Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Tbe Ten firfl Perfecutions intbe Primitive Clmrch. 5 [ ;;~~:§~~~:~~;::~f.~x~~ f~£~E.~S·Ef~~;~s;~;~~~~ come Wlto Chrift, eftccming their great troublts ~r ~ the .Foundauon and P1lbr of that .Congregation, :m~ alfo Ji gh~~t ttf:eb~ ~~~~vi~~k~~ :::::;]( %!u~~ o~:~ ~!h~~;l t~~a{~~;;:/ek~;~d~il~~J~a~J:d,;~h~h~f~~~~~~ ~~hlhall 'be: fhewcd. upon us after this life. And hrfi they Gods light,. for the v~ry love wh1ch in heart and deed they ~;i~~~~ri1;~~n~:t~e~n~~\~!:C:~~~~~~~ ~;e\~,~~:0a~~~. ~~~d f;:C~:~~~a~~r ~~~~~~}~n tre 0_~~~e:~~ ings, Drawings and Halings, ftingntg of Stones, lmpr.1fon· alfowas her (elf one of the numbcr of the aforef<ud Martyrs, ings and whJt other thing; foever the r:~ge of the multt~de left h2p!y for the we.t~nefs of !xxly ~te would not Hand ~:~~}t~~~~d~:~Jbe~:~ ~ii~~~~:~: t;~~!~~;~~:~~~~ ;.~~~~:rh:t :rrh~;~:~h~~~)Jhbo~J~~;td ::::cn~;:; ~:hl~h ~~~~~:;;;~ ~~;, j ~1t~~h~!hc~~~~ ~~~e~~~~lC~~:~~~~~~u~~l~ :~~r;:ef~~r=;lt~~:~r~l~~r;~e ~~~~,m~d0~1 ~:~~~~~:1~1;d ~;~~·~~.of ~~·c~Je~~=~~~~~i:~~0t~~~it~1~ro~~h:!;! ;:~~~~~;1~~ ~~,:~~~::!J':b~ )~~a~~~~'~:vi~~. him· and he uting allextremity that poffiblyhe mtght l~rlxxly(ororn and rent: and tduficd. thatanyoneot ~:!::,~!;. ~~i~':'~it~f~:;u~g~h~~:~t~~~hl; ~~~~v~fo~~~t~~~~~~ f~~o~~a~~. 0~tht~t~~~~~~ ryt:., Brethren, (whofe COJm:rfanon, althougl:l he were a )"OI.Ulg man, hghtmg thiS worthy battd, lxcame frronger and mm,)wascowttedaspcrl"cCI:as'_\'35thclitevfZacharytht: firo~ger, and_ :lS oftt.'lt asfhefpa~ethcfewor~s (I am o Prieft. For he walked diligently m all the Comm~dmcnts Cbrijhan, nmlm- have 'ut ccmn~1tttJ anJ MJtl) it was to and Ju!lifications cl the Lord, and i.t~ allf?~dlet.Kero- heramar\'clouscomfort&bo!dnmgtoabid~thetor~e~tts. r:~:th~~r~h~e~~:l1~ir~f~~~u:!!fu_~; his~~:~~ts~~j~l~~-t~l~~h~he~~:~d~d~~~ ~~~~ .. rhat wicked J udgment which'~ given upon the Chrijh- might 2way Wlth,atwhat tJmethe wicked fuppofcd to have · am; but being vehemently dllplcafcd., defrred that the hear~himutterfomebla(phemouswords,forthegreatnefs "" Judge would hetr the exrufe '~hich he was mit)_ded to and mtolcrabln_tdS of .Ius ~orments and pains that he W3S Th•rwnt.l• make in the behalf of the Chrifhans, in who~ (faLth he) in, abode notwithlb.ndmg m fuch con!lancy of mind, that ~f~.";! •. is no impiety found. But the p;oJ?le cried ag:un .to thofe ndthu he told them his name, nor what Country-man he :~~t h:%e (1~~~d~at:~ ~-~~ ~h~~Je~~~~· ~~~;rn~~r~ :F;e~:.!d~~;~~:t;~~~~7b~~ 1 ~~~~-~~!:~.e~u~R~~e:h~;~~ ~:~:~~~~~; f~~~~ij·~~:_;v~1,ijrJ~;no,rbn~~ ~n!J:t~k~ ft~~ ~~:~j !~eisa~:;e~~f t11~~:7~e~:~f~~~~~h'~(hisaN~~;: with a loUd and bold voiCe m~fwered and CLty,Kmdred,andallothtrthn~g;;mrheplaccofExec:unT he tlo<ll· faid, I am aCbrijlian. And thus was he rc<:eLVcd. into the on : neither yet could the Gmtrlu get any more of htm : ~di ol a Fellowfhip of the M~rs., and cal_lc? the Advocate of th." whereupon both the Govt~lOr ~nd Tormentors were the ;~~man. ~~f~:ntim~:~~~ ~~~~ac~~~~~~~ ~~~)C~:f!f~ :hi~~~~~n~~~t~i!:~~ir~r:~~~~~P~n:Ja7;~f~~fs ~:~ ~~~i.t:~ ~~u~eJ5Jcfp~isofli~~:hfo~~~ 0;h~Las:; ::/i~~~~iL~~~7~~f:~ ~~thhc ~~; cb~;kwf~~ ~~ whert[Oivtr ht gotth. matter, but w:J.S bold an~ conl!aJ_lt in hiS ~onfc:~ion, !