rome tbat now i.o, Chri.fisChurch,which w~ llQW far fprtad ouraU the world, .:ime : yet how and h}· whom th~ were. given, ye fee N?w cr-rt11n Provinces or Prdmels, to the numlxr of fOUJ, wen to try this matter, as )Oyning :m tflue wtth our Advtrf:mes, aJ?POintcd, c::.·ery one to ha\·~ his hc:ad Church, and chief whether th~e ford":lid Till~?". Sovcraignty wtre applied Bt!lmp, nlkd them Merropohtau ?r ~arriarch, f? have the in the old wne of the primmve Church to the Bithop of The rour 0\'trhght cf fuch Churd1es as d1d he a~ttt hun. In the Romt, as to be calltd the Vica~ gcnml of Chrii\, the h~ mr!~En- ~tt,;t0~a~t'~~l h~~tr~~;~~t~e~~~~~~7:x:~~~~~ ~~%~~~\~~~::::r:tm~~~~e;r!j~:~·o ~~!c:~~ed. cno~ . ;"•· th~fccond, the Bt!l1op of Am1ock the thmi, the Bif?op of that albeit the Btfhops of Romt (of fom~per:!dventure) ~l::rJ:.;~~~~;if'!:?~:;~::~~~r.;;~~~~~~r~;~Y,:{c:~ ~E·~f~~~ ~~~.:~:~:~:~l~:~r~:~~r~:1·~:i . thefe tour or th-e MetrClpohtans or Pamarc~s, had th~ pc- but of ~few. 2, Netthcr was &vcn to mat1y. ~· Was culiarcircuitsandprecinChrothcm pecuharlyorpo!nted, ra.rhergJ.Ve~!than foughtfor,ofthcmoft. 4· Wasnotfo ~~h~~~~r~~;Ct~ ~:da~t~a~dl~~~~~dt ~eo!~~~:~~he~~ t~~11\~~t:!fl7~~~\sfo~~~k~ 3~~~~=.1 ~1:~Ji10°: ~;;;i:: ~~~:~~:~~~g;~:E~i~~g~ 1~§.~:7~¥,;~~.:~:~:E~;fff!.i~;;r:E;~~ orPrim:lts,weread.inrhefn:ondandthirdchapterofthe 'fl:tatitftandethuponneccllityoffalvation,to~evethe&•,..JJ••" ~.~::~!;,, ~~~~~ot~c;f.~~:(;J!,~e~;Z,.::·;":,:~~~~; ~:~~&: the Church of R'me, and to be fubjcd to the <•r.-. .. ;. ~~:~~~in,:~~~~1dt:cr~er~~uJ!,o&,~~:~~ ne1~! ~:!1~, ~:~~otf:r~i~(Srut~~,~r~~ onr, the old DoCtors fC'r t~e mofi and bc:ft pm, do accord ~of tim~ do fay m that matter? by the G~e ofChrill: in one fentcnce, that :1\l Bilhops placed wherefocvCT in the F1rlt, we wdl ftt what be t~ T1t\(S the B~op of R~mt 1. Ch11rch ofG04.!, b<: Ej~ifJtm mmti & h~qrif.& [ucuj- doth rake and challenge to himfdf, ~nd ~\'hat IS the ~nfom .AfoJfokrllm,t!m IS., To lx: ofone menc,of\ike honour, in~ o,f.dx~. 2, When they firfi came m, whether m the and all m lx (,;ccelfors togethcr of the ApoJHes. Alfo,hc that ~rru~JVe time or not, and ~y whom. ~.· How they were ~~~ha~!~J\'!h~f~~~~~~k;~"t;>J;![~h1;~;<51i=i ~::~v~;~ o:h~~~;:,s~:o.r;ti~~e13 !h;m~e!~~~~ order, :~nd ollikc honour, &c, All this the Birhop of the whole, 0r ~~cubrly of a few; and whetha m reof Romt wa,s a Patrim:h, and a Metropo~nan orBithop f~ofPmr,.ormrefpcdoftheCity,orclfe.oftheworcalk-d of the M\ Sec, but no Oecumenical Bt!hop, nor head t~mefs of the Bilhop wh1c~1 thne .fat, :\"· ~nd 1f the afore· 4cJ the univerf:1l Chmch, ll?J any fuch matter. In fo much, f<l:ld ,11ames were then gtvcn of c~rtam B1rhops, ~1t0 the tha.t he, with all other Bithops, WlS debarred from that, Bl!hop or Ri!mt : whether all the (aad names wne &ven,or ..,..,. ~i~::;;:,f,~::::~J~;;;;,~g;::;~;.~ea:!~~; ::~:i~t:.