Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Four fl.!!eflion~ propounded to the Papiffr. pounnen foJ. ten nings (agnffplng: brlike tl)e !en P.JolJinrul anD Jji~~tloms o~ttr \UO)lb, fttbbUtb to tbe Roman ctmpirt) blhiJ trn~tOllJU.B of 1l5lafpl}emp upon t~m f}caD.B ;.all llJl)tcb conbe~tentlpa~ttr to tbe. <.!ftp ofRom~. £\litDI}', ttllf}trt tbt fafb l!ra~ )Jab i9olllet t.O matte 42 !"Dntf}il', anb I~ fi!I~t ll\Ii1tllU"tbr ~atn~s,anJJ to O!Jtt::~ z~, 1~0 cometf}em,ttt.PZIJtrtbp mon mamfclllp i,s: nrtlartD ti)e Citmpm of Rome,~tt~ tl)e H~th~prrfrrmmg: @mpero~.B, mcn~b1,.,,.t ':u~~'~t~~a~:c~r~~~::i~IJ:b~~!b~~ !~ :b!l$~~~~f~:ib~~:bf~e~~~fte~~~~~~~~g~;i~~f~~u:fr: ~~a~r:~,'fa~~~~e~ ~':nr:!f!t Jiounblp, tGIJCre tl)e PJopl)e~ fpraketb of one of tbe lJtatl,s: of tbe l6eall to be tnouunen to nr~tl), ann t!Jt ~~wounof· ~:~~~ fr~~~~w~trt~~ ~.:i~~~~~~goa;~be~fe~~~t Jre t\~"~~~~~~~~~~~t~~;, ~~~~r~~~J~:~~r~b.~ ~;ct~.~~~~~!~~o~~~ :~~~~£~ Lombards, anti tlJC dttp of Rome tl))tce rackt Alltl takfn, bttWtrn tbe Uetgu of HonorJUS emptto; of Rome, tk)f,W \U lt anti tf)e time of u~inbn C1t1pero~ of Confiantinople; lll!tl fo rcmalnctl ttie: f)eab ~f Rome blountJ£tl a Io~IJ tfmt E~;~~t• ~::t~r~h. the: Power of the tirfi lka re. as face, and ca~ftt~. all the I.nlubi ran~s of. the Earth to worfhip the firfi &an, whofe t'::.o!b~, hnd was wounded and rured agam,&c. And to h1m 1t was &ven t.o gtve ltfe ro the Jm:~gt: of the BeaH, and to make 1' lll':tttctll. it fpeak: and :llfo to make all them that will not worfhip the Image of the Beafl, to be flain, and ~uf~ all from the mofl to the leall, both rich and poor, free-mat and lxmd·men, to take the mark of the Beafi in thcrr nght hand and in their foreheads, fo .that none ~hould buy or fdl, U!1ldS he had the Btafis m~rk about hi~, &c. ~~~if:;!1t~~~1~l~~;(~:i1~~~;j:;~~~~;~;~:~)~~::.~~~~~~,~~:~,~::~t~:.f,~:::r.~~;~~i: .Af". IJ• !11 ['7~ tpeaketl} bJitbtbe ~oict oftlleW;a.gon ro.p~ounlp a.e: te t ![;1Je boia ufrte Jl!l~agon fp~ke once to Cb~Ht, !CI)at~";'j.,t all tf)r glo~p oftbe ttro~lb bla~ IJt~to gt\le to bl~om be llloulb, anb tbat bt Woultl gtbe ft,t,tr. Znn botb not rapo•uidcd· ~~gj~~es ~~)~::f!'~~~!~'~t:~~J~h~~eh~a~~ ~~~~;fi~IJ~~~~8t~0J~~;a~~ ~~e~=~bE~:~1~i~t~dJ.:: ~~~~~ doms,and what eJ!( foever mortal mm may have,and to give them where ht: would,&c. Ex Plat. in Vir. Grtgm-.7. Jfanbctmo)e, at bll}at time t\.le Drrlfnin.g ~tate of. Rome began to Decap, anti Julyblast b}cug}Jt unbet full" E,. ~~··•~· ~~~:Js.t~~~~;a~ie ~~~nt~:e ~;:~ft~~~~ tb~t ~~~~~,b;~o~;r;1;:l~;~~~~r!~ t~~nt:~J:t~J:~i~~~~~~~ ~:~:~~~!; t~e b.Jouutlcb beat! of ti.Jht lEraft ~:~.d~ ~~A~~~p to)fr bp tbe b)iblf, ~0 tbat tbe£J3ajct1p or Rome, in tbf DID eJthen CitmptrOJ,G llll}I.S lllar> nttJrt mo~e ttrtillle IIOJ.