Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Four [onftderations propounded to tbe Trottflantt. Tk focrmJ Crmftdm:ticn. A st~:~ ~~i~~crn~r ~~~~~~m~~~~~,~~~~;~~~~~~~f: :~~1:Zs1~~tP~C:~i~~!~;rf~~~~~hr:! little rdl: they had, with what Enemies they werem:ttdled, wnh what croffcs prdftd, under ":'hat Pnncc:s, undn what Prelates they lived, or t:l_thn died, in tlx ~ays of King Htnry the: f?urth, King Ht:nr; the ~tfth,_ King He'"! the Sc-- vmth, King Htnr] the E1ghth, ~ern Mary1 &c. undu &mm B1fhop of L~ndon, f!11rdmt:r Bdbop of Wm,hrfhr, ~~~m~frhc~0?;1!i~:,~:djt~;~ ~~r;~:e({:h~0~~t{i~/~rfeat:·aco:~~ ili~a~~~~~f.n:::r~us~:d~~~~v~k;,~;~h~ the Sifier, Sill« the Brothcr,Examplcs whmof arc pkmy in this f?ook to be fcm The third ConjidtrtJtion. THirdly Ut us ~\I to mind, '?nlidtring thus with our frlvcs, Th~c gooC men and worthy Ma~t).fi n~ tho~ d~n: Houfe ~~~/,%;~~~:ga~;~~;·i~ ~:~:Pct~7t,~:~~~:d:a:~'i:t~~~ ;~~~~~g~b~11~ri::;~ ~~,~ha~ ~':~~~C:?ci~;eea~~d'1af!t~ ~0~fe~~iCV~~~1~(;~~-e~~~~~e~~~~~v~~:~~:~ t~o~~h:~r;, hfov;~~~~::; diflrdTtd: as they wac, fpoikd of Goods, hated of tht World, cited in Conlillories, pinched in Pnfons, fequdl.rtd from Houfe, Wife, and Chi1drm, 1ooking for nothing but dt:~th ; what would we fa}' ? what would we_ think? wh:t~ would we do? Much otMJ:wife doub~le& than we do now ; God grant we may do better, for worfe Tthmk we c:mO?t ~r:fc:-C:~~~~ ~~t;~,~~~;~~;;;:;::hb~h~;;≤t~~J: ~~~~; ~~:~o~ ~~ f:~ ';d~~;~';X ~~~ g~d ~'£ thefe d:tys, what p31ns would they take, )'ea, whu pants would they not _pike in prt:~.ching the qor~J, not f?r lucrc:, nor for m?Ocy~ nor p:dlingfor Promotions or Dignities of the Church? S1r 1ohn 0/Jeajflt, ':-ord.Cobha_m, ~u Roger AEftm, wuh d1vns worlhipfui.Gemlcmc:n a gm.t numlxr, if they lxing in our fl:tte might enjOy with us lhCJr _Houfcs and Lands, with the good favour oft!t<ir Princc(asthc:n they could r~ot) howg!:tdlywould t~c:mfdvcs, though they never nifed thetr Rrnts :11~. Fines to the undom~ of thei_r poor Ten:tnts ? Likc:wife in the T~~-~~il;y:~;h ~~.~d h?\~:~~~j~;~i:l;~;y~t~~s3~~o~t~~~~~~~ ~t}e8;t_~!;S'a!~:~:~~t~~~~~~~~ll~~-~~~h~ Romljh Prelates., what would they have car~ how !_imply thry walked in tbetr attire, withou.t any fuch monflrous r.::~~~i~~~,~~~:~~~~~v;~h~ we Engl!flm~m m thefe Reformed-days w:tlk now, more hke Playe~ on a Stagr, The fourth ConjiJtratirm. '\JV Hb;~~~if~:~~~:~~·~~~~h!~~s1:~~~· ;y ~~. ~~~:e!