Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

The Life of Mafler John Fox, f:~~:,i~~~~~at~~~~:~:~o!1dtn~hb~ ~: ;;;;w hi~~~J~b;ga~:~~~~ftd~!5w~:b1~~mfclfr!h~~h fide was moft tructy, and which mo!hobedoubted; and at what age he lhould expofe hiiSon, ~~o~bg~~a~~nfn~ht:~if~p~?~e~(~~~li~~~ :ahi~l~t~~~yr~~;~r~d~ his youth unfit to govern, and He therefore at laft rdolved upon that, which in reafon feemed moO: wholfome, and in the end proved mofr fortunate; and having put the Papifi:-Officers from their authority, by his Will he a.ppointed his S?n fuch Tutors,whofe love to himfelfhe had always found readiefi,and by long trial of their fideltty, thought likely to continue the fame to his Succeffor. This fet Religion again in fafcty: But howfoever the Profeffors thereof, were thereby fecm:ed of their lives; yet hence no publick benefit or profit was afforded them: So that Mr. Fox was llill in as much want as before, having already fpent, what either his Friends had bellowed on him, or his own daily indufiry h:td acquired. I fbould forbear to fpeak of a marvelous accident, and great example of Gods mercy, were not the matter fo well known .abroa$1, that it would be to no purP"ft for modefiy fake to be ftleot. As Ma£\:er Fox one day, fate in Pa11/J Church, fpent with long fafting, his countenance thin, and eyes hollow, after the gaftful manner of dying·men; every ooe fbunning a Spectacle of fo much horror, There came to him one whom he Dever remembred to have feen before, who fitting by him, and faluting him with much famili~riry, thrufi an untold fum of money into his hand; bidding himbeofgoodchear; adding Wlthall, th:~t he knew nor how great the mif.. fortunes were which opprdfed him, but might fufpeU it was no light Calamity: That he fhould therefore accept in good part that fmall gift from hi'3 Countryman, which common courtefie bad enforced him to offer; that he fhould go, and make much of himfelf, and rake all occafi· onstoprolonghis life; in the mean timel~t him know, that within a few days, new hopes were at hand, and a more certain conditton of Livelihood. Never could Mafier Fcx learn who that man fhould be, by whofe fo fe:~ fonable bounty, in that el<trcam necdfity, he had been relieved; though he earnellly endeavoured to find him out. Some who looked further into the event which followed that Prophelie, believed that this man came not of his own ac... cord, but was fent by fame othecs, who by all means de~r~d Maficr Foxts fafety; and that it might (perchance) be through the Servants negligence, that he fuffered the rxtreamell of all miferies, before any relief came. Certain it is, that within three days fpace, the ilfue feemed to make good the Prefage, there being fame fent from rhe Outchcfs of Richmo~td, who upon fair terms did invite him into her Service. [t had fo fatn out not long befor~, that the Duke of Norfolk.. the famous Warrier, and moft renowned General of his time, together with his Son, the Earl of SNrrtJ, a man as far as may be imagined of fincere meaning, and iliarp underftanding, was committed to Cuftody in the Tower of London; for what Crimes is uncertain: While they were in prifon, the Earls Children were fem to the forefaid DutcheCs their Aunt, to be ~fo~~~~a~fto~~da~~J:!:~ft~:rdsc~~~~~~1e~!n~~:t~d~edom, HtnrJwho was after Earl TothefeyoungLords was MaO:er Fox appointed Tutor, to infiruQ them both in Manners and Learning: In which charge he deceived not the expeCtation which the Dutchefs, a Woman ofgreat Wifdorn, had of him. . For the two Sons grew to that height ofProficiency in their Behaviour and Scholarfhip; that building in their riper years, upon this foundation, The elder Thomm feemed to deferve more than the Kingdom could befiow upon him; and th~ youo~er Hmry came to that happinefs, that he w:1s able to me:1fure his Fortunes, not by the opmion of others, but by his own faciety. The young Lady 1a"e, profited fo wonderouOy in the Gree~ and Lttti•e Toogues; that fhe might well fiand in competition with the mofr learned men of that time, for the praife of Elagancy in both kinds. There he dwelt during thofe golden day5 of Felicity (not feen long time before) in the tall years of King Henries R..eign, and through the five yearr R.eign of King Edw4rd the Sixth (a ~ff~9 ;l;i~~~ ~fu~f~~:~;e~~~~fiou;;)a~~l ~~~\~~irnf:~a:~~g~~:%~r;~~~e~~g~~Y~a~~~ coming to the Crown, :md turning the fiream of Religion, all things again yielded to the Papi.IH Authority; whence not long after, that cruel Tempeft proceeded, the noife whereofhath come :~&t~~~=fu~a~~:!~o~~ ~~~~-~H~:~~u~h~{ue~~d~ t~~ac:~~~~~~ipwrack, fwimming out to Among tJ!efeMafier Fox made one, at that time fitclt:lby the ProteCtion of the Duke his Sholar; yet not without the eyes of many, wh? for hatred, or envy looked :askew on him, :~~j:~~~~r~~e ~:~~l;te:ied~~~ra~~r~~~~;in~~{b~~c~: ~;:h:ret~e:h:f :: :r~:~~~~~}~~ Families in t he Kingdom, and nearefi joyned to himfelf in Friendfbip, fhould by his company be depraved. Of this man becaufe he was Mafier Foxts greatefi enemy, it will not be from our purpofe to fpeak fomethiog further; that both their nature~ may the better be known, · The Bifhop of Winchejltr was a man famous in his Youth (for of his Birth or Parentage, 1 have no certainty: ) one that ftood in the midway, between go~ aad bad; aad always as be grew