Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

152 Lewis the French King Emperor: Emperors EleEJ Popes. his whole Land, as King Ivt in his Dominion had .done till he hJd pur~hafro a Licence of the Bilhop of Runt to before. AIIO he gave a~d granted )'ea~IY. to be: p:t!~ to retain her ag:un, who tht:t} f01gav~ tht faid Bilhop all Rem~ 500 M:rrks; that ts, ro the ~u\t:1mn_1g of the light that p.LI. But the woman htred two Knigh{$ that of Pmr, 100 Marks, to the light of Paul, tOO flew lmn mhis Vdl:mvus, when he had ended his Ma!S. ~~~~~~ !~~:!~~~ ::~~~~a'}~;;t~~~::~ ~~r~ ~a"h[{h;~~d g;;;~:~~:~~~.i~c~:~ tved~~th3d~i~~~ ~~";}tt J~t,flrb,thc Daughter of Carblm Calvtrs,dlc Frmch King: Whereof I ha\'c. not t? judge, nor here to pr?'lOllllce, but :;'!f,:r whomherdlor((~aftcrw::trd(contrarytothcLawsofWtft- that rather I thmk bun to.bc commend«!. m hisdying,~Mm!l, Saxcnt) to the T1tle and Throne of a Q.u:~n. For before than tht woman for htr killl tlg. h•mplc ot ~f~~~:cd~~;1~~~~. ~h:~;,~:d~~ig~~i:~::~~~ u/~~~~!.oh!~.:: ~~~~~1~~~~~;:t01t~~~t~1~:n~~~t~f\~~~ ~:~~1 Husband) that afttr that no Kmgs w1k fhould havt tht oi Pndls and Chu~lNnen,_ prect~s and lll.tnlllg ye:rturrs, 111:~~~. nam.:: or plact of a Q!.rtn. . and goldm :md nch {bnng 01rdles, With Rmg~ and And for fo much as I have hert entrcd mto the menti· othtt Ornamen~ of gold. Wl~rtfort the flid LnJJif on of 'Judith, D:m~hterofCt~rclusCalv"s; theo::caiion purchafed of the Bi!lJop_of Rome a Corr~ion fOr all thereof putteth me 1n memorx here to infert by the ~y, fuch as uf.::d foch d1fordnme App~rd, cautmg them to .. a m~tter done.. although not m. dlis Realm,_ ytr not un- wear brown and fad colours, according to their fadnefs. pcrtmcnttoth!S Eccktiafiica\HJ!fory. Andhrfitodt"d.ud: Fab. tht ~lrraticm hereof from tht firll Origin:l1 ; t~e Fat~ltt Of this Ltw:S the Papifts do feign, th:l.t ~u~e he con· of tlusCarcltn Oalvr'!, wh?ft name was LuJIJ'V~em, hrfi Vtttrd certain of their_ Church-goods and Patnmony to ofthatnamecalkdP,us, KmgofFrance, had two wives : the wages of hisSoukltns, hisbody(6.y they) was carried whmof~y the tirft he h~ thn:cSons, LctharJ, P_ipin, out of his Tom~ by Devils, ~nd wasnotnortfem. and ~u: Which ~hrn Sons unnaturally and ~nkmdl)' And thusl httleluvingdi~t"d. out of ourcourfe,now ~::~12~ f:r~~~~~!i:il~~~~~nF~:~~:~d;:r~~t~f~' \;~~ ':htU:w~fo~ :,i~ :~ncfro~~~~~a;'~h~~~:;"~ ~~~~ ~~~ud~f=n~r:bi!~~~r:~~~d'~~~~~\~~~: ~h;;~~he=~~~:Je=:~~;~~nto hiS ~wn IMrurOOn, uul Loc<h. dtfpo{felling and diiC:hargit~g him of all Rule and Dorm- This Etbtlwolfus had d"pecially about h_rm two ~ifuop;, l!"ill:iftt ;~ab;;, i~lo~g«hi~u~~t~~~~~a~:U~~$.1~!/:~; ~~;hefte~~~~~~p::~ ~fu!,~~.r ~b;;i:;,;t~~t~!!::t;!. Monk, or rather a Prif011tt. All which done, they div1ded which two, the one was more sk1lful in temporal and his Empire and Kin~om ~mong c_hemfelves. civil Affairs touching the Kin~ Wars, ~nd fining of his ~~]~;~~~:~fgj~~:~~l~iE2i~~~~~~ ~~~,:;~~;J~E~7·~:~~n~:~~~~:I?~~z JUty lgam; that tt WlS to :1ll hrs enemies confulion, and I ~:.i~~;~~1~ ~t:t~~:~.:~:~~~~f~:$~(;:~~1~ ::!!