~~J~~~t~~~~l~h~~g :?: ~:d. •th1 J/ ~ab; the favour of God only th~t doth fupport us in the midi\ of fo m:tny Enemies, let us bew:tre that i_n no wife we provoke his Indignation. Ifn~ hisTruthandGofpel that weprofc:fs, Ictus walk in ~he light of hiS Truth, and keep our felvts within the compafs of his Gbfpel. What theGofpel rcquireth, :tnd what 1t abhoneth, who knoweth not ? and yet who followeth that he knowech? If St. Paul willeth every one to depart from iniquity, which tumeth the Lord JdiiS ; and if t\le Lord )cfus himfdf tcfiitieth. plainly his Kingdom not to be of this world, how will eh en the n:tn~re of that Kingd?m fo Sptrirual, and our rondit101ts fo worldly, match we \I tor,ethcr ? To rip up all our deformi-- ties m pll.rticular I mmd not here, neither nttd I, the f:tmc: being fo evident to all mens eycs, tlut who cannot fee our ;:;~v~h:~e:~Fc::~as ~~~~hO:\~~~c~ts ~:twt~~~fl~e~~~~~tsw~:::~h:f\~, 0 : t~:~~~ thc:re wc:re no ()[hc:r Ha.vm? What pride and tdlc:~ o~life, double diffembling in word and detd witb.out limplimy, avarice unfariab\e,\ittlc regard to hear Gods Word, k(, to ra.d it, leafi of all to follow t.t, every man afpiring to worldly Wealth :tnd Promotion, liuk or no mercy to the poor, ncking of Rems and Fines., bribing and takin~ unmc:afurable ? What thould TffC'3k of the contrntiotts and unbrothnly divilions am011gll us, mofi hmentable to fn:, but n1ore bmcntablc, if all '-"crt fttn which m1y or is like to follow upon the fame. Such were the times once of the Church before thehorriblePnfccutionof Dioc/ejia11; forfoweread, fuchh:ttred:tnddifdainthroughmuchPa.ceand Profpcrityo( thcChurchtocrecp iu arnongll' theChurch-men. Wherefore let us be exhorted, dearly beloved, to reclaim our fdvcs while time doth fervc:. If we find the lord fo gracious in as he doth, let not that m:tkc us worfc but btucr. lt is a lewd Child th:tt will not kJm without ~:t ling. A well-mindil~S man will be: good, not forced by coodion, but of volunmy office induced. As Advcrfity if n como., o•.tght not to ddm:ty us; fo Profpc:rity oow prefent ought not to p.df us up in f~m;ity, ronf.dcring what commonly IS WOilt to f(_)llow, :tS Plt~to well writeth, Summ~ atqut tff"rmat.e Jibmat/11 fer-v_ltuum pit rumq; afficiam ~h. gUif,=tt~r;:~ah:~:b; :~~~~i~~~fZ~b:ft[!eif.~~;:~~~~~b:x:~~~~;;;~Jtfo~~aHf!7::~;; t~~!~r£tr~bed~;~~~~~~~K~~~~~~=~1 }~:t~~m ~:~beo~!~ ~t~ifhk P;;r:i: :~.~~d to plague us. Or if we will be fo inordinate and (with revc:rc:nce be it fpokc:n, without offrnce to God or man) fo doggiih and currifh one to another, the Lord bcketh not· his Dog·flrikc:rs to whip us. And woukl God our live_s were fuch, that the detlndion and ruine here of late ftm :tmong _us may portend nothing againfl us, as I trui\: there ~ no caufe for us to fear, but rather to fear the Lord) and walk in hiS Obedim::e, and ammd that which is amifs:wongfius. Amm. TheGnccofourLordJefusble&theegentleReadc:r,thatlongthouma.i!lreaJ,andmuchthouma.ifiprofit. Amtfh Pn PrAJiciUitib!lt, GT#ci.s AuJimtibus, Glori11 1-.Ju Chriflo• .A mm.