Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

ACts and Monuments OF MATTERS~ MOST ~ptttal anb ;Mrmo~ablt. Happening in the WITH- AN Unlverfal ·HIS T 0 R Y Of the fame. Wherein is fet forth atLarge,the whole Race and Courfe oftheCHuRcll, from theFrimitive Age to thefe laterTimesofOurs, with the BloodyT1mes, Horrible Troubles, and (ireat P~rfecutions againlt the true MAR.TYR.S of Chrifi, Sought and Wrought as weli by Heathen Emperors, as now lately praetifed by Romijb Prelates, efpecially in this R.ealrn of England and Scotland. Now again, as it was Recognized, Perufed, and Recommended to the Studious , R.eader, by the A~thor, M'·JOHN Fox~ Whereunto are annexed certain Additions of like PERSECUT I 0 N S which have liappcned in thefe Later Times. To which alfo is added the L I F E of rhe AUT H 0 R both in Lati1le and Englifb, 1C!Jc ~intb cn:nitton. Apoc. 7· Sa/us Jedenti Juper Tbronum & Agno. L 0 N D 0 N: Printed for the Company of STATIONERs, MDCLXXXIV.