Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

ttnd the Aucie11t C/mrcb of Rome that then was. IS C~~d{~~u&~~~tA{j,~;~~~:gr:~~~~~{~~~~~~;,~~~~~· !:6fe~~~~~:>t~~~~~~ ~~~':~i~::;~m~k~ ~~~ &'dtgj:hn ~~~~~~~p1 :r ~~;a~~i:;f:'?s' .r~~~~~.~:h,t~~~~ ~!:n~~·U~\~~~1 \~~~~; ~~~~~·~Jd~);f~ ~;~~h~ ~L::,t::_ ::ffi~:n:J:~u::;~:r;::~=~:,; r;:~:-~~:FJ/:1 f:~it: !;~~~li11~ ~·~ tt~~E~f~~~J~~h alone. An~ hoe am~«!. Ef.ifcoprr1 appuar foiu1 'T.!Ocari: dut ~to fay, For t~ou Furthennorc the fame Grtg()T] fpr.~klng cf the f:lld So-£,. l!.pi.lf• ~~~,th~i!i;U\u~~;;hf~h~"Z~~ ~:u~l~i%;i:~ ~~~ ~~~~~~t~:lb~hili~l~=~~;~,::ni~~~tJed:~:s~erf~\.!::1 t~ ~;:t4.~s. :~~J~~~~~~h~~~;~u;~*~;1~1 7c/=~~:0~~~\:!~11d ~t ;t!I~Jc~;~e~~ t~te;u:vo:~rt1 !ub;g~ ~~;;:r;~~ ground 3 funni!i:, th:tt Gregory did ~nd fault w1th the Arch- would be ch1eft:un to all other alone, &r:. And fo b¥ th1s bifhop, not for any Primacy whiCh he fought for ~bove pbce may the o.ther plac_e be expoun~Cd,Ut folm Epij,opltl other Bifhops., but only for that he coveted to be 3 Mhap fit is,_qut [olm mttr Epi[copos pr~t:e.De apperat : thlt IS, He andP:ifior 3!oncin e\'ery Church, in fuch for_t, as there thatfttkcthtobeasB.!J;opalonc: whoalonef~ekethtobe ~~~~ :r~~,0~: ~!0.;e~:t~flA~,~~~fu~~ ~~~~~ 0:~6; :~~~~~~~t~~y~~: ~tt~~t~~o~,~~~hn;;: the matter of Gregr-r:iul"eprchenlion. F~r the fa1d Btfno~ of dus place Solu1 Epiflopm m C!rrgcr;~ muh be dcf1red n_erc Cfltlftantinople went net about eo be Bilbop alone (wh1c~ not tO rak~ So~Hl alone, ~ut 10}'~1 Withal\ the v.:ord g~mg was too much ahfurd, and alfo impofiible) bur to be Um· before, '~~Kh IS, Dtj}eCiu Ji"atnbm. By the wluch mJght verfala.lonc: norro rake awaythcofficefrom other, but fecmfuffiaentlydecbredwha~Grrgor;~ntbySolrffE;pifthc honour from other; .nof to dtpofe them, ~t to d~pifc "1.!11• melning, that to defp(e Other Bdhops, and«;> dimithcm. And thercforef:nth Greg~;,Ut def!'tBu fratnbnt, mfh rhc1r honour, to fer: up_hiS own, and to be fubj~ to not Drf!fitu fatribm : fo that tiLlS word Solusjlere J)()teth none, but to prdn- hirnfdl mequa.lly before all Others, IS as a ddpitm~ o1 other,. not a depoling of other, and im~eth ~uch .as to _be ~otmted Blhop alone. And thus much roucha linguhnty in condition abo~·e other, and not ~he office or mg thiS ObjeC:bon. ~:~~~:.~:~~~~::aa~~11n~1~~ta~~:~v~~h~ t~~~~~; (fa;:~~J~~~;~f0~~~:eA\\~~~~~~~!t~~=t~::· todiminifh the number of them, but only to mcreafe the called by the name of Umverfal B:lbop, yet Lt fol!oweth not honour to him(df: For the more eviclenr probation where-- therefore, that they be not, or ought not to be Heads of rhe of (although the thingit(dlis_foevident, that it .~rh Univerfll Church. Thcirrtafon is this: ~f~·~7 ~;~~~i:na~t~~~(%~1? ~~~e~~t~~;i:;~; th:;~n~~;;r~t~(;~7:~~J~e~h~,~;i~~~h~~~~ lum. for runnmg lxfore h_IS ~ret~ren, tOr challengmg Supe· he were not cUed Un.Lverfal Apollte. ;:;~h~~~r~~.:,t~l~~:o~~~, 1~~:r~~~~~~~~gbih~;:~~ of ~e~~~~;~r~~~~~, 11 ~~~~0_;;~~~0:het~~r~!1%e:~~~~e ~~:~:~ gclpf Pnde i~l exalting lumfdf, \11 ;dmtttmg tMt to \urn, though h~ be not caUed Umver131 Bdbop, &c. :•guJ:"t.b which the Btfhops of Romtand thm Predeceifv~ had refu- \.\,.hewn is a double Untruth to be noted: firfi, in thaN:~·c~~.