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or Form qf Faith. 97 dation of their. Comfort being in themfelves, it Will be lubrick,& totterfoirie. Tell themChrift is a fufficient Saviour. I know, will the Soul fay,but will he help me.? Q! He is gracious; but Is he fo tome ? Bid the Soul receive Chrifta' and then ihall it be comforted,but ho* receive Chrif{ ? InaPromife or Word certainly. Now this Prorrife muil be either a conditional' Pro.:' mile, or an abfolute ; if a conditional Pro- mile, nò Comfort can be received from it, till thé Condition be performed by the Soul; and here corne 'in Obj.edions anent the Con- dition.But if Chrift be' received in. an ab. folcate . Promife, how canI make ufe of, ot be comforted from it, unlefs I knovc, and, be- lieve this Prornife is made to me ? What Warrant is to take Comfort, td know Ctrrift is able to fave Sinners, that he raves Tome ? How fhall my Heart be ,flrengthned, if I, know not fuch a Proiiiife belongs to nie, if I be not allowed particularly to ap® ply it : Therefore have Devils no Corn- fort ,in all the Promiles of the Gofpel, be- caùfe not warranted to apply 'theña. Reafoit 9th. Confider whether there can be a Cloying with Clrift or the Promife, with- öut Application of ir, and whether it be not a Corítradi&ion to fay, I am to lay Hold on, ro accept of filch a Thing, and yet make no Ap4Iication of it to my'felf at : He that eats Bread applies it to his Mouth, he G that.