£lo~ious, no)tbrr ))ab mo)e pob.lrr to prrfecute anti o~mome lli5'ob,e: Ci!aim.e:, tl)nn tbrfe JL.amlJ~Iil\e lf((f;op,e: 11f Rome l}aD, ant11Jabe fJtrclfetl tl.Je[e 50t) pearn in Chnflendom. .9nb tbmfou bllJO elfe in all tl)e ttlollb tatbfoututbi9olllrrtoDotbetzro ~'ksoftl)efitt1 SraUbtfolebf.e:fact,a,e:}Je1 OJ.\ll1Jobutl)el\lone11UI)ici}Powuro (O)Ctt\1. botl) bigbant~lo'ln, ricb antlpoo~, free anDbontl, to rtrtibt tbe §ileal, anti (o brrome loplll to tbe a::ttp !!,k~~ftl·~ anD~& of R.ome; fo tl)at b.Jbofonm: ~atb not tf:lt mark tubmbp to Uc known to IJclb of tbt ~buul) of Rome, Bull t..fort fbaU~abe no place tobup anb fell,~~~~ to orcupp in all Chrilla1dom. . ~·fitor. Jl!!o\ll if anp :papiUI'I ~l)atfoeUtr, tn an(luertng to tbi.s mp quefiion, ran applp t~I.!S p~opl)ctical ~ptletp of fK· ·~· tbefetlUo n;:eall'J otlltt'b!tfe t1Jan tbus,Jmoultl brantlp llefire bfm to take fo mud) 11am.e: t~ fat isfie tbts Doubt ~t ~i.IJ gooD pleafurr anb lttfutt.Jn tbe mean frnfon,ltt tbi.e: tlanD fo~ n Corolarium,tbat tbt !Otfl;op of Rome bp ftiiJ tJefcriptfon mutl be tl)at fccontl lEeallp~opf:lefiftl to come in tbe lattr time of tl;!t dburcb unDer a falfe Plt" tenCeD namb, to tttlo:e again tbe o!o -)!lerrecudon$ of Rome, anD to nitlutU tbt Wbole €buret; of 4:b6i(l, a~ t~i.soaptmtrulpitil3cometoparrs. The fourth QlteO:ion. A ~:;;:t~~~~"~~!:r~~a~ari~~~be8~,~~%11cf~~~!. utr!:c~0~~~~~~r~~~~~!~~i~vfJ~E~~r~;;~~~~'~!1 ~~r;~; ~~~aJ~:~:·:t~~!r~~~~:Xg:,a;c.or,~'''~~ 1Jrr~~IJo~:~'::~~¥'~"~',·i~t!~·,·;·~1\iri["~":g:i~~~~~ t ~ .·ns toltttbt.spare:,3,turn .mpqurnionto t1fe co~11o~al1 3.f pc affirm it to be eo~ battifice.e:,anna::e~emonte,softbe UalU; tl)enlbcb.Jff}lecan, tulJntanpone outtuarn:~aion.o ) olJferl.lation f,e: nquittb in ctl)~ftltan lo\ch~ion bp tbe ~ripturr, a.s nmrrarp in ll ctbJillfnn man fo) rrmilfton of fin.G anD fal" bllr.ion, ~abe onlp tl.le tb.Jo ~ctamtntal a::rrrmonftl'l of outb.JartiY.Cal:ltifm, anD cf tlrt ll.nlbS !aup1:1et t i~olU'f beit, nmbet ti.Jefe aUo a~ tbep are coJpo,al; tbllt l.s to Cap, mit~n tbe out1llarb a~ton of tlJt one, no~ of tbe lltbcr, conferrnbrtmifftonoffitlSJ , no~falbatfon,butonlpatetnflblefi)ebJJJOfinbtfibleanbfpiritual liSenefi t.e:. stntl futtbermore, if our c:Dob bli)om we r~rue be ~piritua1 ;. boW ca.n bf.e: Ueligion ann j;)etbict u~ <!Oll:lDlal, al!llllt are tan~l]t bp tiJt moutb of our ~abtour, faptng, God tsa Spinr, and thcrcfon they that worlh1p him mufi YlorlbipinSpiritJndV~rity,&c. 'jobn4. jj!o'lllifpou~rant(a,e:pemua:nmD.B')tbfsout · RrHgloo{;f ~~~~r;tb~~ ~:l~ao~~~~::!ft~~c~~~~~~b:!~ =;~· tJurpofe,r~gpoucoutbJarbfumffionof:fDtQiope:, >~L frrenceo~ tulps,timr.e:antlplace~ l]eatin~, ({!i.