~e e ;:~ 1:i~g~~~: r~o t~h~~~r~~ht~~~ -~~~~f ~fihr~~~t~l,:~h ~i;h;~~~; ~~~ t?c~~~~c~:~) ~Eii:.~h. therrChurches, andtobeBtfhop hml(dfalone. For~hlt tOrDom~1~n or Mall:erfhip _uponorabovetheChurch in T!ltbfiirt'l.~; ·wasncvcroff<.'fC(.[totheBi[h~ofRGmebytheCounctlof allCafes]ndKiary, both Spu. ttual and T~mporal: for tbe!~~m:ft~.' ~~:.~;~;r~;!{rt~~o~l~~r:;~o;P:~~~~~~~~~f~::~ ~~:fo:~::;;:,~~~ £~~\Z:~t~7'~aN~; ;_; ~:fi: ~~~~.urt r.;.,.~. ve•~~~~f;u;h~'w~r~,:~~~::~h:~a!f~e~m before ~v~~e;~~~~!~~~~h~~d~f J:,~ni,t t::,!: ~~~~ Et•P·'· other, m t~ EpifileofPt/agllu,do:breth that 'Jcbn fought 1 Cor.) . AD thmgs nreyourr;wbtthff u _be P:l.ul,or Apollo, noctobeBdhopalone, burBdbopmu\·crf:tl. We !aynot or<:_epl~: tlllurtbtwor/J,.Jtath,(irli[t, r~ukeCbr~lh, that a man runnerh beforeanorher,when he runneth alone, Cbrift u Gods, &c. In whtch words the Digmty of the and no ITlln fol!o1,·eth him, that is. not ~pe1ly Pr4cur- Church no doubt isprtfmed a~x:>\·e_the Apofiles,a1~d above rere, butSolu~curreu. Moreover m!i:elung robe Sup; Crphfll alfc. Moreover,asthedtgmryofthe\VifeiS above rior to other Btfhops, he feeketh not to take away od1er B1· the Semmt, fo mull: needs the honour and worthindS of fhops, but to rna~eorher Bilbop;: inferior to him. For theChurch(beingtheSpoufeofChrifi)furmountthc:ftate where nv lnferiorts, therecanbenoSuperior, forfumuch ofPrurororhcrApoftles, whlchbebutSen•antstoChri!l llSthcfctogethcrare C:o~elati"es, and infer ncceffary _re- andcotheChul"ch; yea, an~ though theywerePrincrs of p;J. If. I ~:~i~f;~f~i~~::~!~~~~~~iJ~ ~~~~~~{:ir~:~!~iff~~~,~~~~f~f~~~t.~~ , ~~r~~!~Je~:nf~Pmt~~~~~~~~:~; t~;i :FS:~~!!l~;;:~~~ ~;=~~!:,~~~:';;fof1~r;;;;~ic~n! ~h:~~~:~~ ~f;~r;: ~}~j;~~i ~;~~~~!'~Z:lhaJ?d~~z ~~:~~~~ ~~~1=~~~ ~h~gbr~ ;:;,~~~~m~:~; ~~; ~a;~ic ~~::dr'!:~ct;:~:.gili~~ ~nr:2~- VUle(whattOeverhebc, DoCtoror~tchelor)etdn~nO I\:- everdtdPtttr bylusown confellion, Piu1 iabora'T.Ii; alfo rmlnr':'W eth not, or would leam,wlut (only Bifbop) m~neth m thts fuffer~ more for the fame, Pl:.·r juf1in11i ; neither w::JS his ·;~,.J s.. [tiff. place : aooher p~ of the fl.!d Cjrtgory 1_naymHrud: him, Do&me le!Sfound. Yea., and in one point he went before ~;,:~ 1 6. ;,~gi~;~t~fiis':~~~~~:h~~efuj;d~~fa~e~l:~~;d ~~:~ 11~tr;~as;!~~; ~: ~~~~-:~::t~d:!~~;: to him(w~Kh thm ~vas off~ed _tot~Je f3id 'John Pa~iarch F~rthcrmore, tt:~.chmg lS not always nor in all things a Qf ~onftan_w,opl~)&ymg._~ta '1.11Jtlmt ft un11s Pal~tarcha pOint of Mafkrlhip, bur fomttime a point of Service. As Olli<'r of ;:::~1/ta(id'~::,· ;:~'~!:": f;;~Fort~~~~ =b~ ~i::~~;~'.n~;~l~~~:e~~:~~~~h3;~~f~~h~n~0offu~ ~st~= cl~~~ be adr;,;~ r;:~k ~h~~~~ Wh:~b; ~ 1 ~\\~t~ i~~~o~;~~ .:\~;~~reh;h~:~ ~~d~r~~: ~~~a two thmp;are to be noted_: Ftril: ,_what thing tt was wluch Houfho\d, to prefcnbe hiS_ Laws, to !lint his Lands, a1~ fuch ~~~:~~;~ fa'::!eb:::~~;h ~h~ ?,~; ,~ 0~~3;~g:~e;~ ~:':hi~~~~~:-~ ~rrur~.;~~~~i~~ ~~!~~~~~~~:.~~~: W 'John, ~Inch was to be~ed PJrnarch Umverlal. The Ill operanon ofMiradtS, m grace of Vocauon, m rcceJvmg b:~1~h:!1 u;~l;~ ~tht~~a~~t~1;:;,e :~~i:feJ't;~i: ~hr~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~;~~~J:~~~~in:1~~j~~; f~~ .S 2- Petrr;