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96 Of the Manner; dation of Faith I (hail fhow afterwards ; but certainly they fpeak more fuitably to the Freedom of Grace, who fay, that they ground the Faith of their Salvation on jefus Chrift alone, and his free Grace, without looking to any Thing in our felvcs. Reafon 8th. Becaufe, without this particu- lar Application, there can be no Comfort, Joy, or Security to the Soul, which yet are the Lord's End in the Difpenfation of the Gofpel. Rom. v. i. It's faid by Faith we have Peace with God, rejoice in Tibulations, and in many Paífages of Scripture it's Paid, whene- ver they believed, they flraightway rejoiced When Faith came to Samaria, there was great goy in that City ; but unlefs the Soul particu- larly believe, and apply its own Salvation, how can there be Joy where there is no Faith of Salvation,while that Q.percion stands undifcuffed, and undetermined, Whether is Chrift mine or not ? And nothing ye can propofe without this can yield Comfort ; for put them about the Ufe of Means, fuch as Praying, hearing of the Word, and the like, the Soul will reply, I go about them as I can ; but the more I do, the worfe I am, I am no better, every Work of my Hand is unclean. Tell them there is a Promife to themwho diligently leek the Lord. Heb. xi. 6, There will then be a Number of Objeáions againft their diligent Seeking, fo as the Foun- dation