Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Tranflated out of Latine into Englilh. ~~d~~: l~:~~~~e~~t b1~;~ ~~a~ ~~~~~:~:i;~~w~~~~~~~~~e~u~~[:~~~~~c;p;i~N~~n~fi':fi tt~"~ taken with the love of Richct, then by degrees to grow wanton through abundance, and not care how little pains they took, after (as always the fucceeding Age addcth to the Vices oft~e form~r) they atfeaed Power alfo, which when they had on~ obtat~cd, and by the Emperors Gt&, rece1nd the Command of the Church, they gave not over, tlll _( havmg caft down the Emperors, by whofe boumy they had fo prevailed) they bath inv~dedthe PrtvilcdgesoftheEmpire, and no~laidClaimtoboth Spiritual and Temporal Government;. m the mean while neglecting ~hofe Rules ?f Religion whic~ t~eir :;~~;s~!d~ i~~da~~t~~:~n~h:~· w~;~ei~ ~~~:l;~sc:fic; r~~crh~~go~~1~a~6~~~5io~~;n~~:~~~' Ceremonies, than in the Obedience ofFaith. That by thi ~ ffie{I:OS tt !Ocame to pafs, that the Church of ~:;:;d\~5t~1}eY~~~~ i:~~~hlt:~~m!~~esJa.~~~~n~y4~~r~~~ ~~:\~~~~~i~g~~~~ t~nr~!~~;n~~: ~r~sf~~ moll: healthful ·Bodies fallmto ficknefs wtth moft danger, fo tt befalleth, that the prime of all Churches fhould have no mc:'ln, but either rema in in the perfeCtion of health, or become the moll: dangerous Enemy to it; and that ~or this caufe the Pope now fccmed to ~e _Amich ri£1:. That notwithftanding t~e cafe was fo plain, yet nenher part onght to lend too much behef tO Argument~, nor be too earneft m hindering it, if by any mode. ration of men the matter might be brou~bt to foundnefs and ag~e~ent. That it was not (perchance)m our Power to take from ltome her anc1ent Honour, and the opmton of her Religion fo fi~ed already in th~ minds of men. That the Church of Rotm had ~lien ~y her own covetoufnel!, amb1tion, and prevancnion; but that never any man had gone fo far m finnmg, a~ that Repentance had not pierced as far. That therefore it were fit to allow them, a9 a returningt~ Repen~ tance, fo fome c.o~venient means to move them to it, and (ufficient fpace to r~pent in.. That 1t m1~ht be the Author d101ked them,bec.1ufe a German or French man, and not an lta/Jan of thetr own Nation had.told them oftheir Errors. That there might one day among their own men~ ~ound fome, by whofe Authority they fhould not be afhamed to :~mend their faults, and with more wtllmgnefs part with their own power, to procure the peace of the whole '.Yorld. That ~here was at leaft this hope left, it might fo fall our, that they had no further erred in tbe Articles of Fanh, than that they would not fuffer too ~~(-~ ~ebnee~~~~;·~~~c~ ~~~eg~f~~~~~r~!afu~~~~n~:n~~l~ ~~~:~!~a~~~~i:g~p~~~~t~~ t~:;:~P~~ might with more dtfficulty be perfwaded.' than that Chrift, the Saviour of the World ) had mftruil::ed his Church in the ways of money, and fettmg Scriptures to (ale. Next that he fhould renounce all Secular Jurifdiction, and not fuppofe himfelf to have Tide, or :my thing to do with the right of Princes. That on the other fide his Oppofers fhould not 'refufc, that fome one man may have the principal place of -~~(~~;: i?~~:h~i:end~~et~~t~hf~;~~i:~~i~~i~~!:!~~tat~~iJre~~:~~~h:~~~dh~v:n:a~~~~~~:e;!~~ct~ make againfl: it,nor that it had firft fto~rifhed, to prevail for it, herein to be pre~erred befo~e any other, but that all this was to be left to the dtfc~tion of a General·Council of the Chnfiians, whtch might be fo equitable, as that neither the Power or Favour of any one fi1ould be able, either from the place of meeting, er the differ~nce in number of Voices to promife it felf any advantage to the in.jury of the reft. That in the mean whde it would be of great moment to the hope and lpeedinefs of fethng all Contro-- verfies, if hereafter on both fides they would give fuch Jnfiruct.ions, as might cau(e in each Party a better hope and opinion ofthe other, efpecially that they ought to leave off that fiubborn conceit,whe~by each of them, prefuming it (elf to be the only true Ctiurch, fuppofeth the other excluded. For that it were not only wicked, but alfo highly to the difhonour ofGod, to think that he had fo ~iven his Commandments to Mankind, as that they fbould be turned to the dcfiruD:ion of tho(e that obey them; which muft of neceffity come to pafs, if when all men will not con(ent in the fame opinion, they who underfiand moft lball refu(e to admit of the reft ; Was therefore the Kingdom of Heaven referved only for the more underUanding fort, and thofe that know moO:? Where fhould then the Fools of the World be; where fuould little Children be, whom Chrift had (et apart for himfelf? How mucb better fuould we ferve God, by following that which was evidem, than by interpreting that which was doubtful ? How much more probable were it, that Gods mercy was fo abundant, as when men wcreonce'3greed in poi.nt ofgeneral Obedience~ there fi1ould notbingdfe be laid to their charge? For, that the force of Obedteoce was before God fo great, as thereby only all other inequalities might be made even; but if all were not in equal condition, that certainly with God they were bell: eHeemed, who judged with mon modefiy of others. _F.rom Mafter Fox his Enemies, I will now pafs to his Friend£, among which I have already !hewed. ~tth how great affeCtion he was beloved by the Duke of Norf!Jik_, being by his bounty maintained in his hfe, and after his death, by the Penfion he beftowed on him, which his Son, the R.ight Honourable Earl of S~tffolk., to whom thofe R.evenews defcendcd, out of his liberality, confirmed. H1s Fortunes were encrcafed by the Lord W;Hiam CeciU, then Lord Treafurer, a man beyond exp~ffion excellent, whom it as much :wailed Q9een Elh.abtth, to have for her Minifter, as it availed the Kmgdc;lin, to have Eli'IAbtthfor their OE.een; and without doubt moft deferving, that in him(elf,and his ~o~enry, he filould flourifh in that Kingdom, which he had by hi11 wifdom and advice made moft floutlfhnJg. ~eofth_e Queem Gift obtained for Mr. Fox the Rectory of Shipton, upon no other rnduce· ~ent but h1s pubhck ~efcrt, ~md when Mr. Fox delayed, and afie.r his manner entreated leave to excufe h1mfelf, the Lord CwU politiekly overcame his bafh.fulnefi, by telhng him, That he neither accepted that for an a~fwer,. nor had he deferved that the blame of Mr. Foxes refufing the ~eens Gifr, fbould be laid upon h1m, as tfhc had been his hindrance. . To the E~rl~of. Be~ford and of Warwick,, he wa' very acceptable, and approved by them for the hkeneiS of his mclinauon. He