~~E~~:~:~+~i~~~~~~~ :: ~:;:.b:: is., That the Bifl1op of the hrft Scat !ball not be called the they ?USht t~ have been ~u(ed. being givcn, or. not. Prince of Pridls, or the High Priefi, er ru1y fuch thing, T ou0mg the d1fcourfe of which ~t~tts, althou&fl ~~ :apAnd leli any hcrc fl1ouki take occalion of ':'lvc\ling, to pmam to the JX?fdlion rather of D1vmes, !han Hillonans, hear him called Bifnop of the firfi Scat, hm: IS to be ex· and would r~wre a lung at~ large debatu~: yet for fo p:lUndcdwhatismeantbythehrfi&at, ond whttcforehe muchasbot~.u~thcfc:, andd.h'ttS othtt. we1ghty~1~ w3sfo called: 110t fos anydir,nityofthepn{on, eitha of \'erfKS of dmmty.' .the ~lQw.lcdgeof tuncsruxl Hillones him which fuccw!eth, or of him whom he is (aid to fi.JC. mufi needs help Oiv~nes difputmg about t~e Ume,. f~ much c«d, but only of the place w\~nein he litteth. This is as the ~race ot Chnft !hall affill me thttem, I will JO}'ll to pb.inlr proved by the Council of ChalctJ(Itl, cap. 28. lhe fcekmg out of ~th fu~ help as I may. WhCTein is nunifcftly dccbrtd 1hc caufe why the See of .And hrll to. begin wtdl the N~ and Tides now W!m Romt among all other .Pmiarchal SetS is munbrcd for cbmoedandat~bu~t4to theStt:mdBllhopot:Rome, 3.1_1d~:t!~r· the hrll Stt by the ancu:nt Fathers: For why, faith the wh_at they be,ISfufficaently~ccbrtd abc:we,tlut IS,.theChttfrribu~td 1a ;.~~~::' ~~z~·;"~E;~~o:tE'~:~~.:\~i~~{~:,=:~ ;~~i~~~~:,t.iEE'l:!:P¥i!:s~:;gt::r~f.§·· atmbute the chte~ degree ofhotlOur to the ~ec of old. Ro11Je, Peter, Moft hdy Pqpe, Vicar of God m F.arth, Ntithtr ·~·lli .P.••ft· ~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~E£1~~r.t.;:~:;~fii:E:~;,:th~~~ ~;~~::;;~~::~~;~,~~~~~;~~~:~;:.~; ~~~:~~\~;e~k! :,!~~~~:O~~;~k~:~~ ~:!~o~~~: ~l.:~;i.~~rO:~:~~~~~;, ~"~m~t~~~~~ 1~1f~:~ ~~o!'fl~o~~do~cr!~~~0 th~~~t~~~~~;,~~ ~~~:l~~~~,•~S~tv~~ ;~:;a~~·;~~~el:v;r~'J:;!{~~~~ ~~~~~np~c~~!t~~td~l~~;:,~~:~~~ ~E~~~~~r~~fT~~;.~~~nc~;~:~~~o a;!:~;fo.r:;:trN ~!~~~ :0;.e~'ft'::~~n!~~d =i~t~~.~~h!0ra~~e :~~~: ~~~~t~c~io;;;J~.b~~i~ha~t h~;, fo;:t~~h: d~;fJ ceived th:tt preferment, J11re non Jwmo, fd bum~n~, ~}' ~mpnms and.the Ku~g of Fr~t"ct.: al(o to abfolve the SubIT13.11S law, not by the Law of Gcd. An~ fo ~ thedtfimCh· je& from thor AUtg~:lnce to the~ PrulCtS: whom Kings T~ r., on of the PoptS proved f.dfc, wh~ ~ f:ud: Ro'!'an~tm h:l\'e ferv~ for foot·mm ro lead hiS horft,and the Emperor ~•m•PfOo Ecdeji~tm mm a {(mji/to ahq11o,ftJ a tbvmn '1/Cct pnm~ttum t~ hold hiS llirrop; d~t he may and doth gi\·e powtt tO uJralrr. 11cctpifft, Th3tthcChurchof Rome.tookttot hiSprimJcy Bifhopsupo~1 the~tiS ofmen, and them hr any Council, b11t only. by the voJCe of God. f\nd thiS to hav~ Prifons ; Without whofe Authomy no g~er:LI is to be (lid, although 1t were true that thd"~ t1tlcs and Council hath any fore~:". And to whom Appellations mall terms were fo gi\m tO the B:Chop of Rome m the old manner ofCaufcs mar md ought to be made. That his Decrees