~ing By this mans example, the rcfi of the M~ were the firrngthcned and moil!ennl. w1th the Fe>mttam of hvely mw :mirnated to Martyrdom, a1_td. made more JOYOUS with wa~~· flowi_ng out of Chrifls tide. Truly his ~y w~s a ;r;:,:=~ :all courage of mind to accomplilb. the fame. Some other fufliacnt wttndS what tor~~lCS he fuffert:d : for tt was all S•!l!l>•. there were wuc:~dr and not fo wdl prepared, and as yet drawn together and moll pmfully wounded and foorched, weak,not wdl abk to bear the \"themcncy of fo ~eat a c?t~· fo that it ha~ tht:rC\\:irh loft the proper fhape ofa man, in Tht faint." flid:;ofwhom ten tllCre were!lumber that famted,muu- whofc fuffmng Cbnflobta.ined unfpcakable Glory.for that ~~- ~~~ge,:m~e :~~th;;i~~ a~~k~:~~t~;; )'t~~;: ~~~~~ili~rh~~~l~~~?~~!~b~~~~~u~i~tb:o;;~ hended. to be k(~ wilhng thereunto. Then wt:re we all for where the IO\'e of God is,and. nothing grievouswherei.t1 the the \'arbblcndS of confdl ion not a little aflcnied ; not that Glory ofChrill is manifefled. we feared the pw1ilhment intettded a_gainft: us, but rath(r as And whett thofe wicked men began after a certain ~ime having rcfprd to the end, ~nd fearmg le!l any lhould fall. again ro torment the Martyr, and hoped well to bring tt to Ev~y day there were apprehended fuch as were worthy to pafs, that eithtt. they_ !l10uld overcome in caufi~g him fulfil the numlxr of them which were fullen : in fo much to recant, by rctteratmg his tonnents, now when h1s body that of two ~hnrches, fuch as were chiefefi, and which was fo f?re and fwolkn, that he might not fuffer a rn:m t? were the pri~1c1pal Governors~f our Church~ were appre- touch hun with his hand, or elfc, th:J.t_ he diW. under their hended. WuhthtfcalfocertlmofrheEthmch,bc:ingour hands, )'etthattherebytheylb.ould firtkefuchfear intorhe Men·fer\·ants,wereapprehendc:d(f?rforheGovemorcom- hearts of the refl, as tocaufe themtode:ty Chrifi : thty ~:l::~t~a,~hi~~f~~~~~~~~.~::~r~;l~~~~~~f:~ :v:;a~:i~~~~/~~r,~~~;~~ t~~h~~~~~~;r~~~ ~~~1~. ing the Torments which they faw the Saints to fulfer, _be· and torments fupplcd. and rcfiored, and took the hrfl fhape F•lr~n·~· ~~i~;lr~;~~~~h~~:~~~tb{h!hf~~~~~~h;;,~~:J ~~~~~~;~~~b~~g:~~~tf~~(~~~a~e~l= 1 ;::: ::i~~:~t~,~;~£:~~~~1=~: ~~!:;f5·~ffi.i~~~~~~:;~~;,~t~~:~~E ::::;;,:~ (tf.~ ~~: ~~wf=:~~~~~ ~~l;~:~~n~~~t :~h: ~t;i;;~~~ iN~~~h~f tcJ:t ~:~~:::~i~~a~~f now v~hem~utly d•fd~ined us, an~ waxed mad agamft us. Execution : enfcrcing to wreft fome wicked thing out of An_tl tlulS W3~ now~~hllcd. that whichwas fpoken by Chrift, the!Toouth of the Chrijfiam. But fhe in the middle of her ;~~1g;b7j:eh~':Jo:bu~/ti~'a~~~J};f::;~;,r k~J::;r:nJ:;~ ~:~d:~iJ::~~~~~~;~t:~la;t:~~~~th:er;e:!~: ~et~dr:~:t.~fh:~1~t~~t~~~~~~~:~t!~a~~~~ ~~ ~~~cer~~:i~~~f ~~~~~~o%xi ~~~fi a~~;p;:J;t~; " • ~b~~~c~&m~~~~;;;~~~ ~ha~f ili~~~~~·Pr~c~,v~lr; fo~ri::t:;;: ;~at/:,"£!,'ti~~s ('fe ';,/bi~;J~u:nJ 1e:; ~ , E 2 Upon,