Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

32 T/Je differmce hetweetz tbe Cburcb of Rome tbat 110w u, 0c. S. l:ldp; and relt:af~ that may fhontn tht tim~ of t~eir ers, ~nd numl~ of Pr.:trcrs prcfcribed, 61iing of Vigils, Purg:mon. by t_hc Popes pardons and Indulf:ences,S:mihcc k~ng of HolidJys, commg m Church, hr:tring of Scr- ;i~~c~,~:~~:·~r!f;~~;~'f~~~~!b~~: ::~~· f~:~n:~~~!:~~~~~~~~d~!. ~~ha~~ ~~~ i~Jtt;; ;i:~ ~~h!~~:e~cds of the living, in fatJSfying Gods Ju- ~~~U): 11~ ,:;~.~g'~f ~~ri~~tr• (;~0~g~?r~~~~~: ~;r6 1 ~h:~ 9· Lack of bdicf of Purg:ttory bringcth to _Hell. As for cxampl:, to mak~ this matter mort: dc:monfl:r:tb!c, !!r,n~~ AJ~dfri~1~a~~f~~~F~;~~r~~i~f~!'~~r~~= ~~~~ct~r~~~c~~~~e?~~~~~~~~~h~~~~ ~:~,~;&;t~~: ~.~~~tpu ~:B~~ha~tR~~~,::r~n ~:~ ~~~!:J~ :~;~~~~ ~~= ~of h~ Doarmc. ~~:,~ttl,of ~~~~~/~f~nt!t~ijd0~:~~\~!ra~~~: ~~~k~~~ifr~~ :~~ A Chrifii:m man after the Popes making defined. ~~~~~~c.~df~kr,;;'e!g~~~~d;;~:s~~dc~;~~:1~;~~~J: A r:11t~: ~~~d~~~~o;i'~~~.elit~o~ ~;;~~h~:~~i~~~ ~f:~~~?4 ments in a Tongue u~1known, in mill~~ing the Au_thomy Larm·Tongue (whe-re the Godfathn:~ profrfS they c:mnot of the Keys, in tb~Jrum~tten_ Verltlcs, in1~ngthe tell w'?t) thm contirmed by theBifhop:_dreMotherof AuthorityofcheScnpturcmfufficJtnt,in untrue!udgment theChildtolx:.puritied; afterhebegrow_nmyears, then of thcChwd1, and the wrong Notts of the fame m the Su· to come to the Church, to kc:tp his Fafimg-day~ to full: premacy of the &:e of RDmt, in their wrong Opinions of the .Ltnt,t? come under_BmtJicitt; that is,to be confeJfed Anticbrift. of the Prtcfi, to do his ~~nanct, at Eajftr to take his contnritr' But beoufe theft, with all other part5 of. Do&, are Ri~cs, to hear Mafs and DLvme Service, to fet up Candles '-'tm th< more copioully and at large com~ehmded mother Books betore Images, to creep ro the Crofs, to tak~ holy bread ~r:£ !:,flil1~/-::~~ f~!h~~;~ {~t!~~t i~::~~;{~~~:~ ~~~ta~:dc:·~~~~~~~t~~£:6a~~Ro~~ ~;.t~41r-- contr.trictybetwemthePopes Church and-theChurch_of tion--days, and V~f,!~ to keep the H~lid~}'S, to pay hiScOfPOI:ll Cbrl.\1 .Do· Chrift, lxtw~n th~ DoCtrine of t~e 01_1e,and the ~e Tythc:s and Off~ng:days, to go on Ptl~~age, to buy r::::,~~ro ~:~~;· of the other, IS fo t\'Jdent , that he IS bl_md that fceth it not, P~rdons, to worflup_lns Maker over the Prtdts hea~, ro re- rmall pt<O&t.: fpiriru,r. and bath no hands almofi that fedcth 1t not. cove the Pope for hiS Supre;un Head.and to obey hiS Lav.:s., For (briefly in one note to con.prehrnd,that which may to ucci.Je Saint Nick/atC/u-J:.u, to have his Btads, and to fuffiteforall) wherras the Doctrine ofChrifl is altogether give to the high Altar, to take Orders if he will be a Sp_iritual, cuniifting ~vholly in Spirit and ~erity, and re· Priefi , to fay his Mattcns, to ling his Mafs, ~o lift up fair, to quucthno_outward_ thu_1g to make a true Chnfii:m '!lan_but ketp his vow, and not to marry, when he IS lick to be anonly B.:!pt~fm (whtch ts tl":e outward profrilion ot Fauh) t~ele~ and take the Rites of the Holy Church, to be J:.::- and ltcetvt~lg the Lords Supper: Let us now examine the ned m. th~ Church-yard, to lx: rung for, to be ftmg for, to whole Rc!Jgion of this latter Church ?f Rom_e, and we bebuned_m:l F~yeJs<;-oole,to findaSolli-Prien, &c. fi1alltind Jt, from top to toe, to con!ifl: m not_hmg dfe but All wh1ch Pomrs bcmg obfervc:d, w_ho C<ln deny_ but this :~~e~f;~~~~,~~tc~~::~~~~tc~n~ie~:f~,~~~;o~~~~ J ~~dt~~t(a~~:J: ~~ 1d:l 3t~~~th~t~hl!d~~~~~~~Y ~~ ~ot~:w~rd Obits, exten1c worfhipping of _Irt;~agcs and Reliques, Pil- Now look ~pon this .d_dinition, and tell_me (~ood Rea· S:tcriticcof tilt Mafs, buying of Pardons, purchafing of\ther-Church? 1:~f\i: /::~":rg~:,;,;~~=:,,;~~.,~~t1~th~t.~~~~~~ ~h~a'~~~~~~~~h~~~t~ ~~.i:hr~~:~~~ngT~ ~~0~ ~~~;,!no ~r:~t:~l~~RJr~~d~b~~~ktP':.t;! i:ou~~Jr~l5 f~~hettueUght of hi;Gofprl tofhlne lll.ln,but ~;~ zu, -rr! XVs-~. THE