(f::e:n~~~~;;::~·wa~~~;~;:b~~et~:t~; c~!r~e~ ! ~~t 011ly in following t 1e Precepts and Advertifements of the Bald hnc mentioned. Which 1rulith was thought, his old Schooi-Mafitt, but aUO in that he like a kind and andfoaccuft"d. to the Pofe, to be withi_n fi1th degrr:tof thankful Pupil diJ fo revertf!CI!: his Bringe-r up, ando!dE~m~ltor a~lian~e, thltbythe Poprsi:aw, fh_e nughtnotcommue School·MaJier fashe ca.lltdhtm) thatheceafed not, tilli.~~~~ Ius w1fc without the Popes dJfJ)(nfauon. It fo fell out in he made him Bdbop of Wi,~rhejltr, by the confta:1tion ofSdooo!-,\b- £:t?"· ~~ir.~':.:~~~E~·i:·~.;~?i~;;~~~~~ ~;~: ;:~£~::~~~;h:~rE.~~cS~~~!:'Ef.I;~~. tion, that he remembring and following the confb.ncy of wuh the !I ~ads of Hemer, or Tales of Robrn!XJOJ, his pred(:c~ffors, wouJd maintain right _and ~th. with<:'tlt This Greg"Y the Fourth, ~ere in this f>l:l'ftnt Chapter !'::':bi~~ all exceptt~t o_f any perfon, and pumfh mddoer:>, \~tth abo,·e menUOJ~ed, was the third Pope whK:b Cttcr~ed supi>no tbt excommunK"at!On, a~ well the rich as_ tht poor wtth l~ch after Pafc~~~~~~ the n~. being but four ytars bctwtxr ~!t;lr likewordsofgodly~nfel .. }""r~dmclehcaringtheKmg them: wluch PafohalJt fucettded aft«. Stephan thethf6ryt. E~~::.~·:~~E~:.~::b5:~Edl~:~r,~~Zi~J:;i ~;~:~!::.f~~i~:.~~:~~i:~~~~:~E;~~ yMr fo 1vbolt[cmt exhortatiOn put m~ m mmJ of mJ prO: thac Adrtan the firtl:, unto Pope AJ~111n the third, the: fotuth. {'f::,~ha~1~~~t~:~7jJ;"fc%/~b:/;:~fd,{:~;"Im~;~[;:; ~:O~t~:~) f~rec~:O~ec~~:'~~~rnN~:i~:a~i:J~ b~tJ a11dpierceJ m1 cCtl{cimce. To whom ltave being divers of_ thofeforefaid Poprs in the meantime began to ~:~~~;:; ~;~~~-~~~~~::~~dlc~~;,i~l~~ -~~~~E~/o~:h~~) ~h: ~t:~~~.:~~~S::s~~~~~~o~~~,~~~1~~~:l~~~ t~:t?ai~ ~:':'~~;,._ tlxr 1t_u more neccrdmi. to <lftam thu f!fl' htre prtfont, Adram the thud, as hcre:di:er (Chri~ willi_ng) !ball be ~l:.n 1M :;t;;,;mf~~1 4:h~h£m~~;) :j r;;e t~~iL ~~jt (t:t: ~~:r~· ,h~A~~t ~~1~ ~~~~da~1:h~rr;~bJi.1 ba~~~ ~~~·t htad-? At the heat! ( quoth ht,) T htn Frtdmck taking Counctls. Wherefure by tht O:Jmmandment or Lubu~ .A'I•ift••""'· thereof h~ occalion, procetdeth,_ ~vm fo let . it ~ Lord c11s the EmFttOr, in the lime of this G~egory the fourdt, Emptror (faith he} n: JO"_ht:Wt jatd. Let Clmflian Faith a gtntra.l Synod was ~ommenced at A1uifg;rane, where it ~~'.'rn 10 :~~~~.:~~ ~~~ ~~~r:~r~ny;~:/~;a~~~it~;,_h:: ~~~ ~~:;t~,;u~~ rO~~Mt~~; ~~~cl:~~T~~n~~nF~ ~;~~~~· your SU;b~t's by thnt examp~e be not boldned to fOllow prr Lands and Reveml«S to tind. tht Priefis therrof, that P~ yourrrufdomg. \VhttefO!"ehrfi furf~ktyouyourunla.w- nOlle fhouldnttd to la~kor goaboutabcgging. Item,~=·of till Wc:dlock, which you have: made wnh 'Judirhyour near that nont" of the Cltrgy, of wlut Ord~ or ~a: fc-·fcut~t «" ~~~ ~:~1~i':~f~o¥fr£f!~~~!~~ §:tt~;;~~~~;g~~i£~:~~~i~~~ c.r~~.. btit~ utttred itr:ruch a11 audience, _cou..ld nor be ~o con- Ports or Families, nor k~reat Horfes, ufc: Dice ?'" :~-:f:,o;or ~~~~0~,~·(G~Zb~~~\~:~~~!~~~T#~!i ~i~~~~;;o?,~~~i:· :E~: ~~~~oi~~;~,fif"~:i ::.~: ;~e\:u:lll~~~~~r ~~~\~: 1:,1\~g~~~~t~~~~ ~~a~~~h\~:~: ~~r:;~:; r:~:7' ~~~~;a~~~:l"~~.~~t ~~~~~~/:;~,~;;~:; ~b~~ . rho(e