Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

The Kalendar. March bath 31.da)"s. 'IINMoon XXX. 3 n I i~JW;e~rfu 1rWM;n~t~o, 2 ::;; iD~~~~ rmi7elir~, olios 'l5afi. liU%,<1l:OnfeiTOI· u r 3 ljlenrp2!J>utpben, mnrtp/. '5' 4 g 4 ]obnl)>ourrtep,mnrrpl. , 5 ,• > 9 A 5 ~rttU~ JffeffeOiU~, lllit!p/. '5' 8 8 b 6 llnofpbn~ <!Ununcofn~, mar· , 50 8 tP/. c 7 t3ntriftel)>nme!ton,marm. , 50 8 >6 n 8 'Citboma~ !jJitton, mnttP/. , 53 o 5 C 9 71ximMBilnt.J. Mart;r. r •ol lDaup.rroaer,tnnrm. 'l ll u IIE1lwnrnJTreefe, <ltonfelfol· " !iia!entineJireere, ann bf~ tnJfc, nmttPJ.I1. IJ · fr'atbcr113ate,qroufeifoJ. 1 555 ,. i ::;:::;: u::::;~~:::·:~:~,. , 5 5 :;;; 18 n 15 €~~fim.11 lj>igben, ~entfc~ 25 1555 man, martpJ. r6 ttboma.s<!tntuaon, ~entre, 25 1555 man, nuu:tpJ. 7 r '7 Wil!imnl)>nnter,martpl. '5 •m 11' ,g mmtnmt3pgot;martp/. •8 '555 '5 A '9 !i>tepbrnl{nfnbt, martPI· o8 '555 + b 20 Jlobtt .taurcnce, ~fnfffrr > 29 1555 I IJ'nrtp/. C 21 ThomasCrtmmtr, Archbijl1op oj !1 1556 I" tz 22 Canttrb,ry,MartJr. • ' • 'J l'\obert2!l>picer,martP/. '• •556 f ' 4 9 6" 2 5 -'\nnundation of our Lady. · A 26 larfinm Q!:oberlep, lltilt• 24 1 556 tp, 17 b 2 7 ~Jmunoen, nmrtpJ. 24 1556 6 c 28 .IRic~nrn llL.. ilQltielb, mnt· '5 1557 tp/. b '9 <ltutbburt 2!l>irnrron, mar. •8 '558 tfl, '4 e 30 l)>unb.rro~,rnartn o8 •558 31 f l' ]Obn lDebonifi;, fllattPI' o8 >558 April hath 50. days. The Moon XXX. • rr , lRobertlj)ntrbe~,nmrtp/. I ~rroer,mnrm. " ~ ' ~~~~~:~:·~~~~~~~· nmttp/. u 3 Wrtrrlbnm,mnrtp/. 4 !Lnn~nare, martn 8 n 5 flllffrif~2!i>mttb, Willow, 1 mnttn 16 e 6 ]ame.£t113afutmm, ®entle· 30 '532 man,martn 5 f 7 :Jio.l!wocke,<ltonrelfo/. ' '555 ll 8 ~eOIIJe !llntlb, l~/enc~er, '4 '555 nmrtn 13 A 9 lmtlliarn.utotuct,~intae.e, 24 1555 mnrtp;. ' b •o lRobert iDiake%, IJ'intner, '4 •556 mnttp/. c 11 'C!tpoma.t:rttpm.£t,martpJ. 24 1556 l~rcvnrn !Olpurrre, nmrm. '4 '55• 10 n 12 .\tbomas~S~purge,ma;tpl. !lllbn<ltnuttl,martpl. '+ '55• 1 f 21 St.Georgc,Martyr. A 23 Mark Evangtlifi. b '4 l)>enrp1'\amrep, mnrtp/. " ~ 557 , 7 c '5 fltvomn~~bPit!e,mnrtn " 4 ~ ;~ llgne~ 2!i>tanrep, martn '9 t'1lli!ltnmJ1'1icbol!,mnrtpl. ll 30 121557 :'1'557 1557 1557